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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. When the virus' strain Delta took off, it was a given it was going to go that way, it was just a matter of time, as it was a matter of time that it would become weaker and endemic, e.g. a new strain would emerge, a weaker strain, Omicron, albeit one that would spread much quicker than any other, hence the reason we are now in an endemic, which usually takes 2 years. This is Coronavirus history 101 repeating itself, just look at the last 4 pandemics and how they became endemics and how long it took for them to become endemics. As for the Dr speaking up early if you like, kudos to him for having the balls while others like politicians and main stream media keep spitting out what they like for their own purposes, make of that what you like as that is another story and as we are not on the same page as this, I will leave that there. Regarding the elderly, why do you think we get our annual Influenza shots and Pneumonia shot every 5 years followed by the Pneumonia booster the following year, because our immune systems become weaker as we age, that said if you don't believe we are entering the endemic stage where this virus is now a cold/flu, then that is up to you, and if you feel a booster is the way to go for you, then whatever floats your boat, as for me, I will sit on the fence and allow it to come my way and see where I end up, putting the worst behind me, in other words, I will allow my B and T cells to have a go as the vaccines have played their role, now it's up to my immune system to take on this weaker strain of the virus.
  2. Just look around, you don't have to be a celebrity, all of them have, can and will continue to do what they want so as long as those taking the brown envelopes continue to accept them, and yes, a life is only worth as much as your prepared to pay in this instance.
  3. Personally I don't believe what that farang said is true, however typical when it's all too hard. I think your feelings are associated with you being unable to communicate with them, e.g. picture yourself as a farang child in a classroom full of kids, regardless if Thai or not, do you think you would feel out of place listening to the other kids talking and playing, there is no doubt in my mind that you would feel out of place. I have been coming here for 15 years, living here full time now over the last 6 years. My sister-in-law drops in for 5-10 minutes a day to chat with the Mrs, i.e. give her the draw down on what's happening with the family and everyone in the village. I will walk into the kitchen to make a coffee or go in that vicinity for something and to say hello so as not to be a snob, now unless I say something, nothing is said, not even a glance at me, so I it's 100% me, e.g. hi Bla Bla how are you, and with the limited English that she understands, she will lift her head up as if to say good, no different to you seeing someone you know in the street on the other side of the road, you would either wave or move your head in an upward position to acknowledge them. I have played a crucial part of raising of raising 2 of my wife's kids, now 17 and when we see each other in the morning, sometimes they say good morning Pappa or sometimes nothing, so when it's nothing, I will say good afternoon Bla Bla and they will reply good morning Pappa and I can see they are embarrassed because they forgot to say good morning, it is not something they automatically do like we farangs. At the family New Years Eve BBQ the other night, me not really wanting to go, but the wife asking me to go for just an hour, I stayed for 3 hours and I got to say I did enjoy myself as opposed to my intention of staying home watching Netflix on my recliner. Her 3 sisters all limited English, would continually fill my beer glass with beer and ice, bring Shish Kebabs over to me straight off of the BBQ and make me feel comfortable, although there was little talk from them to me, or me to them, including the cousins, nephews and nieces, I didn't feel out of place. Smiles say a thousand words and a few gestures, jokes do help, but you can't help feeling like that kid in the classroom not being able to communicate. At the end of the day I look at it this way, I live in their country, and their native tongue is not English, so if I really want to communicate with them, it's up to me to learn the lingo or put up and just continue to be respectful as you would with anyone else. Back in the home country, I wouldn't worry about the family or friends making my wife feel comfortable, it was up to her to communicate and mix in as it is with me here, suffice to say, she would receive more attention than me because she knows the ling and blends in, I sometimes say to myself that I should learn the lingo better than the limited Thai/Laos that I do know, but no ones busting my balls to do so, "up to you"
  4. From all the replies above, it appears to be a new rule which is great, less trees to cut down, less ink from the printer and electricity....LOL. Question, do you know if this will be for all extensions as I am about to get my docs in order for a marriage extension at the end of this month and I would love to only print off one copy. Might get the Mrs to give them a call.
