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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. More clarification on the DTA in regard to the Age Pensions & Superannuation Pensions, whereby the below clearly states that Thailand can only tax Pensions, boo-hoo. I strongly believe that someone has truly buried their head in the sand (HK) as opposed to "researching" further as we haven't heard from him and his so called admittance to be wrong yet.....expected though. My my, at the press of a button (research), I found this to add. This is particularly relevant for those living in Thailand and surviving on their Australian age-pensions, and/or on their Australian (non-government) superannuation pensions, as the tax treaty states that ONLY Thailand can tax those pensions! https://www.expattaxes.com.au/update-thailand-clarifies-tax-on-foreign-income/#:~:text=This is particularly relevant for,Thailand can tax those pensions!
  2. I have yet to see evidence that both Russia and China are a threat to world peace, (American propaganda), yet the rhetoric is always the same as to how they brainwash their weak, and others. NATO is nothing more than a puppet for the American Military Industrial Complex, and I applaud how BRICS is sticking it to them by moving away from the US $ in return, suffice to say, that is a major threat to American, and I can't wait for the US $ to tank after dominating all currencies since WWII, time to take it down a notch fellas'...LoL
  3. Just remember to say, that you are back to stay, and if you buy a unit, that should add weight to your application. See copy and pasted on the 2 years, at the very bottom. If you have separated from your wife, they should accept a Statutory Declaration as I have been told, otherwise divorcing, if you are legally married in Australia will cost you $1,000 upwards, so the Stat Dec would be the cheaper alternative, suffice to say, if you were married in Australia and are now separated, you might want to consider divorcing because she could go you half the unit IMO, perhaps seek legal advice on that. My advice would be not to mention that your wife, if still married or not, has land, as they could put that down as an asset. You see, if you are married, you will get the married pension, but at the single rate, i.e. a few hundred bucks less than the single rate, so if your separated, go the single age pension route, and of course, the less you tell them the better the outcome, they are not your friend and will reduce the age pension where they can, and even decline you if they think you will go back after the 2 years. If you get through all of those hurdles, then after 2 years, you can go back and have the age pension made portable. Good luck. Since 20 September 2000, a former resident who returns to Australia and is granted Age or DSP, or who transfers to Age under SS(Admin)Act section 12, cannot take that pension outside Australia if they leave within 2 years of having resumed residence in Australia. The purpose of this legislation is to discourage people from travelling to Australia just to get an Australian pension to take back overseas. The 2-year period includes, as separate full days, the day on which the recipient returns to Australia to resume Australian residence and the day on which they leave again. There is no discretionary power to allow portability of Age or DSP during the 2-year period (note, some exceptions to the 2-year rule apply - see below). Payment may be suspended for short overseas absences during the 2-year period and does not have to be reclaimed on return to Australia. A short absence from Australia (as long as the person is still classed as an Australian resident) will not impact on the end date of the 2-year period (i.e. the absence still counts towards the person's 2-year period). Link below: https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/7/1/4?fbclid=IwAR0BOQA8UzTTsKwSi6xLfFppN7jlKTlm9zIROcy31N8kUU2KCu5cvuqwOOs
  4. Ah yes the F4 and it's purpose for killing and invading countries that hadn't invaded America, but it supported the military industrial complex and the elitists pockets. Lets not talk about the children that got caught up in this madness. There is no justification for this or any type of weapons that kill in wars, yet sitting down and negotiating until one comes to a common ground has no monetary value, does it, just look at Ukraine and Palestine at the moment. So shallow, perhaps your parasites' are your punishment from the GOOD old days catching up with your past, if that's the case, well what can I say ?
  5. In that case it could be "Tactical Hallucinations" hence the reason I was asking the questions.
  6. Before I dive into this, I would like to ask the following questions. Do you live alone ? If you do not live alone, are there any other family members infected, or do they have what you have or see what you have or even see what you see ? These are serious question, I am not taking the p-ss out of you, just trying to understand the broader picture if there is one.
