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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Good. I love when people say they have put me on ignore! It proves they cannot give proper responses and I get to read all their posts without having to put up with their puerile responses to my posts! A win win situation, for me!
  2. Sorry I should have known there was an English(US) spelling for it somewhere!
  3. What is the point of your last two posts? We can all claim to be Einstein on here! What does that prove?
  4. I assume you just "forgot" to provide a link to prove that statement! Why pick "Glasgow" and not say "Bangkok" or "Phuket" or another Thai location as being comparable and appropriate?
  5. The "Credit" card company can but the "Debit" card company is not covered by law. (not in the UK that is)
  6. How to connect totally unrelated things together without any connections or even trying! I suggest you stick to finance which you seem to think you know something about!
  7. Do you think anyone would fall for that? I checked online and it's not true, it's her "husband" David! from the village of Little Bottom in Fillet, Herts.
  8. Let's put that a bit in perspective: Since the start of 2023, how many police have been charged found guilty and been given an appropriately severe punishment, not an inactive post?
  9. Not in the UK under section 75 of the CCA. Section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act - Which?
  10. I think your spellchecker has failed! It should be "Trump the D!ckhead"
  11. I hope it was mixed pairs tiddlywinks as it would be unfair as males have more strength in their hand/wrist action!
  12. I expressed my opinion, not what the law states! I just happen to disagree with it!
  13. All accused persons and witnesses should have their names withheld until a guilty verdict, if any, is reached!
  14. I did not realise the trial had ended and a guilty verdict had been handed down!
  15. Sorry, but I must disagree! There are many real policemen wandering about finding infringements but the idea of not accepting brown envelopes to ignore them has not yet been had!
  16. Total BS! A communist state, also known as a Marxist–Leninist state, is a one-party state that is administered and governed by a communist party guided by Marxism–Leninism. Marxism–Leninism was the state ideology of the Soviet Union, the Comintern after Bolshevisation and the communist states within the Comecon, the Eastern Bloc, and the Warsaw Pact.[1] Marxism–Leninism currently still remains the ideology of a few parties around the world. After its peak when many communist states were established, the Revolutions of 1989 brought down most of the communist states, however, it is still the official ideology of the ruling parties of China, Cuba, Laos, and Vietnam.[2] During most of the 20th century, before the Revolutions of 1989, around one-third of the world's population lived under communist states.[3] From WikI!
  17. But the article is about Songkran in Bangkok and the Bangkok Governor's 4 Rules regarding celebrations, or lack of, in Bangkok.
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