  5. Fit my perspective.....LOL There are those of us that wish to continue to live in fear, and there are others such as myself that can understand exactly what this "qualified pulmonary disease expert" is stating, which makes sense, even to a laymen. I remember when I was a kid, I would here my friends saying look out for the boogie man, only to realise later on that there was no such thing, some of us grow up, some of us not. The above said, every this expert has said has gone the opposite to what main stream media and governments have been suggesting, now why would that be ? "A medical expert Dr Manoon Leechawengwongs, a pulmonary disease expert at Vichaiyut Hospital, advised the public not to be too worried. According to Dr Manoon, the Omicron variant has evolved from its predecessors to be better adapted to the human body. Notably, it has a reduced incubation time for faster transmission while also tending to cause milder symptoms akin to the common cold or flu. The expert noted as well that the outlook for vaccine manufacturers may not be as bright going forward as a consequence of this trend".
  6. As they have been saying, everyone in this world is going to get it, so let's get it over and done with so we can all get our lives back to normality, and F these useless controlling MF governments off !
  7. No sheet sunshine, it's called cross immunity where the T and B cells recognise it and go all out on the attack, just like the governments do with their citizens over getting a cold/flu, of late that is, boosters everybody ????
  8. No, the continued ignorant bureaucratic embeciles in government are the driver for further delays and causing businesses to shut down permanently, all part of the bigger plan. Blame it on the virus, any virus, take your pick, oh that's right, Omicron this time, what will the next one be ?
  9. That is where a seasoned Property Valuer should be able to pick up the "out of line sales", regardless if they were residential, commercial or industrial sales. I made it a rule of thumb for myself and juniors coming up the ranks that I would help, to always steer away from company to company transactions/sales, e.g. Acme Developments (previous owner) sold to ABC Milk, now any Property Valuer wouldn't know who ABC Milk was, that company could be owned as a subsidiary company of Acme Developments as you mentioned, and could have been sold at a higher than market value figure, for example to reduce their future capital gains, however it would be too costly and time consuming to for the Property Valuer to check if this was an intercompany-related sale, so one would have to check by comparing rates on a per square metre basis of similar land sizes within the area, or if it was a strata title apartment/condo, a rate per square metre of strata building area, excluding any mezzanine levels/areas within the apartment/condo, as they would be adding area to the already strata area, making it more valuable, which it is not, because the value is in the strata area, so 100m2 becomes 150m2 /x = more $'s on a rate per square metre. Once you would compare the rate of land per square or the strata area of the apartment/condo you would know the reason why the rate per square metre is higher (out of line) compared to other sales, e.g. related intercompany or inter-family sale or increased area within a strata area, etc etc. Mind boggling stuff at times, I remember picking up a high rise development selling off of the plan with the developer being a Chinese developer selling the units at premium prices and I wasn't able to put my head around the reason to it achieving premium sales prices, when comparing sales with other apartments/condos also selling off the plan, and you have to justify your evidence, not just say it's not worth it, and one night I was forced to sit myself down to read one of the 200 page contracts that I requested, because we don't usually get contracts to read, no more than a front page and any special conditions, usually on the 3rd or 4th page and because your always as flat out drinking like a lizard, anyways, long of the short, on page 64 there was this clause stating that the developer would refund 10% of the purchase price to the buyer/s if they settled on time when the development was completed, no doubt the buyers (mainly Chinese) picked up on this as a case incentive to buy, but that would leave the lender 10% short on the value of the property they would advance upon settlement, and of course if the market went belly up and they had to sell it, they would be looking for me to recoup that 10% the buyer pocketed upon settlement.
  10. From my understanding there is no such actual data base that records the contract price and then provides it to the public, why, I have no idea, it's a lucrative business to on sell, for example, Corelogic in Australia records all stamp duty transactions from the Office of State Revenue Department and on sells it to valuation and real estate agent firms as well as government departments, either by a yearly fee for all areas, or local areas of real estate agents so that everyone can compare sales prices within a given period, without it you would be in the dark from my experience. As a retired Property Valuer, I would say as Thailand lacks such a registry/database, then it's open slather for "out of line sales" where you will have to be aware of, when comparing what sales information you gather over time from agents and the like, e.g. word of mouth. My advice to you would be to concentrate on one area if your not already, and talk to as many agents as you can over time, then sooner or later you will pick up on what's what and what sales are "out of line", i.e. inflated for whatever reason they achieved a higher sales figure, which doesn't necessarily mean that they were worth that kind of money and are usually fraudulent sales prices. Another way to is to look at what's for sale and then revisit it a few months later to see what it sold for, that said, it is my understanding that sales can take long periods here, so if your patient, then you will eventually bag a sale and from what I have seen, the market here hasn't really been in an upward trend, so time is on your side, noting that if you do decide to sell, time will be against you, unless the market is on the up.
