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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. I suggest you have a canter around the library, they might be able to trot out some words to saddle you with while you have sip from your stirrup cup!
  2. Please do not attack the messenger just because I contradicted your comment; "It's very common for landlords to use that as a profit center, which should be illegal but it's not." Not true as I stated above! I do not enforce the law in Thailand! I was just correcting your erroneous statement! I would suggest to future prospective "tenants" that they ask the utility charges and when quotes are higher than the law states that they either walk out or negotiate under the law! The renter is boss given the present market forces!!
  3. I went into my bank BKK and asked for a letter/statement with my address in English. It was accepted by VFS as proof of address a bout 6 months back. PS' Just realised you asked the "consular team"! Sorry.
  4. There are laws in place regarding Utility charges by landlords! http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/tap-water-electricity-fees-apartments-come-legal-control-may-1/
  5. If, as you imply, you have never paid for a flight with them and have therefore never used them how do you know how good or bad they are as you obviously have no first hand knowledge of them?
  6. Alas, another explosion of uncontrollable verbal diarrhea from the great useless so called wordsmith.
  7. If he is appealing the amount of the bond/fine does that imply that he accepts that he must pay a fine but is only contesting the amount and not the penalty/fine itself?
  8. It would be hard to believe he actually knows any facts. All the dolt knows is what is Trumpeted into it's so called brain!
  9. I suppose you consider that a constructive and meaningful post!
  10. Are you crediting the Dolt as having the abilities of an actual adult?
  11. Given Trump's lack of brain capacity and his ongoing mental problems I totally agree!
  12. Depends if IT is real or just being used by AN to generate clickbait. I suspect IT is real as most AI generated posts normally have at least a grain of truth and or sanity in them! The dolt does not have any of those called qualities!
  13. Thanks! That was my impression but if it really was a daily compound interest, as was implied by an earlier poster. then WOW!
  14. On that note I will baton down the hatches and say it is good night!
  15. I will try and orchestrate a response tomorrow!
  16. It might just boomerang back on you! PS; remember the two little boys! I say no more!
  17. Because he wants his best mate Trump to win and is only pretending to like Biden so that Anti Putin/Trumpeteers will be put off Biden and vote Trump!
  18. When/how did you discover that Gatling Gob was wearing it's short skirts to ogle the adolescent students at the CM Uni campus?
  19. I assume that is Gatling Gobs reason for going there, assuming it actually has a brain, to give it a reason to do anything! PS; We are assuming that it is the girls and NOT the teenage boys that he is possibly ogling there! PPS; Do they sell plastic macs in the Maya shopping center?
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