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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Imagine sitting next to someone like you on a long haul flight!
  2. I hope his COVID and other vaccines are in order!
  3. I agree with you. A computer, or any device, is there to benefit the user and the user is free to tailor it however he/she wants! It is like saying you cannot mod your car/MC to suit your needs as some factory mod might not quite work as intended if you do so.
  4. The printed list may be "universal" but the IO's interpretation of the requirements vary from most Imm Officers and Imm Offices. We know they shouldn't but this is as it is, as This is Thailand (T!T)!
  5. I have no idea where you got that info from! Could you provide a link please. I believe the actual figures are nearer these; English 1,121M Mandarin 1,107M Hindi 698M Spanish 512M The 20 most spoken languages in the world in 2022 (lingua.edu)
  6. I have employed many who can and were good at multi tasking. I suggest you stop degenerating a whole nation because of your narrow minded vision of the few Thais you have interacted with!
  7. I may be the majority share holder of one of the businesses "supervising" his staff!
  8. Neither have I! There is a big difference between being an "idiot" and not being smart!
  9. As you state it is Putin causing the harm, not the people of those countries. Why should they be "punished" for his actions?
  10. I have no say in who is in charge of North Korea, or most other countries for that matter. I still have no reason to believe that the man is at all smart. If he was smart his country and people would not be in the dreadful state that he subjects them to!
  11. No as I did not want to be seen boasting about my fellow countrymen's various "prowess's"!
  12. And this action by the IOC of letting them compete as individuals but nor "representing" their country emphasises that point with too much harm to the athletes. What has your comment on the European games (whatever that is) got to do with the IOC decision?
  13. If the were no Thais then no Thailand and therefore nowhere for moaners and curmudgeons to complain from!
  14. Thailand's Internal travellers I would suggest! We don't all stay cocooned in our condo or whatever and not venture out and explore this great country. Isn't that why we (all-well some) came here in the first place?
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