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Everything posted by baansgr

  1. No problem with registered post, cost you about £10 to have it sent
  2. Foreign garbage shouldn't even be there..kick the 30 million foreigners.and their hanger ons out..
  3. You need to read my post carefully...maybe then you will understand
  4. 25 years ago I was earning £9k a month in UK... Now I can live on not a lot more than I earned in a month for a whole year very comfortably...being on a constant hamsters wheel working for a bigger house, a better car etc certainly in my eyes does not constitute a better quality of life. I have no pressure and do whatever I want. I exercise, do gardening, go on bike trips, cook at home 3 times a day and generally have a far better quality of life here 👍
  5. Quality of life is not measured in financial terms
  6. Bins emptied every fortnight, street lights shut off at night, pot holes a major problem, 9 million people claiming benefits, postal service prices increased 125% in 4 years, not safe to go out let alone your children play in the park, thousands of stabbings every month....that is 3rd world....UK and probably most of Europe..no place like Thailand and definably far from 3rd world
  7. Yes on medical grounds...so not "draft dodging" as you imply
  8. £100 billion could be saved immediately...but they won't, they'd rather save £150 million and make pensioners freeze
  9. Really, the amount of times the last year I have had drunk old shirtless beer bellied Belgians, dutch and noggies wanting to fight me....and for what, they are wondering round in the middle of the road without a care in the world...I slow down try to go round them and then they change direction...useless..honestly you have no idea
  10. Some you can.and you can also go straight on in the left hand lane if the road marking is a blocked line
  11. Why don't pedestrians.look where they are going..wondering around with their head up their backsides...
  12. So the 62 year old...almost retirement age, comes to Thailand or lives here and takes on a guy young enough to be his grandchild. Has a young Thai girlfriend/wife and lives on his pension from stacking shelves at Tesco...about sums up Thailand, along with all the dope heads... something has gotta change
  13. I think my post is perfectly clear 👍
  14. Another tatted up wannabe muay tai euro thug...when they gonna do something about this scum that is all too prevalent on the streets now
  15. Used Skype to call my Mum for years. She came here 2 years ago, got her an Android phone and loaded Whatsapp and messenger..she never uses the laptop anymore, only the phone...get your Sis to do the same 👍
  16. Yeah right, all the noggies and cloggies with there rude arrogant attitudes is just what is required..not wanted and not required
  17. Exactly, it amazes me all these foreigners living in the area, saying bang Saray is a lovely little fishing village, then moan when this monstrosity is shelved. But they are still happy with 100 new bars in a year and 20 condos now...little Pattaya it's called now...be grateful as this would just make the whole area worse
  18. They should stay out of military business, let them deal with it themselves
  19. Literally thousands of eu citizens claiming child benefit and housing allowance..living in Thailand
  20. I forgot about Australias draconian border laws
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