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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. I did and it does not answer these questions! I will ask again; 1. What specific information do Thai Banks record and disclose to other entities WRT any ATM transactions? 2. What specific information do Thai Banks record and disclose to other entities WRT any Credit Card transactions? Please answer with specific information and not either your opinion or obscure links, just the source links to the info you provide, not that you ever will given your posting history!
  2. What a load of codswallop, The SSBN's are based at Faslane and the warheads at RNAD Coulport, both in Scotland. The Trident missiles are rotated between the US/UK and maintained in the US but the Warheads are built, stored and maintained in the UK! "One of the most common myths around the system is that the United States has control over the UK’s Trident missile system, that is not the case. It’s often said that the UK’s Trident nuclear weapons system is not ‘independent’ or that the UK doesn’t have the ability to use the system without the US agreeing to it, in reality the UK does retain full operational control over the system. One common argument is that the US can simply ‘turn off’ the GPS system and therefore can stop the UK using Trident, this is also a myth, Trident isn’t guided by satellite." No, America doesn’t control Britain’s nuclear weapons
  3. It does not! I will ask again; What specific information do Thai Banks record (and potentially disclose) to other entities WRT any ATM transactions? I will add to that "What specific information do Thai Banks record (and potentially disclose) to other entities WRT any Credit Card transactions?
  4. B.S.! The US does not have control over UK manufactured warheads! Deterrence as part of the UK’s defence policy - House of Lords Library
  5. Try posting something intelligent and original for a change. That is if you are actually capable of such an action! course!
  6. The only one constantly "yapping" is you!
  7. But yet you do try to do so with every pointless response you make!
  8. As you do with your pointless kindergarten responses! Is your post count not up high enough yet?
  9. No, not coffee! Being a gentleman I would prepare a fresh brew of the finest Ceylon Tea which would contain sufficient arsenic for my purpose! I would of course offer and insist that you take the first sip!
  10. it is certainly not a factual response to my question! You have had time to find the answers so I assume that your lack of responses means you don't know them off the top of your head! I will ask again; What specific information do Thai Banks record (and potentially disclose) to other entities WRT any ATM transactions? I will add to that "What specific information do Thai Banks record (and potentially disclose) to other entities WRT any Credit Card transactions? Please be precise with links, not quotes, to your answer, if it ever happens!
  11. So does Bob lack any class or decorum! Ps; or brains!
  12. A school that knows you is totally different to some foreigner just turning up and wanting to coach your kids!
  13. Unfortunately a lot of those crap meaningless words on the screen were posted by you!
  14. That would give me even more cause for concern!
  15. Please tell me what that "certain information" is! It is not explained in your meaningless quote as usual!
  16. I take that to mean "couldn't care less about what's required. That's what I am paying for. I'm on the gold ILLEGAL course." 🤣
  17. The fact that these questions are being asked on a public forum give me cause for concern! I would have thought that any "teacher" looking for employment in any school and especially a foreign school would have done a lot of home work (no pun intended) and sorted all this out before hand!
  18. My question was not directed at you so BUTT out! Apart from being a financial charlatan you now seem to have become a failed clairvoyant and claim to know what other posters were thinking when they posted!
  19. If you are scaremongering as usual then I assume you mean Thai banks and NOT your issuing bank! As such then exactly what details do you claim that the Thai banks know about each individual transaction. Please provide links to confirm the lies statements you are about to make!
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