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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. Have never been and will never go if they keep charging more for farangs, simple really, I'd rather buy lottery tickets, same price for Thai's.
  2. I see nothing wrong with taking your gf to any place in Thailand, i.e. unless she is the jealous type. Been all around Thailand, visited bars with the wife and on my own, wife either at the hotel or back home, no issues, enjoyed a few ladies as well, after all, what's life for, apart from living the dream. If she's the jealous type because "she" loves you, then no !
  3. Buddha help Thailand to keep these mongrels away from leading this country.
  4. Please don't confuse trust and love, they are too separate matters as far as I am concerned. I trust my wife, however I choose to have my finances separate, which also suits her. To explain that better to you, when we 1st moved here, I asked her where would be a good place to invest my money (I was baiting her), her reply was what I expected, i.e. leave your money in your country, it's safer there and you know how to invest your money, so don't bring it here, it's too corrupt. She has had a great life in the years she has been married to me, better than she ever would have been able to manage on her own, that said, I love my wife and I trust my wife, but I trust NO ONE with my finances, seen too many lads go down the path of trust and lose it all. That is why I say that trust and love are two separate things. I don't wear my finances (heart) on my sleeve, that is how people end up going down because they have exposed themselves to the possibility. The above said, it would be different if we were both working and both had joint incomes, but that is not the case here, she has made millions by just being with me, e.g. I paid for a big house built on land that I also purchased for her, car purchased outright in her name by me, motorcycle same, furniture same, holidays, domestic and international all paid for by me. What do I get in return, love, as she does, trust is a different kettle of fish and if you think otherwise, then that is your prerogative, and on that note I will conclude, I do trust my wife, but trust NO ONE with my finances, why should I, after all, it took me decades to accumulate over a lot of blood sweat and tears. All of the above said, if things ever went south, I would head north with what I have financially and she would keep the house, car, motorbike, furniture, kids and the memories, now that for me is my security that I will not end up like others here and elsewhere have. I call this being street wise, but hey, each to their own, if it works for you, then it works for you, and yes I do sleep well at night, as she does, as she knows that there is a life insurance policy in her name if anything happens to me and a will. I do trust she won't nik me before my expiry date though ???? Let's not forget, everything is good, until it's not, remember that and have a plan B. Nothing negative about what I am posting, just looked at it from all angles and it suits us both, after all, if it didn't suit here, I am sure she wouldn't be here ????
  5. Um, did you just here what you said ? His wife stole from him, to forgive her, is one thing, to support her is another, but then again, at age 75 and being all in, he has no choice, does he. Another careless farang IMO who "trusts" his wife with allowing her access to his finances. I love my wife of 16 + years, I trust my wife of 16 + years, but I would NEVER allow her access to my funds, until my death, why give anyone the opportunity to take what I worked for, for many decades, it's hers when I'm dead, if she decides to p-i-s-s it up the wall when I'm dead and cremated, then up to her. It is not only women that cannot be trusted with your finances, it's everyone, being irresponsible leads people to these situations unfortunately.
  6. There is nothing better than being debt free and having funds in the bank, but that takes a lot of control. 1, No credit cards 2, Pay off your mortgage as quick as you can while still enjoying your life with 2 jobs ???? 3. Invest in both real estate and the stock market long term Reach a reasonable retirement age of say 55, then live, that or remain a slave to the banks and government tax collectors, i.e. unless your fortunate enough to receive an inheritance.
  7. My estimated monthly budget when I came here in 2015 doubled + 20% in the 8 years I have lived here, although I do try to keep a lid on it to around 60,000 baht per month, with a wife and kids, including domestic holidays and eating good quality home cooked mostly imported foods. It is still far cheaper than back home believe it or not. In other words everything, and I mean everything costs me about 2,500 baht per day for wife and kids, no mortgage, no car repayments or health insurances. Some might say that's not cheap, but like I said, we eat good quality imported foods, use good oils and drink moderately, that said, I would hazard a guess it would be more than double the above back in the old country from what friends have been tell me.
  8. Even the good girls.....lol From my vast experience with women, not talking about putting them to bed, but "good girls" only exist in Hollywood movies. What I mean to say is if you find one with some good qualities, then your half way there. Keep your money separate, don't spoil them, be a man, do not put up with jealousy, i.e. seek them out early, in other words have a look at another girl and say, wow she's pretty and see what their response is, if it's the old jealousy card, move on quickly, because to me a good girl should be secure about herself, suffice to say you don't want the ones with baggage. Just enjoy yourself, tell them up front what your feeling, they will appreciate you for your honestly, never sweep anything under the carpet, be yourself, being in a relationship doesn't mean you have to become someone else, that said, woman are an abundance, especially here, and you can be yourself here more so than in the west, e.g. most women here need a fella. Remember to take your Zink ????
