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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Wrong! Not when people "celebrate" outside of the "official" two day bank holiday! thailand bank holidays 2023 - Search (bing.com)
  2. Going only 100m down the street in my case from my Office to the Bank!
  3. Totally agree! Same thing happened to me many times when I had to go to work during Songkran! Absolute nonsense the whole thing! In the past at least CM kept it to 3/4 days max and I could go and hide when not working.
  4. You forgot Granada when the USA, under Reagan, invaded a Commonwealth Nation!
  5. Do you think they took their own lives at that horrible thought of the MEGA Trump's second coming?
  6. I suspect that is why! By having a UK address, phone apps with UK VPN and using the same "trusted" PC which I originally authorised by my phone app via UK SIMM/VPN (can't remember which during setups) I never get an SMS! (make sure the cookies to the Financial companies are never deleted (Ccleaner etc))
  7. For a month staying in Thailand?
  8. For a whole month if they go ahead with their crazy "one month Songkran Festival?
  9. I have more than two UK Bank accounts, plus Wise and 2/3credit cards and use both Aps and online banking for all via a VPN saying I am in the UK and never have to get an SMS. (I am obviously NOT stating what banks/companies etc for privacy reasons) Occasionally I am asked to log on to the app of the authorising bank to allow a transfer. I have both UK and Thai SIMS on my phone!
  10. If so then many expats who think they will be liable for resident's tax will be using April as 30days of their 181 absentee days!
  11. That is as maybe but the rest of the free world does NOT deserve Trump IMO!
  12. BS! Please provide a link that either this satellite or either of the Noor satellites are in sun-synchronous orbit and why would a country in the middle east use such a system?
  13. Info from the Iranian Spy Satellite perhaps and a few other sources! Khayyam satellite - Wikipedia
  14. Make sure the built in VPN in Opera is not active!
  15. I have still got my original BKK Bank FD A/C Passbook form 2016. At annual rollover time a line is inserted with the added interest. the withholding tax removed and a line stating the new/roll over interest rate! PS; BKK keep telling me that even though I have a registered my TIN with them they must still withhold it and I every couple of years I recover the Tax from the RD in CM! They even open an account for you with Kasiskorn bank (I think) to do the first transfer. I will confirm which bank shortly. Would you believe the RD will NOT pay my withholding tax refund into my BKK Bank account!
  16. At CM IO I only provide the updated BKK Bank passbook, without any same day/recent deposit and the 100baht letter. No statements. Contrary to another poster you can deposit money into a fixed deposit account during it's term. The fixed refers to the interest rate, not the amount!
  17. It is correct that if you withdraw you lose the interest which is why IO allow this for visa extensions as it is instant access. You are wrong however to say that you cannot add to it; Fixed Deposit Account (bangkokbank.com) Note: Deposits into a Fixed Deposit account or Sinmathaya Subthawee account via Bualuang ATMs, Cash Deposit Machines, Bualuang Phone, Bualuang iBanking and Bualuang mBanking can be made between 6:00a.m.-11:00p.m.
  18. Invade to Externals up to 168TB! External Hard Drive, USB Hard Drives, External Hard Drives, WD External Hard Drives, Seagate External Hard Drives, 12TB, 16TB, 10TB, 18TB, 168TB Thailand - invadeIT BTW. Why do you require a 2.5" drive?
  19. I think we should just gloss over it and apply the finishing touches!
  20. Your post above shows that yours is the kind of emotionalism that shows you are incapable of logical and unbiased thoughts!
  21. It would help if keyboard warrior apologist's like you stopped supporting them (Houthis) and spouting their propaganda! I am waiting for your cast iron solution that does not involve the wipe out or total destruction of Israel!
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