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Everything posted by Henryford

  1. I never drive at night. The roads here are bad enough in daylight.
  2. With the current defamation laws i couldn't say in an open forum.
  3. I went to Cockpit last time, very good service. I would never go to BQ
  4. Meanwhile in other news Anutin promotes the use of drugs throughout Thailand
  5. Yes i thought most safes came with master keys to open it if you forget the combination.
  6. They should check what car all school principals drive. If it's a Merc/BMW you know they are on the take.
  7. The tax is very small now and i just pay it. But i suspect, like in the west, they will see this as a cash cow and in the future ramp it up
  8. I give 20 for any longer journey, it's still dirt cheap
  9. An unsecured liability to the bank. In the event of bank failure you are last in the queue to get any money back.
  10. Not a puzzle at all. A big brown envelope changed hands.
  11. But riding a motorbike one handed while making a call is OK
  12. Says it all about the morality of Thailand when they condone the murder and torture of women and children.
  13. Crazy to pretend you have a war on drugs then turn Thailand into a ganja paradise.
  14. What good will that do if someone turns up with a gun? Unless you have a SWAT team stationed at every child care centre.
  15. Are there any farangs on the Condo Committee, talk to them. I can't believe they would tolerate a crackhead brothel in the condo, mine certainly wouldn't.
  16. It was the six wheeler that killed her.
  17. Be sure to attract all the quality tourists, sitting with a load of potheads smelling their disguting weed.
  18. If the deputy commissioner is "unusally wealthy" have they checked the commissioner?
  19. Yes, got the construction chief a new Mercedes
  20. Yes me too, i tried for the first time the other day. Bill was nearly 1000 baht, for two, and apart from the very good salad didn't enjoy it.
  21. I've had a NMAX and Aerox and now have a Click 160. The NMAX had some good points but i never warmed to it. The Aerox was great liked it a lot but the awful colour schemes put me off buying another. I've just bought my first Click. I really like it too, the new 160 is just as fast as the others now with rear disc brake (unlike the Aerox). No problems at all with stability and of course it's great for carrying stuff. One of the factors was price 72,000, a lot cheaper than an Aerox and wayyyyyyyy cheaper than a PCX (i was quoted 110,000). For riding mostly around town hard to beat it. And should be easy to sell when the time comes.
  22. I am totally surprised they are not here already. My bet is on the large plot of vacant land opposite the Grande Caribbean on Thappraya Road. Beach access as well and room for a massive hotel/casino complex.
  23. Just buy the copy for 2500. Who needs that hassle
  24. Makro is great, people pay in cash. You don't have to wait for ages behind some bozo trying to pay by phone or credit card.
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