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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. That is as may be but it can still be copied and pasted via notebook etc like this; "Putin speechless after facing question from AI deepfake of himself" or use the "Paste as plain text" using the option at the bottom of the quote box "Assault on Kiev: Russian helicopters swoop above Ukraine's capital".
  2. A post that starts with "Possibly" should not be used in such a serious topic as this. Use facts please not conjecture!
  3. Let us hope so! A perfect face saving solution where Biden can withdraw using the "witch-hunt" against his family as his reason for dropping out! PS; I do not care or even wish for a pardon for Hunter if he is evet found guilty! I just think Biden should find an excuse to step down and let a younger person take on the mantle and defeat the MAGAmaniac!
  4. Was he also a member of the Thailand Expat Bar scene (ex) SAS/SEAL club that has more members than either organisation have ever had in their whole existence?
  5. I think you mean that your colour has no bearing on any of the faults that you may have!
  6. Why? It is a pointless question! PS; Here is another pointless question! Have you had close close combat with Hamas?
  7. Yes! By accident, wrong intelligence, misinformation, heat of battle etc. Just Google the number of so called "Friendly Fire" deaths in the Gulf war both "US on US" and "US on UK" forces!
  8. Please explain? Did you actually see it happen or do you mean you believe what you imagined what it would look like?
  9. I would not want him anywhere near me for any reason.
  10. But is the "missus" a "real" she or just yet another figment of his unfunny imagination?
  11. Have you and when you did what did you do? If you have not stood in such a food line why make the comment?
  12. What a disgusting comment! Comparing terrorist atrocities is like comparing dog turds and you two should be hanging your heads in shame at even having that conversation!
  13. "Shut That Door" as a Larry Gayson Grayson used to say!
  14. Are you saying that a single UK retiree >65 on full state pension will NOT pay any tax in Thailand?
  15. Then copy and paste to notebook/word etc then copy and paste back! When they are that big you cannot ignore them!
  16. Please take the suppository. It will stop him spouting out so much cr@p in both ways! And I do not mean from his mouth!
  17. I assume you are trying to be sarcastic! If not then it is a ridiculous post!
  18. That could be a solution but there is no chance of it happening!
  19. Why do you post in big black bold letters? Cant you just make a post in the standard font?
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