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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. It comes down to personal choice. I agree that the area you build in will have a lot to do with pricing, and if you engage an architect and a building company your costs will go up, you get what you pay for. We built a house in Isaan 6 years ago at a cost of 6,000 baht a square meter, the house build was 256 square metres excluding the existing one bedroom bungalow which was 64 square metres, and we incorporated/added the bungalow into the main house, so the total area is now 320 square metres, i.e. 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, lounge, kitchen/dining. The bungalow was built in 2009 for 7,800 baht a square metre back then, different exchange rate and materials costs were higher. We didn't use an architect, we saw a builder building other houses in the area over the years who was in high demand and I inspected each house at different stages, on completion, and a year or so after the owners moved in, asking if they had any problems with the dwellings or the builder through my wife as interpreter, and we got to see the finished product. We purchased all of the building materials on both the bungalow and the house and paid the builder a negotiated price paid in 5 stages for the house, the bungalow was built by a different builder at the time as the builder who built our house wasn't available for 12 months at that time, however as we had the bungalow built, we decided that we would book in the builder in advance when we were ready to build the house as we were not in a rush and had the bungalow to live in. We were present when he built the house, we know we got a good deal, but I have also heard of others on the forum getting similar deals, I also know of guys in areas a little further away from me who have used building companies and paid double of what we paid (12,000 baht) for half the size of the house we built, however there builds were current, i.e. 2021 and they had issues with the building company. If you have some building knowledge and know of a builder mate that you can check in with, you really don't need an architect or a building company, that said, buying the materials yourself saves you the company adding its load on the materials and dealing with different labourers on-site at different times, that is unless your lucky enough to get a reputable company that uses the same team, as I am sure plenty exist, but not from what I heard around our area. Architects also usually have a builder or two in mind and also get a cut from the action. It really comes down to personal choice, but as I said above, you have to do your own research on the builder, buy your own materials, have a little building knowledge and a builder mate you can check in with if required, all of this will save you a lot, however could also cause you a lot of grief if your knowledge is not up to scratch with building.
  2. There is no anger issues here mate, however a lot of denial on your part, some times you have to take the blinkers off. I am not saying that the virus came out of the lab, although a lot of coincidence that the wet markets was first blamed, only later found out that it didn't start from there, the lab is only around the corner, so you have to keep an open mind, just on the fact that it is China who have been know to cover up previous lab leaks is enough for me to keep an open mind of where it mind have surfaced from, maybe nature, who knows, who cares.. I believe Fauci lied and has all the reasons to lie, do you actually think anyone in a position of power will admit a huge mistake, I just hope he comes clean, but doubt it very much as he is arrogant and been in that position for too long, which is dangerous in my opinion. Documents by EcoHealth in the early days show that they tried to cover it up, Fauci has been on the back foot since day one as well, he and the Director Dr Collins will never admit it, eventually when higher up has no choice, will decide to let their pawns fall, then and only then will you see them fall from their grace.
  3. I wasn't referring to where the virus came from, I was referring to Fauci telling porkies about Game of Function funding.
  4. So you don't believe what has been reported, so it's a conspiracy theory, is that what you are suggesting ?
  5. Thx. Is there another retirement extension as well ? or is it just the one and you must be over 50 years of age ?
  6. I believe Fauci has lost a lot of credibility of late with the NIH confirming that grants were given for Game of Function research whereas Fauci said he didn't provide funds for Game of Function, not to mention what transpired in 2017 after Obama put a stop on it in 2014, don't need to explain myself on that I believe ? https://news.yahoo.com/nih-admits-funding-gain-function-125103852.html https://www.nih.gov/about-nih/who-we-are/nih-director/statements/nih-lifts-funding-pause-gain-function-research
  7. Apologies, I thought it was me you were replying too, so edited reply.
  8. I have to ask, is another requirement that you must be over 50 years of age, just catching up on all of the alternate extensions, as I am on the marriage extension.
