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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. I am glad you agree that that is exactly what that keyboard warrior is; a total spoilsport who ruins the forums at every bodies expense just to boost his/it's ego! Thankyou for your support!
  2. Look at the comment above my post that you have quoted me on. They all imply if not actually saying it. I suggest you grow up, let the law take it's course and read all the posts before you make unwarranted/pointless comments!
  3. What a fabulous description of that piece of bandwidth hogging trash! PS; Unfortunately he will take our comments as compliments!
  4. No I just use the "all activity" function every few hours to catch up on ALL the posts that are of interest to me since I last logged on! Very simple, no detective work involved and if there was I would not waste it on that boring self deluded gabbling gob who unfortunately interrupts my reading pleasure! I know you can put a poster on ignore but unfortunately I do not know of a way to put idiotic Topics on ignore. Maybe I should suggest it to @george !
  5. Only If it is being used for a current flight! They are not going to be checking the passports, even if they could, of the last use of a passport FROM the UK for expats etc, unless you are a MAJOR criminal, even if they could!
  6. Can you handle it when we shoot down Trump and his troll supporters, like YOU, for all the cr@p he has done, which YOU, along with the rest of your ilk, refuse to acknowledge? It does not seem like it as all you do is troll!
  7. What if the rest of the non "supporting Putin" countries followed suit? I reckon it would be a bigger slap in the face than any sanctions they could use! PS; Any ideas for other names that Russian addresses could be changed to? Putin Under arrest Street Russia Putin the World at risk Street PPS; No mail to be delivered unless the new offending name is used!
  8. You must feel that to a much greater extent being the Trumpeteer that you are!
  9. Unfortunately we also get lumbered with you doing nothing but attacking him with drivel and garbage which should be directed to your MAGA idiotic chief!
  10. Who cares as all the contenders mentioned so far as his previous avatar are a bunch of ..............(insert own personal insult) who should not be allowed anywhere near a keyboard!
  11. Read the actual transcript! After completing work on their bridge in Thailand, presenters Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond make fun of the double meaning of the world 'slope' in an exchange. Clarkson begins with "that is a proud moment, but there's a slope on it" to which Hammond replies "you're right, it's definitely higher on that side". In the scene, a single Thai worker can be seen walking across the bridge. Slope Controversy | Top Gear Wiki | Fandom
  12. Wrong. That only started at the end of the 1990's! The fourth plinth is the northwest plinth in Trafalgar Square in central London. Was built in 1841. It was originally intended to hold an equestrian statue of William IV, but remained bare due to insufficient funds. In 1998, three contemporary sculptures were commissioned to be displayed temporarily on the plinth. A tradition that has been continued till today! (the above has ben edited) Fourth plinth - Wikipedia
  13. Do they classify as "pipedreams" in that case?
  14. I never put these idiots on ignore as I just love reding their stupid bigoted comments coming from under their tin foil hats!
  15. You do not need to use "infantile" descriptions regarding Biden as he is NOT infantile but with Trump you have to as Trump and the vast majority of his supporters/followers are very infantile and as such it is the only language that they could possibly understand, if at all!
  16. He started about 0300 and has made multiple post during each hourly period since. He/it claims to live in Chiang Mai!
  17. It is only a graph produced by someone/thing you support! It is NOT proof, it is only the opinion of the originator who may claim it is proof!
  18. How could they measure temperature to within 0.01C in 1850? What instrument did they use?
  19. Not good I agree but much much better than seeing "Biden, TRUMP, the most unpopular 2-term president ever." No matter how well or badly President Biden does or does not do in his second term!
  20. I suggest you provide a link to the specific stats you wish to prove and not just a general link to a total data base!
  21. Just remember that some of those were working under multiple avatars until they got mixed up with their "personalities" and found out. There was one in the last few days who posted at least twice and sometimes over 8 times in every hourly period for over 24 hrs with only a 2 hr break.
  22. I suggest you make your sentence clearer and then produce facts from a reputable source!
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