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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Do you honestly think that this would make news overseas, scores of people get caught for overstay in other countries, nothing to brag about, i.e. unless your xenophobic.
  2. Um, ok, so what did he do that caused Thailand to be unsafe for 349 days while he overstayed. How much did he spend while he was here in those 349 days, not very bright are they. I see, this is to justify the cost of the BMW's....
  3. Am I to understand that you don't want the kid around ? Most Thai's have family that look after the kid/s. When I took my wife abroad many moons ago, I used to send 10,000 baht a month to her parents to look after the kids (2), we then had our own and are now living here and her kids live with us, so that's 4 in total, 2 of her and 2 of mine, The Brady bunch. The above said, no one is going to look after your kid better than you, her kids didn't see one baht from the 10,000 baht I used to send every month and when we would visit we could see that they were under weight, not nourished and their clothes were worn out or very dirty, between a rock and a hard place for the Mrs at the time, but we decided not to take them with us as we were returning to live here, so didn't want to throw them into a different country, schooling etc, so they survived but wouldn't do it again as I know the Mrs suffered from it, but you do what you have to do. So think twice about what you may ask for as it doesn't sometime work out the way you want it to, and she had a lot of work to do to bring the kids in line when we moved here as they were let loose like Soi dogs, now under control, but what grief to go through.
  4. SCB notifies me every time I access my account online by an email, they also send me a confirmation withdrawal email when I transfer funds, so am not fussed, also keep under a million in the bank in case of fraud and I believe that is all the bank will cover if you have had a fraud or they go under.
  5. As long as you don't invest more than 10% of your worth, you will walk away with 90% and start all over again, i.e. if it goes south. Never allow the woman to handle the money side of things, that is your power, without it, you have nothing, literally, seen too many guys get cleaned out because the ladies didn't know how to handle the money, like a kid taking to a bar of chocolate. The above said, as the kid is yours as well, and if your relationship does goes south, then you should support the kid and the mother as she will have limited opportunities to work and raise your child at the same time, not easy. Starting off with 20k baht per month and working your way up from there as the kid grows, look at it as the cheapest baby sitter you will ever come across.
  6. So the wife was right, no we not go, I not get vaccine yet and no like Covid. I won't tell her.........she was right again.
  7. I kind of figured that I don't want to be in this situation again, e.g. if the USA didn't provide us with the Pfizer jabs, our options would have been very limited. I still know a couple of blokes who ordered Moderna and haven't had any other vaccinations. Having knocked back AZ in June at the height of the Thrombosis crisis and all the misinformation around, my choice, then knocking back Sinovac, I now feel hanging onto Moderna is the right thing to do, even if I don't get the booster, i.e. if I don't need it, it's reassuring to have it there, for as long as I can and then if I don't need it transfer it to someone else, no shortage at the moment of takers.
  8. When you have a sever crushing pain smack right in the middle of your chest, can't breath and just when you think it has stopped and you gasp for air, then back it comes, turning it up a notch, yep, absolutely frightening, you know there and then something is definitely not right, painful and unless you get to hospital a$$-up as I did, just around the corner, leaving the car in the middle of the street at midnight....you will more than likely die waiting for an ambulance. The thing I learnt most from this experience was that there was no need for me to rush anymore, so I haven't had sex 4 times in one day since, I now have it 4 times a week....lol ???? True story.
  9. Um, that one went straight over the top for you. I was being sarcastic. Do you hear yourself man ? We can't have people sitting at bars drinking, even if vaccinated, because you can still spread and even catch the virus. Then I went onto say the rest which was how it should be, back to normal.
  10. Is he suggesting that Lisa is disabled, I hope not, she is HOT, as for Andrea Bochelli (he is not fat, he is blind) you maybe are thinking of the late Luciano Pavarotti.
  11. I have heard of some recently returning and only making enough to pay for their way plus a little on top of that as the Covid outbreak shut them down mid flight so to speak.
  12. Put the money where it's needed, to those currently starving while you numbnuts spend it on lavish events and buying up subs, totally disgusted to say the least, as much as I would love to eyeball Lalisa.
  13. Do you hear yourself man ? We can't have people sitting at bars drinking, even if vaccinated, because you can still spread and even catch the virus. This is and will remain the perfect control tool for governments, until they are ready to lift whatever restrictions they deem fit for the masses, and without people rising, could be a while before drinks, and sitting at that bar enjoying a cold one while some young filly is dancing on the bar literally above your head trying to get your attention. Damn I miss the old days pre-Covid were I used to play hard to get, for about 10 seconds.
  14. I'm guessing they mustn't say Georgian people over there when referring to their own. Safe travels &
  15. Sakon Nakhon 22 at 8.38pm, and pleasant, although went to bed in a T-shirt last night as opposed to a singlet and haven't had the air con on for at least 3 nights.
  16. I have to much to live for, therefore fear of dying. Eventually we will all die, it's a given, but I will never be ready, having worked my rear off all of my life, saving & suffering and having watched mates, younger than most pass early, family members pass early, and me almost passing early, you can say that was my wake up call, I can't get enough of life. Waking up every morning is a new day, a new beginning and I want to breath in all of that fresh free air as I awake just before dawn, besides I still have a couple of dozen young fillies to take before I go. But when I do go, not waking up would be my preference.
  17. Also for those seeking a Pfizer jab, I heard on the grapevine they are doing them on the 28th this month (October) at the University, so if anyone is interested, I would suggest you get in touch or go to the MOPH office in Udon Thani to confirm if this the case.
  18. My wife has been trying all day, even called them, solly no can help. Discussed about Mr Faland, me, delaying my shot as I have had 2 Pfizer jabs, said can delay up to 90 days, so we will see if I will get a booster in February as I received my 2nd Pfizer jab in September.
  19. You are allowed to transfer the shots, e.g. sell it to someone, just got to check out what the hospital requires when transferring it to be sure to be sure as Paddy would say. Alternatively if you think you will receive it in the new year say around March/April, maybe worth a booster ? I will be waiting to see when I get the call to go in and then play it by ear, sister-in-law is keen to buy it, so I am not to worried about losing the dosh and if she gets something else at the same level, e.g. Pfizer which I doubt, I will just see if I can postpone the shot as a booster till March/April, if needed.
  20. I'm pretty sure they can bring those watching from batch 2 or 3 forward to take my place and me there's, if I can only reschedule for a month, then the sister-in-law can cough up 3,300 baht and get her 1st of two jabs and I can hunt down a vaccine, hopefully Pfizer in March/April if required as a booster.
  21. I don't see a problem with that, either my sister-in-law will go instead of me, money back in my pocket, or reschedule for batch 3 probably March/April and if the data suggests I need it, then I can get it then, if the data suggests otherwise, then the sister-in-law can get it, if she still needs it.
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