  9. Why even bother, this is what any woman, if attracted to you would expect, i.e. dessert. Sounds like you should if your not looking for a girlfriend. I can't believe what I am reading, are you gay, it isn't called using the women for sex if your both up for it, that said, if a woman has accompanied you back to your place, it is more than likely that she is up for it. What a let down for the girls !!! Sounds to me that your living in a fantasy world, you should stop dating women, because all your doing is teasing them in my opinion. What did you expect ?
  10. Dad was European, so from the looks of things I can say I did take from his hanhom genes so to speak, but I don't look like him, now that would be scary. He started balding early 50's while I still have good hair into my 60's. I swore that I wouldn't go down his path, i.e. alcoholism, although I do like to drink in moderation. Women on the side as he did, occasionally without a doubt, yes, I'm only human ???? He was unemployed at 55 after being dismissed for never being around at work, mainly at the pub during working hours or smelling of alcohol when at work. He received unemployment benefits till he reached the old pension age and then lived off of that for a few more year, no assets, pitiful existence in my opinion after raising, 4 kids, if you could call it that. I retired at 55, with enough to last me till I'm 101 and raising 5 kids, the latter not easy, but taught them the important stuff, right from wrong, etc, etc, but a totally different generation with different outlook of life, that said it does help when you have your finances in place to enjoy your life in your retirement years. As for the kids, well, no hand outs, they have to work as I did, save as I did, invest as I did, and when I'm gone, well, mum can sort it out with them, but she's pretty much like me, no spoiling them, got to learn to work to survive.
  11. What is the full form of FC account? An account maintained in a foreign bank in the currency of the country in which the bank is located. When such accounts are kept, they usually represent that portion of the carrying bank´s foreign currency account that is in excess of its contractual requirements. It's basically a Foreign Currency account.
  12. Thx for that, I will check out what my bank is offering overseas, if there is no annual fee, I might apply for one.
  13. Same here. We will all have to adapt. Read Blackcab's comments above.
  14. Off the topic, but I am thinking of getting a credit card. Are there any requirements ? I have a bank account with my bank and could also show them funds in my overseas account. Just thinking to get one if booking plane tickets in the future as AirAsia cancelled a flight I was going to get on to connect with my other flight and they said they would put me on the next flight, I declined and they said would refund me, that was 9 months ago, suffice to say I believe if I have a credit card the bank could sort it ? Also is there an annual fee ? You can PM me if you like as I mentioned it is off topic.
  15. You don't need facial recognition with SCB or other banks unless you are transferring out of your account amounts over 50,000K. As I don't, I won't be sucked into using facial recognition. Also in case you didn't know as of the 14th, tomorrow, online banking with SCB will be shut down, so you will have to reschedule any payments through the app. SCB Easy Net will no longer be available, it's the app only, so all should have been advised of that. Read above, I just answered his question +
  16. While eating chocolate and having ice-cream while drinking alcohol. Some might call that multi-tasking.
  17. They do their calculations, i.e. how many people would want to get off after xyz months, doubt someone would last a year, i.e. unless they are accustomed to being on ships, meaning having worked on them for years. The odds are not the only thing stacked against you, so would be losing your money if you got off earlier than the 3 years, in other words, read the fine print. Intending passenger: Here's my $90,000 up front for the 3 years rent. Passenger after 3 months, I want to get off. Crew: Sure thing. Passenger: W-T-F do you mean I can't get a refund on the balance of the $90,000 that I paid up for 3 years. Crew: Read the fine print
  18. Love chocolates, so enjoyable, remind me of life, all that free air
  19. I learnt long ago that there is always two sides to a story. Now do we honestly thing that the cops would waste their time to arrest him for 2 ecstasy tablets, I would think the other side of the story is that he insulted the police, now that could be by his foul mouth or spitting on them. The above said, I don't know the other side of the story, but I got a rough idea. His dad must be real proud of him. His story could be true, but you have to weigh it all up.
  20. Yes, these days you don't know who's liking, disliking your posts, which is unfortunate, sort of a dark web now on ASEANNOW which makes me want to contribute lessor.
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