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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. You better go and ask her what she wants stuffed with as I am not sure what she really wants! (Says he lying!)
  2. Yes millions of idiots voted Biden Trump. Sums up America. PS; It looks like millions of idiots will be stuck with voting for either Biden or Trump. Sums up America.
  3. And you will certainly need medical and burial insurance! 😄
  4. Have you considered the possibility that your post are marked as confusing because they are confusing to the reader(s)?
  5. Probably because there is no positive viewpoint to post about!
  6. Are you saying that a certain "so called" politician is actually just an entertainer and not really a politician and you want it leading your country?
  7. I suggest you actually read your links before posting them. This is a direct quote from your broad link above; "Unlike his uniquely dishonest predecessor, Biden did not bury fact-checkers in a daily avalanche of serial falseness. Biden never came close to making a dozen false claims in a single speech, let alone five dozen false claims in one address, as Trump once did. In fact, the total number of Biden false claims so far is in the dozens, while Trump delivered well over 1,000 total false claims in his own first year and more than 3,000 the next year. (Fact check: A look at Biden's first year in false claims | CNN Politics) This was taken from your google link!!! You are just like Trump. No facts just waffle and lies!!
  8. You are the troll! Have a look at just one example of the Trumpet's lie count! Trump’s false or misleading claims total 30,573 over 4 years - The Washington Post
  9. What was the Liar quote number for any of Trump's debates or speeches?
  10. Unfortunately You may be closer to the truth than many, like myself, would like to see! I just wish it was not Biden he was against!
  11. Quite rightly. You admit that his comment is outrageous! Only in the USA could a so called "Politician" as Trump remain as a serious contender in a political race without resigning of his own accord after such an outrageous and potentially destabilising speech!
  12. Where in the article does it discuss or even mention government involvement in the use /overdosage of two perfectly legal drugs. I suggest you renew your your tin foil hat!
  13. Yes Please via the link/source that I asked for but which you have ignored, as expected!
  14. Please provide credible links/sources to the above! PS; Where do you buy the tinfoil for your hat?
  15. UK Military law covers many "civil" offences including theft; "A military criminal conduct offence covers any activity recognised as an offence under civilian criminal law in England and Wales, for example, theft, grievous bodily harm, common assault or battery. These offences are all considered charged in the service justice system as an offence against section 42 of the Armed Forces Act 2006. This covers two types of offences: Source; HM_Forces_-_Criminality_v1.0.pdf (publishing.service.gov.uk)
  16. I hear it will be folding soon if it does not turn over a new leaf!
  17. It sounds like he never had a moral compass to lose in the first place.
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