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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Does eating my meat count instead of her having to eat non vegan meat?
  2. It should have had penis in the badge and been red/green/LBQTalphabet coloured not just green IMO but a bloody good joke all the same!!
  3. Let us hope not! If he did get in again just how low a score would he get at the end of it?
  4. The OP heading/title; "Rishi Sunak: Ofcom launches investigation into PM's appearance on GB News" is very misleading! It is GB News who are being investigated, not Rishi Sunak who, as the OP states, "the questions came from undecided voters and had not been previewed by Sunak or GB News"!
  5. Are there enough truly living and fit enough ASEANNOW members around to actually fill a long haul flight!
  6. Typical woke response. Gender has nothing to do with so called "civics" but all to do with biology and science!
  7. I thought we were talking about classified documents. NO the OP is about; Trump is dominating the primaries. Look at the OP heading quoted above!!
  8. Did you bother to read my post CONFIRMING your point? I will precis it so that even you can understand it; Yingluck was removed from office on 7 May 2014 by a Constitutional Court decision! On 22 May 2014, the Royal Thai Armed Forces, led by General Prayut Chan-o-cha, Commander of the Royal Thai Army (RTA), launched a coup d'état
  9. I suggest others see my post and link below above for clarification!
  10. Yingluck was Thailand's first female prime minister and its youngest in over 60 years. She was removed from office on 7 May 2014 by a Constitutional Court decision! On 7 May 2014, the Constitutional Court of Thailand removed Yingluck Shinawatra from the office of caretaker prime minister and defence minister following months of political crisis. The court found her guilty of charges of abuse of power over the removal of national security chief Thawil Pliensri in 2011. In the wake of the May 2014 military coup, Yingluck was arrested along with former cabinet ministers and political leaders of all parties and held at an army camp for a few days while the coup was consolidated. On 22 May 2014, the Royal Thai Armed Forces, led by General Prayut Chan-o-cha, Commander of the Royal Thai Army (RTA), launched a coup d'état, the 12th since the country's first coup in 1932, against the caretaker government of Thailand, following six months of political crisis Yingluck Shinawatra - Wikipedia
  11. Then why come to Thailand or if not in Thailand why comment?
  12. February 9, 2001: Thaksin becomes Thailand’s 23rd prime minister. His government becomes Thailand’s first elected government to complete its four-year term (Feb 17, 2001 – March 11, 2005). February 6, 2005: Thai Rak Thai records a landslide win, sweeping 377 House seats, and becomes the first party to form a one-party government. March 11, 2005: Thaksin becomes the prime minister for the second time. Thaksin’s parole gives ammunition to his critics: Key events in his political life (nationthailand.com)
  13. You look so much younger than I thought you were! 😄
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  15. Is there anything she can't do? Yes! getting me or even @ballpointto shag her!
  16. He might be classified as the stable genius only if he was sharing the stable with a retarded donkey!
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