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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. I think it is time for AI and possibly the MODS to step in and detect who is this New? troll! Less than 48 and he really knows how make a total prat of himself and make no friends!
  2. Sorry about the size of the photos above but when I got back to edit their size I was too late!
  3. Don't forget the deep fried Pizza! It is scrumptious, but don't go for the ones with pineapple as the pineapple gets all mushy in the center and hard on the outside and also burns like hell! 🍕
  4. So why quote me? and why not answer my question?
  5. Well I didn't call anyone losers! Your response was not an answer to my question! PS; I just following your example of jumping in and answering a question I was NOT asked by a question (which in this case, unlike yours, is relevant)! When were you President?
  6. You have been a member under your present avatar for less than 48 Hours and are arguing with everybody. Let us think/guess what your previous avatar was!
  7. Poster's of only one day's standing normally take life gently until they have read themselves into the forums!
  8. Why are you jumping into a question which I have specifically asked of another poster who has not yet replied. Start your own topic or thread! Please do not try and drag me into your rantings!
  9. A question answered by a load of disconnected questions/statements does not an answer make! Especially since I did not ask you! Any chance of you allowing the person I asked the question of to provide a responsible and/or appropriate answer to the question?
  10. Who started their own Paddington Bear licenced company and sent JC to Public Schools (Repton etc). NOT that that has anything to do with JC (and May & Hammond) and his great programmes!!
  11. Are you claiming to have better knowledge than them?
  12. I assume, and hope, that you are being sarcastic! You are in the same cuckoo land as Trump if you are not and actually believe that!
  13. Which is all the more reason for them to keep their emotions in check!
  14. "from where they can continue the never-ending conflict in and around Isael! The terrorists in Yemen are neither in or around Israel! Israel and the Yemen are over 2,000km apart!
  15. That link does not answer any of my specific questions! Whose records? How/what were they measuring? What was their accuracy? In fact it states its records start in 1950! Please try harder!
  16. You can't do that as the fridge might be powered by so called non renewable energy! You are now only allowed to run your fridge when either the sun is shining or when the wind is blowing!
  17. Whose records? How/what were they measuring? What was their accuracy?
  18. In Clarkson's case his parents made enough money from their "Paddington Bear" licenced company to send him to private schooling!
  19. Resign on day one or else go jump of a bridge somewhere!
  20. I know a certain poster on AN who GOB's all the time! PS; For once I am not making a dig @ballpoint 😄
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