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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Well done! What a brilliant response to a poster I commented on earlier whose avatar is so near to the quality of his postings. He should be renamed as "diddly squat" and then banned! PS; I know I am not a Mod but just expressing my disgust at some of his posts"
  2. I really do hope you are correct. Biden has done well IMO but I do not believe that anyone over 70yo should run for or hold high office anywhere!
  3. Ask forum support but I suspect that Pattaya News (PN) do not want AN cutting and pasting the whole of the PN article and that PN want AN members to click on the original PN source!
  4. You must have clicked an internet link at some stage of your life to get logged onto AN in the very first place, or most other sites for that matter!
  5. Doesn't the 5yr warranty period start when it is purchased by an end user customer and not when bought by a supplier/shop?
  6. Yet more misleading misinformation from you and yet you claim to be an expert. There is no point in having any discussion with you on any topic as once you have made your first inaccurate post on any topic nothing that anyone says will cause you to admit your errors! Good Bye!
  7. Your "Avatar/Name" seem to be nearly perfect for you as all your posts are worth DIDDLY SQUAT!
  8. So why did you ask about upgrading in the first place!
  9. One minute you ask if you can upgrade/change to Win11 then you state ; "The problem is that there seems to be very little to gain, in performance benefits, by upgrading to Win11." Do you want to upgrade/change or not?
  10. Try installing it using the Microsoft Windows download and the RUFUS media creation tool which can bypass, in some cases, but not all Microsoft Specification requirements! Cannot guarantee it will work but nothing to loose by trying it! Rufus - Create bootable USB drives the easy way Just remember that 4GB RAM and a 64 not 32 bit system is the minimum for WIN 11 to work no matter whither you have either a HDD or an SSD!
  11. I suspect and hope for your sake it is not a testicle and that you wee with it!
  12. In that case try posting the correct/accurate information!
  13. NO I did not watch it! (nor will I ever!) I use my many years of hand's on experience in my professional IT experience to state my case or try and make my point! My observations are not based on other poster's illogical/uninformed posts on this subject! I make my responses based on the correct correlation between the various components of a computer's components and their interaction with each other!
  14. Absolutely spot on but @NextGwill argue against you even though the rest of the sane technical world knows he is WRONG!
  15. Why would you want to? I do not care what people do in their own "private" lives but being bombarded by people demanding special attention because they are homosexual is what puts me totally off them! They should keep their sexuality to themselves and in the closet!
  16. Most of my friends are very gay and great fun to be around but I do not believe that any of them are homosexual as they have never boasted about being that way inclined!
  17. It is nothing to do with the sh!t it takes! It just posts the same sh!t all the time!
  18. BS! RAM vs. SSD: What's the Best Upgrade for Your PC? (makeuseof.com)
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