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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. Who is anymore? I don't have their address so I cannot do as you ask!
  2. I suggest you re-read my last post! I did not keep a "BS" in my last response to your last BS post! But if that is tour intention then I will keep putting "BS" to all your "BS" responses as you never give any real non "BS" answers anyway! Given that polite message would you care to respond, in a non BS way, if possible (????), to my previous statement/question? PS; BTW people do not talk on forums they type or communicate and in most cases with common sense and and understandable responses. I of course make an exception in your case!
  3. I did not know that you can see an accent! You said in your previous BS post that "Most people wearing hijab that I see on the Metro in Paris seem to be locals, not some recently arrived Muslims"! And of course you know that these "New/old arrivals were all born outside/inside of the French (ex) controlled African (Muslim) countries! So you claim you can tell the difference between a French speaking Muslim born in France and one born in Tunisia a generation apart? BS!
  4. What does that mean? Who or what is "80% on ignore" and the 80% is of what?
  5. Please describe how you can make that conclusion, Do they have an arrival date stamp on their hijab?
  6. Actually UK pensions started much earlier! The beginning of the modern state pension was the Old Age Pensions Act 1908, which provided 5 shillings (£0.25) a week for those over age 70 whose annual means did not exceed £31 10s. (£31.50).
  7. I will give you a few clues and you can work it out for yourself. MR Trump is not at present a President therefore MR Trump cannot pardon anyone! If there is a future Mr President Trump (God forbid) then we all know that that criminal will pardon all his criminal cronies!
  8. Don't get wound up and tied down by all the red tape around you!
  9. I bet he feels a right left t!t now finding out the truth!
  10. I do so hope it is curtains for him and his moronic posts/threads!
  11. Are you? What is the OP about? It seems that all dope heads retort with some stupid and unlinked reference to alcohol?
  12. Best advice is to grow your own stop using the dangerous cr@p at all!
  13. Then why post material that you know/suspect is going to be in breach of AN policy?
  14. All politicians in all countries are by definition dishonest to one degree or another! Some just take it to Mega MAGA heights!
  15. I am sure we all appreciate your very accurate and helpful advice where you clearly show the best alternatives to the OP's questions!! At least some posts have stated what they do but none have given specific sites or "login" details!
  16. I do not know who "@you two" is but I can only reply on my own behalf! I just wish for factual responses to my questions and hope they come with accurate sources (where appropriate) when I ask for them. Especially when people post inaccurate statements/gibberish! Not of course that I expect any such accurate statements from you as you have never done so previously! As far as I am concerned you are just a troll and I will continue to treat any of your similar posts as such in the future!
  17. All of them as you refuse to provide any facts or sources to backup ALL of your BS statements!
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