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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. I least I can post my own cognitive thoughts and not those imbecilic tirades you post from your master! Go and bark off now little trump poodle!
  2. They were probably just flagging down those they new whose brown envelopes had bounced!
  3. God help the rest if you are typical! PS; I'll do your Yap yap yap for you so you don't need to reply with your usual insults!
  4. I must most strongly object! It does not have a chip on it's shoulder! It is evenly biased against anything anti trump as it has a chip on each shoulder! PS; It probably also has chips planted in what is left of it's brain and in it's Butt and Mouth area! PPS; There will be a usual Yap yap yap response from it which is best just ignored!
  5. Did you escape from your asylum or did you bribe a doctor!
  6. I do! Just go to your embassy website and ask about website does/don's! Sorry I forgot you cannot ask that question of the Russian Embassy website!
  7. That may explain why his advice is so "corny"!
  8. As are most western news outlets, internet sites and VPNs in Russia (and China)!
  9. That is what the person who posted above about MC helmets and masks must think! They mix up surgeons wearing masks to STOP THEM spreading infections with them stopping the wearer from receiving infections. We all agree that they are NOT 100% effective, an NP95 is much better but expensive etc, but anything is better than nothing!
  10. Given that idiotic comparison I will assume you must have been in such an accident and wearing your mask instead of your helmet at the time!
  11. There were a couple of threads last year about how UK citizens arriving in UK airports can declare themselves homeless and what help they received. Someone may remember the details!
  12. He will be treated initially with or without payment. Once he has shown/they summarize that he will not be leaving the UK any time soon he will be registered with a local UK doctor!
  13. What a load of blinkered B.S. If anything you two will have achieved the opposite! What a pair of tin foil hatted nincompoops!
  14. Do you use an agent for your propaganda scripts or do Putin's office provide them F.O.C.?
  15. That is exactly your problem! For many people being anti Trump has nothing to do with party politics or being left right or wound counterclockwise. The problem is very straight forward. The problem is TRUMP!
  16. It does not know as all it does is spout forth what it's great master in chief tells it to post. I do hope that Trump did not come up with it's "Yap yap yap" responses!
  17. Is that a promise you actually intend to keep?
  18. Trump and his MAGAlomaniac supporters are the ones creating the disaster not the people exposing it. Don't shoot the messenger, get rid of the problem!
  19. It is not a case of hoping if it will be a disaster but rather a case of when and after what consequences!
  20. They have probably got crankier with age. If they were here 50 years ago they are probably in their 70's at least now! 😁
  21. I am shocked and stunned that you appear to have believed that load of codswallop! 🤣
  22. Cannot be both unless passengers have to show their wage slip, if such a thing exists for minimum wage Thais!
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