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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. That is why I never put idiots on ignore! I just love reading their puerile posts and the responses they get. If you put them on ignore you often do not get to see the post that people are responding to! it is great entertainment IMO!
  2. And it gave you and more importantly the rest of the world TRUMP!
  3. Now you know what it is like to get a taste of your own warped and so called opinionated facts!
  4. Please do not be so big headed as to think anyone would be daft enough to consider that you would be worth trolling! I have already told you my position with regarding posting opinions on any site regarding any so called tax changes. I will say no more on that subject! I will however continue to call you out when you make your scaremongering and potentially dangerous posts! People who do not know you, do not realise that you are a total charlatan and that the posts you make appearing/hinting as being facts are not clearly stated as being your wild opinions!
  5. I feel for you as I also just cannot find enough invectives to truly and accurately describe it;s posting record!
  6. What drugs were you taking before making that dumbass post. Please re-write in English when the drugs have worn off!
  7. I am so glad that you agree regarding your dumbness and our superiority! I suspect however that it was not your intention to convey such a negative image regarding yourself but that's life in your case! Please continue with your consistently low standards of posting on your new forums! God help them!
  8. Thanks! My point behind the post exactly! But will he admit it?
  9. If true then all I can say is thanks to God for his small but very welcome mercies!
  10. Just like all it's other contradictory and mostly inaccurate posts! Thank God it states it is leaving! Unfortunately it has not said if it will stop it's posts!
  11. I see you edited your original post from "laptop" to "steele dossier"! What caused that change I wonder
  12. Same to you! Stop whinging about Thailand and get to hell out of hear ASAP as you promised!
  13. Again, you are completely wrong dear MB! If you believe the crap you have just posted then you don't read the UK gutter press in that case!
  14. So you still do not know the answer(s)? Is that because you ONLY listen to RT and your internet feed from Putin's propaganda machine?
  15. So boringly yappy. Do you not realise just what an idiot you make of yourself with your responses of a 5 YO.
  16. So you do NOT know what news outlets/internet etc are available in Russia!
  17. Be careful as they might infect you with COVID if you have not had your jabs and wear your masks!
  18. It does not matter. I believe that most national newspapers around the world report more crimes from foreigners in their country than they will of the indigenous population! it is human nature after all!
  19. Sorry but "Trump" and "think" is an oxymoron!
  20. I think the US is under idiotic Trump and NOT Bumbling Biden! I know your Putin propaganda link is unreliable and outdated but Do please keep up with events outside of your Lord and Master puppet regime!
  21. This is supposed to be a discussion board, not a board for leftists or rightists that are unable (to) actually discuss anything to regurgitate links to articles other idiot rightist or leftists write. It may surprise you that many many people around the world are neither "leftist or rightist or members or supporters of any such alignment! I suggest you and all the rightist/leftists remove their blinkers and accept and look at the world with that thought in mind!
  22. I assume you must have tried to otherwise why the question! What was their response to your FOI request?
  23. NO! You just do not get it! It is not left right, Rep/Dem! It is about the idiot Trump the person and who is unfortunately POTUS!
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