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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Why not? She new the penalties! Go rot in hell as far as I am concerned to anyone who deals in these drugs!
  2. What did you expect otherwise from this so called author!
  3. Then why did you not write that originally and why did you not immediately reply with that defence when challenged? PS; Please note that he (RYG) has amended his original post to now read as above!
  4. I replied; So I will ask the question(s) you have asked for! Were you lying when you stated "In the 10 years in Thailand I have NEVER carried my passport around and NEVER have been asked to produce it" or are you here illegally? Which one is it? Liar or illegal resident?
  5. That is a fake e-mail. The real one is from Princess Megan Windsor of shanty town Nigeria! Send her all your money as she really needs it!
  6. Has the rice been declared safe to eat by an authorised/respected body? If yes, what is the problem?
  7. Not free ones! They have to make money somehow
  8. Is it an recent prescription if so do you mind if I aske where from and how much? I am looking at doing the same as you but do not have a recent prescription!
  9. They do not believe that Trump would aver tell a lie and that all "Fact Checking" is fake!
  10. Now we know why you want Putin to win his war in Ukraine so that he can start WW111 and kill you the way you want!
  11. It is not a language/understanding problem! They do not use them! Who said anything about using public machines! I said a laundry and meant a proper family run laundry who do it all for you!
  12. If you had said "In the 10 years in Thailand I have rarely carried my passport around and NEVER have been asked to produce it except at places like banks, hotels and immigration". You would have been believed because that is my situation! But to say you have NEVER carried it is a lie unless you are here illegally!
  13. They are not "available everywhere"! They may be readily available but not everywhere! Just three doors down from where I am sitting in CM (a main road in the city) the shop owners don't even know what a QR code is never mind use them! My laundry does not use them either!
  14. He never has answers! Only questions for links/proof about nothing!
  15. Why! If it does not work that might not be possible! What you really mean is remove the HDD/SSD before disposal
  16. Nothing! But you are making him out to be some downtrodden pro bono lawyer who scaped his way up the the legal and political gravy train! He is a multimillionaire and the Starmer family live together in £1.75 million home in Camden, London! He is just another so called labour politician with his snout in the political trough!
  17. I suggest you stop picking on me because you made a misleading post about those perverts! Please stop attacking me and attack them instead!
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