  7. If it were me, I would have provided him with three options, the 1st would be for him to STFU, or the 2nd option would be for me to gag him, and the 3rd, to ask the stewards to turn the lights down, whilst I knock him out with one punch, naturally after offering him all 3 options, I would then provide him with the 3rd option whether he liked it or not. I think it's time Stewards did some training on how to apply pepper spray and how to put on handcuffs in situations like this. I hope he doesn't get let off easily, and the plan returned to Thailand, were justice could be better served than in the UK, fricken nutter. “Two passengers sat on either side of him and kept pulling him down. We had to put up with his shouting. He was being very verbally abusive.
  8. If your hear on an extension, I see no reason why you can't, that said, accounts have fees, e.g. I believe SCB charge me 200 or 300 baht a year to have an account, and of course pay me SFA interest and tax me 17% of that interest, not 100% sure if that is the case, but someone told me if you don't have a TIN, they charge you tax on your interest earned, fair enough, whatever. I don't deal with SCB staff at all, just make withdrawals from the app via any ATM machine and pay no fees, regardless if in or out of the province, and transfer funds to them from overseas, only time staff see me is for my annual extension letter that I require from them to confirm the funds have been in there for the time required, used to wait 45 minutes, now about 15-30 minutes, still a waste of time, but it is what it is.
  9. I would imagine most bikes would come with 2, my son purchased a new Yamaha R150 recently and was provided with 2, one he has since lost......LoL Go back to the shop, or ring them and tell them you only received one key, who knows the other might be under your seat.
  10. I will admit that I am not the brightest spark when it comes to technology, but I do somehow manage to get by. I am with you about them stopping internet banking, but I would say that there would be a reason for that, e.g. maybe they or their customers have been hacked too many times and have been exposed to having to cough up to cover the losses ? Me personally, was never an app person, mobile was for making calls, but then came along all the usual apps, like Facebook, Line, WhatsApp, Wise etc etc so I slowly made progress in using them and have been up to speed for a while now, that said, when I had to change over to the SCB app, it was daunting, still is in a way, that said, I manage, but when I do need to do something new to me, I call Mummy dearest because she is all over this type of stuff, wallets, codes etc etc which I won't even venture into as change getting harder when aging, well for me it is. Just out of interest: VPN stands for "Virtual Private Network" and describes the opportunity to establish a protected network connection when using public networks. VPNs encrypt your internet traffic and disguise your online identity. This makes it more difficult for third parties to track your activities online and steal data.
  11. HK could start reading Confucius and learn somethings in life, as opposed to posting his negative and misleading views that are not backed up with anything of substance, suffice to say, one quote from the old boy comes to mind: " A man who has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it, is committing another mistake." In other words, is he admits he is WRONG and has made a mistake, he might actually grow as a person, but I think he is way past that point, then again, I could be wrong, but won't be holding my breath as I did take to the bone.
  12. LoL, that is so funny, 1st laugh and smile of the day, thanks for that. Talking about obsessive - compulsive traits, I couldn't help myself, just having gone over and looking at Article 17 & 18 of the DTA between Australia & Germany, and can clearly say, that it is pretty much no different to the DTA between Australia & Thailand, and the 15% tax he is on about is totally misrepresented by that certain member IMO, once again. Deflection, or could it be how that person reads into things, not really understanding what he is talking about, which would mean that he is WRONG....LoL, no names mentioned of course, and I just had a thought, call it my opinion, i.e. I believe that, that person could be showing a certain trait which could be Schizophrenia, that said, I am no medical professional, and could be clearly wrong, but that person does in my opinion show similar traits as defined in that condition. The condition affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves, that said, I will go and waste my time making breakfast now, take my meds, and bid you a good day.
