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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. All this coming at a time where property markets around the world are about to crash, 4, 3, 2, 1, months time, happy 2022.
  2. By your previous post I took it that you were paying with Euros and did the conversion which came to 80k baht. Now this appears to have been turned into a picking match on typo's, well whatever, Physio, true what they say when some of use get old, I'm done, good luck to you.
  3. I don't have any experience of it happening here, although it did happen to me at a non ATM machine in Sydney which wasn't an ATM machine owned by my bank, e.g. I tried to withdraw $1,000 and the ATM machine, it gave me back my card, and the statement but no cash, it was clear that $1,000 was withdrawn on the slip, so I walked into the branch and they said, they can't touch the ATM, they have to wait for the contractor to come in the morning as they also fill it at the same time and report any discrepancies, e.g. money that was not dispensed, e.g. probably ran out of money. The bank did take my details down at my request, but said I had to contact my bank. I also contacted my bank and they confirmed what the other bank said and stated that the contractor would notify them if there was a discrepancy and that the funds will be returned to my account, which was done in a couple of days thankfully, nerve racking stuff. I hope in your case that it gets sorted, but your bank can only do so much being back in Oz, e.g. waiting for the bank here to get in touch with them, sounds suspect to me that it's taking so long, just hope the machine wasn't tampered with as they used to tamper with them in the older days, then you would leave and someone would go back over and take your money, alternatively if it is a contractor that has to report the discrepancy as was the case with my money not coming out, why is it taking so long, e.g. is he still working for the company, now Thailand being Thailand, I have heard tellers skimming people's money when depositing money in banks, just saying. Anyway, would keep the pressure on the bank, but I don't like your chances personally, not wanting to come across as being negative, but a lot of time has lapsed. Appreciate you live out of town, would suggest you stay away from any ATM machines unless located outside a branch as I am pretty sure they have CCTV monitors looking at the ATM machines and can see if anyone is/has tampered with the ATM machine/s and they usually have security guards there during the day making it harder to tamper with the ATM machines, alternatively make cash withdrawals from I think it's Krungsri Bank, the one with the yellow and black logo, of up to 150,000 baht for like 250 baht.
  4. Um.....I did read what you posted and replied, however you haven't confirmed if it is 80,000 baht per annum that you are paying and the value of the policy you are covered for, and if it's a reputable insurer, again, I will say, if all of the above is correct, then that is cheap insurance at 70 year of age. Did I miss something ?
  5. As kwonitoy Smile are very good and English spoken, albeit it I haven't been in since Covid started, give them a go and see how it pans out.
  6. We all know your a big fan of Bitcoin, how is that doing these days, I see it's about 24% down to what it was 6 months ago, also read recently that China banned them the other day.
  7. Where they specifically picked ???? 1,078 vs 67 million....LOL more rubbish survey's to lift their ego's and try to blindside the population, waste of time, days are numbered Mr P.
  8. Agree with Sherly's post, try fungal cream, bur always good to get a professional take a look at it, like a Dr or Dermatologist. https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/ss/slideshow-ringworm
  9. Yes the whole point is to be insured if you can, that said, from my calculations the above is about 80,000 baht per year which if correct appears to be extremely cheap for a 79 year old, then again depends on how much the insurer covers you for at the end of the day and if they are a reputable company.
  10. Knowing my luck they wouldn't let me in because there would more than likely be a big sign saying no Atheists allowed in, that or sorry your user name and password failed sir.
  11. My Wife agrees, without the entire sentence she can't say for 100% sure as there could be another meaning, but based on what I provided her with, that is the best that she can translate it.
  12. The translation from my wife is: Is nothing brother, take me everywhere my love
  13. I suppose they thought if they just keep quite, the American's might go away, as they don't want to upset out Sinovac friends, again, politics with people's lives at stake.
  14. With both Pfizer jabs, my wife said she enjoyed my reactions thoroughly ????
  15. Ha ha, I used to stay at a place called Patong Pearl Resortel every time we came to Thailand, was probably a 2-3 star, small with a pool and a street back from Bangla, then this American purchased it and upped his prices which was not worth it, then I saw The Novotel Vintage Park had a 55% discount which was on par to the Patong Pearl Resortel's increased prices, so it was worth every baht to there regardless of the Chinese invasion at breakfast, because after that they were gone. The above said, Phuket I now consider to be for newbies, as I now like Hua Hin.
  16. If your concerned about the bank going under and you losing the balance over the million baht that they will only compensate you for, then put in a million baht in an everyday account (not fixed), and you could use that for your proof of funds for your extension of stay, if you require treatment you withdraw that while transferring the balance. Being uninsured, means your exposed, if you want to look for excuses not to be insured, you really don't need too, it's a choice and there are always options if you want to look for them. Up to you as they say, no point in crying when and if an event occurs.
  17. I am with SCB and every year I transfer a lump sum 3 months before my extension is due, and I wasn't aware of any code or whatever to prove where the money came from, so being curious, I just opened up the pages on my passbook and the only code each time I transferred the lump sums of money annually in the passbook all show P1. There is nothing saying anything like FTT or international transfer so how come it's different for me ? I do select Funds for long term stay in Thailand as well. Just curious and mine is a marriage extension so it has to be checked at immigration and forwarded to their divisional head quarters for approval.
  18. You just reminded me of a time I spent with the wife and kids at The Novotel Vintage Park in Phuket years ago, although it wasn't Chinese rushing for the seafood buffet, it was the breakfast buffet, my first and last experience with those fkrs, still in PJ's, touching food with hands and then putting it back, pushing in, even taking food of my plate, that was my last stance, I turned and said; oi, listen here you beady eyed c..., that is mine and took it straight back off of her plate, she looked at me jaw wide open, head slightly raised with beer glasses on, I tell you what, is she were a bloke, game over. Last time I will ever stay at that place, bus loads of them, supposed to have been a 4 star hotel, I would rate it as a 2 just based on the staff allowing this s**t fight to happen every morning, but I get where your coming from.
  19. Tipping is only up to you and not really expected. You should only tip if your happy with a particular service, i.e. it's not for everything and I can appreciate that you want to tip mostly everyone because you feel for them, that said, keep it within your budget, many have provided a guide above. At the end of the day one also has to look after ones self, so how much will you get back tomorrow if you are left with zero. Also make sure you tip both, not just the girls.
  20. Pfizer and BioNTech are manufacturing the vaccine in their own facilities in the United States and in Europe. So yes, you should be grateful.
  21. It's just that you didn't mention the Yanks in your comment, only the Thai's for administering Pfizer and without Pfizer, well.
  22. No doubt as you are also very appreciative of the American government who practically saved your life.
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