  11. Um, cooperation, I believe he means that will be after everyone gets infected with it, which is going to happen, in other words, there is no control, apart from what governments around the world have been dishing out trying to control these viruses, now failing to let go, why, because the hospital systems will be overwhelmed, they say.
  12. I have to agree with you, didn't see where he would stay until I re-read his post, up Surin way or even down to Nai Han gorgeous as opposed to Patong, smelly water which I wouldn't allow my dog to swim in so to speak. As for beaches in Hua Hin, you would have to go out for a while, even to Ao Manoa, but the beaches are more prestine in Phuket, I will give it that.
  13. Hua Hin as it's a total different class of expats and tourists when they come, i.e. less trashy than Phuket, is cleaner and easier to get around. Phuket you can visit for a holiday when you come back from Manhatten and smell it all in one breath. I spent many years travelling to Phuket, seen it all, however Hua Hin wins hands down for me, in my opinion, it's got everything you want and is closer to Bangkok for the girlfriend. But as the Thai's say, up to you.
  14. Unless you provided the prescribed cancellation time, if any, depending if your ticket allows for cancellations, I believe you don't have a leg to stand on, however if you booked with a credit card, you might.
  15. The whole era with bands playing live in this clip, i.e. if you like that genre, although the word disco doesn't do it justice, I prefer the word Funk, R&B, and Hip Hop which bests describe the music as the word disco to me is more commercialised, and refers to stuff like Saturday Night Fever.
  16. Agreed, and I figure that if I did get this Omicron variant which every professional in their field of expertise is saying we ALL will, and are also saying there isn't much to worry about as its a cold/flu, e.g. it infects the upper respiratory area like a cold/flu and doesn't go the lungs like Delta does/did, albeit Omicron spreads super faster, so I wouldn't tell Jack, and wouldn't go to the hospital unless I thought I couldn't fight it after a day or two at the most. That said, I had a chest infection a few years back and if it was anything like that I would be out of the front door in no time as opposed to listening to the local Dr and government hospital Dr and government specialist who kept telling me it was the flu and that I was at the tail end of it getting better, this was two weeks on and two courses of antibiotics and my condition was getting much worse as I know myself as you know yourself. As for getting milked by the hospitals, that's why we hedge our bets and take out private cover and all costs would be paid by the insurer, or self insure if you can't get private cover for whatever reason or choose not to take it out, although it's not about the costs to me, it's about being away from my family and isolated, although from my experience with the previous severe chest infection I would feel safer being treated in the private hospital, (once bitten, twice shy), but unless I really had too, I wouldn't got, so let's hope when Omicron knocks on our door it's smiling, and says as the nurse says, this won't hurt at all ???? Look up cross immunity, as a recent study from a South African University has stated that our own immune systems recognise Omicron and the B and T cells go to work on bringing it down as they have other Coronavirus variants in the past. If you haven't already started taking taken Vitamin D, Zink, getting 20 minutes sun, eating a good diet, lowering you alcohol consumption, add some exercise into it if you can, then you can keep getting those boosters which will get your antibodies up, doing both isn't a bad idea if you want absolute cover.
  17. So who are you blaming, did you look into this thoroughly, obviously not. So take it up with them, nothing to do with Thailand, as I am sure most travellers no in most countries, that if you enter and are positive, your chances of being quarantined are very high. Again, you left it up to TUI to tell you what you wanted to hear, but I am sure they told you what would happen, but you just didn't listen, on the other hand if they mislead you, good luck getting a refund, or them paying your hospital bill if your not insured. Again, your blaming it on someone else, the Thai's are good at that, but on this occasion they are not to blame, only person to blame is yourself. Bit of advice, look into things yourself, don't trust or take the advice of others without also checking things out yourself, especially if it's a sales transaction.
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