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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Why! How many countries subsidise health care? An overview of countries that offer free healthcare (skuad.io)
  2. May go up to 68 in the next decade! Proposed new timetable for State Pension age increases - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
  3. Doesn't most of the stuff Trump claims to own actually belong to the Banks etc?
  4. For the sake of climate change alone his "hot air" should be stopped immediately! (and I don't care how! (legally I mean ))
  5. My understanding is that the worst they can do is to stop any further increases, unless you "permanently" return to the UK, and revert you back to the rate that you were on/entitled to when you left the UK! PS; This aspect (pension penalties) is off topic and should be discussed in the UK pension threads if you wish to continue it!
  6. The OP has already stated her budget! Can you not read? Here is a clue/hint. it is in the title of the OP!
  7. Why divert the topic? The OP has clearly stated a requirement for an all in one colour printer!
  8. So you obviously do not stay in Thailand with a legal renewable visa that requires printed forms etc that you need to print out every year!
  9. I think I just Wanna Gonna off to another thread!
  10. That is what worries me! Do you have to sign up to it?
  11. If you believe that hogwash then you are not living in either the real Thailand or this planet Earth!
  12. I know where I would stick that if she produced it in front of me! The problem is she might enjoy it at the larger end!
  13. Over a few decades I have used all three of those brands brands with great success and have only changed brands/printers because of the logistics of moving between counties, not because of problems. My current printer is a 7 year old cannon E140 inkjet!
  14. It is difficult to recommend a printer based on long time experience as it is probably out of production by the time we give our "my Brother/Cannon etc" has been great for ten years. I can only suggest you visit a reputable store/website like; Printers, Inkjet Printers, HP Printers, Laser Printers, Photo Printers, Color Printers, Computer Printers Thailand - invadeIT
  15. It is designed primarily for for connection between Apple Products not for Windows/Android etc although there are some workarounds!
  16. Which one made the wish for either a big dick or a big cock?
  17. Colour inkjets are less expensive than colour Lasers. What percentage is colour? would using home monochrome for the majority and an Internet cafe for colour work out?
  18. I should have added that although the initial purchase price of a Laser will be greater than that of an inkjet, over the years it will be more economical and reliable.
  19. Is that your knee jerk reaction or are you just giving us the middle digit? Either way I would leg it before the finger points at you!
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