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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. I don't know where you live, but we are in a village and see kids riding bikes, playing sports at the local school which is closed etc etc Our kids have all the entertainment they want at home and we get them out and about as often as we can, even if it's going for a trip to Makro an hour up the road. Personally I believe too much emphasis has been placed on education, that said, returning kids back to school before most are adults are vaccinated in my opinion as mentioned before will be a catastrophe, one example would be if the kids infect their parents/grand parents that haven't been vaccinated and if they pass, worse case scenario, who is going to look after the kids, you ? Suicide is real and you don't have to worry about Covid for people to commit suicide there are many factors at play there, so I don't buy Covid as an excuse, albeit it would play a part in some ending it all.
  2. Ok, your entitled to your opinion as am I, that said, kids are usually the 1st to get infected at schools, then they bring it home. For me, I'm not concerned as I have been double jabbed, but the wife isn't, that said, hopefully she gets a dose of Moderna next month as she isn't going for Sinovac followed by AZ, her choice and there are many like here. Now kids go to school, get infected and bring it home, catastrophe as many are not vaccinated, hence the reason I suggested adults 1st, kids last as they are low risk, that said, too much emphasis is placed on education, more needs to be focused on people getting vaccinated, even if that means repeating all of our kids and paying for it all over again. Health first, everything else 2nd in my opinion.
  3. Open the waterholes, some off us need to socialise, you know, shoot some stick, and maybe take a filly or two, too make up for lost time.
  4. You would think anyone with half a brain would continue getting kids to learn online while those vaccines going to adults requiring it, grandparents, immunocompromised people, others with pre-existing conditions, mums, dads, and kids last as they have the least risks. Once the above has been accomplished, then if required, vax the kids and open up the schools.
  5. I saw no vial, just the syringe and needle with the juice in it. 1st dose "welcome to Pfizer", said the nurse, that was good enough for me. 2nd dose, sat down, nurse said to me, Pfizer ?, I said, no, Sinovac, she pushed back, saw the smile on my face and said, you funny, then called out to her nurse friend, Pfizer and she brought a few syringes over with the juice in them already. I believe you gotta trust people in certain situations, besides, I got a Pfizer sticker stuck on my short on both occasions, that was good enough for me ????
  6. I believe that criticism is a way that people can express their disappointment, that is part of living in a democratic society. My wife who is Thai and had lived with me in Sydney for a decade openly now criticises the government among others whereas previous to living abroad with me she was like a little mouse. There are those that feel it appropriate to vent and those like yourself that don't need to vent, that's what makes it all unique, differences of opinions and criticism shouldn't be taken to heart, why I am constantly criticising the government here among other things, as well as abroad, and yes, no where is perfect, but without being able to have an opinion, to criticise, things would never change. I am financial and could also return to Australia tomorrow, doesn't mean that I don't want to continue living here as imperfect it is at times, and also put my criticism/opinion down on a forum, it is all about choice and whilst we continue to have choices, you will continue to hear criticism, just a matter of you either learning to live with it or deal with it, it's part of life, we all wing, moan and groan, part of life, some of us more than others, so as I said before, it's all about choice and you will never escape people criticising whoever, for whatever, while we live in a democracy.
  7. Here's a thought, maybe you should change your post name from StevieAus to StevieThailand.
  8. Maybe, just maybe when they open up and see that their tourist areas are still dead like ghost towns, the might change their minds and allow alcohol to be sold in restaurants and open up bars. if they don't, well what can I say except other destinations will be taking advantage of what Thailand could have started to restore, i.e. it's tourism industry which if correct generates them 20% of their GDP, so why would you want to play with a formula that has proven to work ? ????
  9. Looking forward to it as the Mrs sleeps naked during winter, all that insulation in the house has paid off keeping it nice and warm, now all I got to do is wait for her to fall asleep.
  10. It's the luck of the draw unfortunately. I did mine last month on line, 2 previous times couldn't and had to go to Immigration, 1 hour 20 each way just to tell them that I still live at the same address.......amazing Thailand.