  13. If I was a betting man, I would bet that in no way, shape or form that he was in tax or finance because he has no idea what he is talking about, maybe, just maybe a politicians side kick, at the lowest entry that there is, because we all know how they put a spin on things, you know, always denying things, even after contradicting themselves, then deflecting, so as to avoid admitting that they were WRONG. One minute they say they have stopped researching, then in the same post admit that they say they are still researching, if that' not contradicting oneself then I don't know what is, then he moves onto the Germany treaty, who cares, it was never in the discussion, it's another deflection, and Article 18 he says Article 19 has to go with Article 18, but doesn't accept the fact that the provisions of Article 19 does not, if it is only the Age Pension and nothing else in Article 18, and so on and so forth, but as I have said time and time again, there was a movie out called Dumber Dumber which could be befitting. If I had to use one word of many words on this forum without being in fear of being shut down, I would say that he has a mental condition, sad really, however the word eludes me at the moment. Only if he could say that he was WRONG, he would be set free, but that is a big if......as far as I'm concerned he can stay in his lane, but would recommend that he change his meds, because it's evident that they aren't working.
  14. Use of ATM card usually come with a charge of about 200 baht per 20,000 baht maximum, per time transactions, i.e. every time you make a transaction up to you Australian credit/debit card limit, you will x that by, suffice to say if my limit is $2,000 per day and I want it all in that day, I would be up for 2 x 200 baht in that day, using the LOWER exchange rate, that ATM's usually give, then you have to add the charges that your bank will make back in Australia, usually about the same, so it would be a double wammy, plus a lower exchange rate IMO. As for retirement visa/extensions, we all know of these agents that will go down the illegal route for xyz baht. Everyone has choices and if you want to use the ATM route, be prepared to pay the price, same applies with agents going down the illegal route. I don't believe he has added any value to anything he has provided out of the 747 strikes he has provided, and of course we all know that a person who won't admit that they are WRONG is unrepentant.
  15. Can you please provide the two useful pieces of information he has provided, because a 2 out of 747 strike rate does sound like a public servant to me. Agree with you 1,000% on that, although there is another one out there, no names mentioned...LoL
  16. Correct, but you and I know that isn't going to happen, not unless, we start believing that there is a new tax treaty someone, lurking in the dark, that a particular member we all know very well who loves to scaremonger, is talking about to deflect that he was WRONG all along that Aged Pensioners as residents in Thailand had to pay 32.5% tax in Australia....LoL I hazzard a guess, that member will also wear you down sooner or later because he doesn't accept responsibility when he is wrong, he would rather waste members times trying to force his skewed point of views across and constantly ask member to interpret this or that, which is a deflection, when we have provided him with the relevant information that the majority of member agree is correct and stands. We still haven't seen he say he was WRONG, because he is still researching, latest is the new German treaty....LoL, and is scaremongering that Australia is going to go down that path, as opposed to admitting he was WRONG. My advice is best ignore him, or as others have said, block him, but for me, I would rather see this individual carry on with his prophesies that will not come to fruition.
  17. FYI: The 2-year period includes, as separate full days, the day on which the recipient returns to Australia to resume Australian residence and the day on which they leave again. https://guides.dss.gov.au/social-security-guide/7/1/4
  18. Agree. Having growing up in a poor family, I saw my friends having everything provided to them, was I jealous, no, those were the cards dealt to me, so I accepted it, and I am still friends with most of them today, some millionaires, alas trapped in the life of continuing on the family businesses, usually working 6 days a week, 12-14 hours a day, with perhaps a weeks holiday here or there domestically back in the home country, there choice of course, and following the footsteps of there parents, for future generations. As mentioned, growing up from a poor family, I did very well for myself working 2 jobs and rarely having holidays, and if I did take leave I was working another job during that time, that and I was going to college at night to further educate myself, all the while, while investing in real estate. I still managed to enjoy my life, going out and also doing 2 overseas trips as I matured, albeit it was more the partners at the time that wanted to travel and rightfully so, otherwise life might have become boring just from working, I put it down to an experience, a memory, that cost me of course....LoL. I managed to retire at 55 and have enjoyed the last decade or so of living my new life here with a younger wife, and enjoy a good tax free income stream. I could have chosen the path of some other friends who made lots money but sacrificed their quality of life, some passing on early and their kids benefiting and carrying on the business, and others living day by day in the old country waiting for the age pension as they approach pension age. Life certainly can be a bitch. What I am trying to say above, is that I would hate, is to be on a government pension and be in fear of needing medical care as I age in a foreign country with no reserves to back me up. Bank balances make a difference, but to get a healthy one, unless you inherit it, you have to choose which way you want your life to turn out when you get older, hence the saying, you reap what you sow.