  9. https://www.thaiembassy.com/travel-to-thailand/thailand-travel-restrictions
  10. Just for the record, I wasn't knocking the UK, just asking the question on what do we anticipate will happen when Thailand and Australia opens up, e.g. Australia or most of it is 80% doubled vaccinate, Thailand way off of those figures, as I believe last count was something like 42% double vaccinated.
  11. Can't disagree with that comment, however, it is normal for viruses to still infect people even if they have been vaccinated as none are 100% effective. The above said, it will ultimately be the survival of the fittest, i.e. lives will be shorter lived for some, so to speak. The new norm.
  12. Unpunctured vials may be stored between 8° to 25°C (46° to 77°F) for up to 24 hours. Do not refreeze. After the first dose has been withdrawn, the vial should be held between 2° to 25°C (36° to 77°F). Vials should be discarded 12 hours after the first puncture. Also 30 days at normal refrigeration if the vial has not been opened I believe. https://investors.modernatx.com/news-releases/news-release-details/moderna-announces-longer-shelf-life-its-covid-19-vaccine
  13. Fortunately for me, I have had 2 doses of Pfizer, and am looking to put Moderna back to March/April as a booster That said, I remain firmly positive that the wife will get her Moderna dose next month as she is at the top of the list when we did our online confirmation. So if I remember, I will let you know if it all went to plan, got to stay positive, especially in the Land Of Sharks.
  14. I think once 1 November kicks in, the booze will start flowing and the rules will go out the window because the envelopes will start changing hands once again.
  15. If you look at what's happening in the UK, it's a YES from me. https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/health-wellbeing/new-variant-no-masks-whats-driving-uks-covid-19-crisis-as-cases-spiral-out-of-control-c-4317835?fbclid=IwAR3f8gVbt3cmQBOCzNxrd3DZvXjKkYgnzSwWPyLQK4CfZsZTae2UrguDazs
  16. Just reading the below link and couldn't help notice that the infections in the UK have surged once again. So what is install for the rest of the world, Thailand is nowhere near the UK or even Australia when it comes to vaccinations. Do the governments know something that we don't, i.e. is it best to open up to kickstart the economies before the ships sink, regardless of further potential surges in infections/deaths, or is this the only real way to deal with Covid now that the masses have been vaccinated. I ask this because it sure doesn't look like it's going to work looking at the UK for example, in my opinion. https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/health-wellbeing/new-variant-no-masks-whats-driving-uks-covid-19-crisis-as-cases-spiral-out-of-control-c-4317835?fbclid=IwAR3f8gVbt3cmQBOCzNxrd3DZvXjKkYgnzSwWPyLQK4CfZsZTae2UrguDazs
  17. The Dukes Bar & Grill was excellent when we visited.
  18. Sounds like the are trying to take credit for it, i.e. that the government purchased the Moderna vaccines, not the private hospital consortiums, even if the government did order some, none of which I know of, you shouldn't take credit for the lot, but then again things are done differently in Thailand.
  19. I believe you are completely wrong as both the wife and I and another couple that we know of who paid were sent emails asking us to complete the online receipt, e.g. some further information about us as they were scheduling appointments for those in receipt order of payment which would be starting early November to December. Solly to disappoint you.
  20. Agree, last time we went back to the land of slavery it was 2 years ago this month, we normally do it once a year. I can't see the touristy spots of Bangla Road, Walking Street, or Soi Bintabaht returning to normal for at least a year, but I am hopeful that this regime will be replaced well before then so we can, as you say, have some hope of normality returning.
  21. I stay here because I am married to a Thai and wanted to trade up from the city life to a village life, with the occasional trips to the sex industry of course as I have no problem in supporting the industry. I built a house here for 1/10th the price of what it would have cost me back in the land of slavery. The cost of living here also allowed me to retire here at least 6 years earlier and because I invest the money from the sale proceeds of my house, I pay no tax on the returns of my investments, so not working, making money and not paying tax is a huge win, I mean who would have thought it possible, all of my mates back home say, what, you don't pay tax, how come we do, with my reply being because I am now a foreign resident, that is the law, they made it, so I will exploit it as long as it lasts. Less hassles with driving infringements, and is also much more affordable to live here, warts and all, not the ones from the sex industry ????
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