  11. Only if it were that easy. 1) Don't have accommodation 2) Cost approx $2,100 AUS OR 50,400 Baht for a weeks accommodation (home quarantine) where we would normally stay, Air BnB, hotels far more expensive as would require two rooms vs a furnished 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment. 3) The winter is when we want to be there, i.e. June/July/August, smack in the middle would be the preferred so that we can take the kids to the snow this time around. I would imagine the 7 days would be lifted by then, if not, then we will have to wait another year or go somewhere else that doesn't require us to be quarantined, although I have been going to the same place for decades, call it familiarity if you like.
  12. I am, even retirees need holidays overseas as well as domestically, otherwise what would a retiree do, sit on their a$$ all day drinking Chang or Leo, not this one mate, he is enjoying life.
  13. SELFISH !!! If they had done their research and listened to the science/data, booster shots are not really required. They say that whilst the antibodies wane, we have memory T & B cells that will take over if infected. Boosters they say should only be given to those with immunocompromised immune systems, the elderly and those with underlying conditions. Boosters are only really good for increasing the antibodies if you want to avoid catching for example, the flu or a cold as the vaccines already protect you, so all one will be doing with a booster is avoiding a break through of a flu or cold. They fully know other have not been vaccinated, yet they move forward to get a booster which really isn't necessary. I hope the Thai's wake up to these (word withheld) and show the just how much they aren't wanted at the next election.
  14. I love free range eggs, so I whip up some eggs benedict with some Himalayan salt and black pepper gently sprinkled over and add some black pitted Kalamata olives & sliced Feta cheese to the side with some tomatoes, sometimes I might throw in some crushed almonds or will add some well done crispy, not burnt bacon. Black coffee and a bottle of water with electrolyte power added to sip on as I am eating, then drop a bucket load of supplements when I am done.
  15. Good luck to yah & safe travels. I am waiting for Australia to lift the one week home quarantine rule for fully vaccinated Ozzie's before I even consider returning as that would cut our holiday into 2.
  16. Personally I don't see anything wrong with this and believe that every country should insist that anyone, not only travelling to Thailand, that anyone entering any country have either travel or health insurance especially for those staying as per their visa, either travel or health insurance, common sense if you ask me. In other words, why should the tax payer take the brunt of paying the cost for those uninsured and who just don't care. Alternatively they pay a levy entering that country that goes into a fund for hospitalised tourists so that the tax payer doesn't have to pay. Those expats that cannot get insurance due to age should also fall under that fund, simple either way you look at it, i.e. if the money stays in the fund and doesn't end up in other pockets. Oh, did I forget those other expats who don't have insurance, well, what can I say, life would get even tougher for some ???? I recall a few years ago Australian tax payers had to fork out $84 million dollars on hospital costs for tourists who didn't pay there bills., so why should Thailand or any other country ? If you can't afford insurance, don't travel.....period ! https://www.smh.com.au/politics/nsw/it-s-not-fair-tourists-leave-taxpayers-with-20m-hospital-bill-20191128-p53ey8.html
  17. In my opinion, do absolutely nothing, continue with the build as irritating as it is, I say this because it sounds to me that his business won't last long being where I imagine it is and with music blaring. Hopefully I am right and she shuts shop by the time you move in.
  18. If you scrolled down on the link that I provided you with, you would have seen the Facebook, Twitter etc buttons to click on, i.e. it wasn't on Facebook as you suggested as Asean Now also provided the link where they got it from, anyways, whatever, a little trigger happy clicking on 3 times = 3 email notifications to me of the same reply.
  19. Two sides of a coin. Will your country allow you back in unvaccinated, if you wanted to return or had to return ? To answer your question, you have to comply with all the restrictions and costs associated with them, then you still have the daily numbers of the infected, I believe 10,000 or so per day, but I would add to that, so if you believe Covid won't affect your health for personal reasons, come on down, not much happening here.
  20. These guys never cease to amaze me, mixing vaccines like cocktails, just give everyone two doses of the same vaccine, even if that means them waiting longer for the second dose, as they say the longer you leave it the better the results.
  21. That is just over 1% in 7 months, if you believe the statistics, what about those that die in villages, no autopsy, just cremate them in the temple, problem sorted. But what did they die of, old age, drink to muk, same, same, no Covid.
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