  19. At least with Trump, 500,000 Ukrainians, and 300,000 Russians would be alive and with their families today, but then again, what is a life worth, best you go on your way to the frontline, because, frankly my dear, I don't give a dame.
  20. Is it just me, but the story is really poorly written, albeit it, I get what happened.
  21. Glad to see someone on the same page as me this early in the morning. The American tax payer is over it, hence the reason Congress has delayed yet another package worth billions of $'s in aid to the Ukraine, as opposed to negotiating a peaceful settlement which would cost nothing and save lives, but no, there's no money in that. Sure Russia will own a little more land when the borders are relined, but hey, it's a win/win situation. No doubt there will be many suggesting otherwise, and if so, perhaps they should go straight to the frontlines and help Ukraine, starting with Biden.
  22. I thought so, suffice to say that is not your average strata levy per quarter. Do you remember what the strata rates were before the special levy, e.g. $1,500-$1,750 per quarter, noting that you state that you live in the City of Sydney.
  23. If you owe someone 5,000 baht, that is between you and that party, nothing to do with the bank. I can't see how the 5,000 baht was deducted unless your transaction went through by you entering the details etc. You need to call your bank straight away, don't mention to them that you owed someone money unless they ask, all you have to do is ask them why your account is frozen and they will tell you. Could it be that you attempted to make a transaction a few times but put in the wrong password, because that will lock you out of your account aster so many attempts.
  24. You must have has a special levy agreed upon to be incorporated into your strata levies because there is no way anyone in there right mind would pay that kind of strata levies, and if that is the case, it is being raised for future works on the development because the sinking fund is too low to pay for such works. If levies are high on unit buildings in Sydney, that tends to mean that the building was either built by a shabby builder who has skipped town, I won't mention the usual nationality in fear of being called a racist, is an old building, or has to much upkeep on it that is required and has been let go because owners didn't want to raise their strata levies, other things to consider are passenger lifts usually found in medium to high rise developments that require changing after around 25 years, not to mention the constant servicing, swimming pools, tennis courts, saunas, spa's, cleaners, gardeners and security guards on site. The higher the strata levies, the lower the value of the unit. Would love to know the area you live in, but then again I cant keep up with you, wasn't it Mount Druitt ?
  25. Hmm, perhaps the USA's finest should interview a few past presidents, starting with Bush Jnr on Iraq and it's weapons of mass destruction that they never found, Libya's Gaddafi for wanting to change currencies and other things and of course Afghanistan. From what I see is that America has always been the aggressor when it comes to toppling governments, NATO is a fast, I mean come on, the big boys club, we'll put them on your border, but don't you dare try and put them on ours, because we are not a threat to the world.....LoL Standard rhetoric past on to all major news outlets to feed us, let's deflect what the USA has been up to. That reminds me, can someone tell me how many wars Russia has started since 1991 and how many the USA has started ? I think the USA was involved in just under 20, Russia half that, in it's own backyard. Putin has won this war a long time ago, no matter how hard the USA tries to drum up support, the others know it's a dead duck. Regardless of what people think of Putin, American Presidents are no different. I think Tucker did a great job allowing Putin to tell it how it is, shame on the YANKS, they have no interest in freeing Ukraine, they just want to take down Russia to pilfer it's resources as they do with other countries.
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