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Everything posted by scottiejohn

  1. A small plane crashed in the middle of the desert. The pilot and co-pilot wandered around for days in search of food, but could find nothing. Finally the co-pilot announced: ‘I’m so hungry.... I’m going to chop off my d!ck and eat it.’ ‘Before you do,’ said the pilot. ‘Think of your girlfriend.’ ‘What’s the point? At this rate I will never see her again anyway.’ ‘I know, but if you think of her first, hopefully there will be enough for both of us"!
  2. And stick your head in it please! Then we would not get your pointless posts!
  3. I hope your new company has nothing to do with public relations! PS; You said; "I'll make just one suggestion - when someone asks a question, please try to just answer that question, I wasn't inviting comments about my lawyer." Then why mention her in the first place?
  4. Then I suggest you ask her if it is her Forte! PS; I would have asked that question at first!
  5. My answer was not "smart arse" but yours is! He asked a question and I offered a solution which was to ask the lawyer who, even though they might not know the answer off the top of their head, will have contacts who will know the answers! You have not offered a solution, just a "smart arse" comment"! If I was setting up a company in a foreign country (which I have done in Thailand many years ago) I would suggest getting a competent lawyer who can handle ALL aspects!
  6. You haven't! Have you got 28 years seagoing experience and have any practical knowledge of the subject?
  7. Why not ask your Thai Business lawyer for the best entry solution in your specific situation?
  8. No we would not! A vessel that capsizes does not necessarily sink, it means it has overturned! It could still be righted and sail on!
  9. That comment should be in the Joke Section!
  10. Yes! It seems from his posts that he only communicate with himself!
  11. And a very large brown envelope along with a trip to the Temple to clear your "conscious" if you have one!
  12. Anything bought from a Pawn shop is by definition at least second hand!
  13. For being the most tasteless and sick poster in what is meant to be a comedy forum!
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