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Everything posted by 4MyEgo

  1. I haven't had any negative reviews to give in all of these years except for one hotel. It went something like this, couldn't sleep all night as the toilet smell from the downstairs lobby all the way to the bedroom was so strong. The kids ended up being bitten by bed bugs. Nice hotel, but due to the above we won't be staying again, as for the return part of our journey paid for room, that's on me as I will drive the extra 5 hours to get home also without the above. Nothing negative to state about the hotel, just stating what transpired during our stay ????
  2. Only had to show a residence certificate once, after obtaining the yellow book, never need another residence certificate. I dare say that it depends on the office, as in most government offices, they all appear to have their own rules, in other words, the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing.
  3. I don't agree that you are looking at it from an unusual prospective, and agree, insurance is gambling, however most reparable insurers will pay the claim providing you are not breaching the agreement in any way or form. When I came to Thailand, no insurer would include my pre-existing condition that I had, which has never caused me an issue since I first had it in 2008 so I self insured for 2 years. A broker found me an insurer that would cover it for a separate premium amount which covered that pre-existing condition, but not before they received all the paper trails that I had from my Dr and Specialist, including all the blood tests that I had annually, meaning I had a good clean file on every visit etc. My premium started off at 70,000 baht per annum from age 57 and went up every year, by the 4th year it reached 150,000 baht age 61 (new bracket), when I queried the big jump in the 4th year, e.g. from 110,000 baht to 150,000 baht, I was told it was because the insurer changed underwriters. I am now 63 and have self insured for the past 2 years, I put aside 250,000 baht for myself and another 100,000 baht for the family, which was also increasing every year, thus far I have 700,000 aside and due to add another 350,000 baht which will take me just over the million baht mark. The above said, it's not enough, but I have savings that exceeds that 10 fold easily, (not bragging) just stating the fact, which I hope that I never have to use, but as you say, it's a gamble and short of the insurers gauging me every year with their increase (without any claims) from me or my family, I feel better that the money that would have gone to their every rising annual premiums are back in my pocket. I have also found out that there are some pretty good government hospitals out there, if and when a situation arises, failing that one could bite the bullet and go to the private or go back home.
  4. Thanks for that, we have 2 which are probably 5 years old and never used thankfully, although was starting to worry when I read this article. We also have smoke detectors, so in any event, I would hope to evacuate the family first before attempting to extinguish any potential fire, failing that the insurance company can pay to replace the house and the contents.
  5. That says a lot, was her friend gay, and was the driver and him having an eyeball of a moment ? Appears that it was all a misunderstanding. If you ask me, that is not his real willy because from what I understand and have heard, Thai men are not that big and don't get sliced, so probably a toy one that he was stroking. Jokes aside, he should have his rear end hauled in, taxi license cancelled and sentenced to 90 days cleaning the male toilets at a local prison, that should get his testosterone levels down.
  6. Utterly disgusting, that said, from my experience years ago when I first came here, I remember that I had to que with hundreds, yes hundreds of others in the morning to see a Dr at the public hospital for a simple blood test, it was then when I realised that their system was broken. To add to that, when the Dr finally arrived and it was my turn in the que, he asked me why I wanted a blood test, even after telling him that I do one back home to check on my Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL and LDL levels to make sure that I don't have another heart attack, e.g. my local GP recommends I do one every 6 months to make sure everything is in check. I since found a blood clinic an hour 15 drive away, drive there 1st thing in the morning, arrive when they open, 1st in and out, and the results are emailed to me by the time I get back. Go figure, it is quicker than going to the public hospital to be seen by the Dr, who is no more than a kid in a white robe and the blood test (only one) that I did there, took a week to come back with the results. The above said, I have canned all Dr's at public hospitals except a University training Public Hospital that Sheryl once referred me to, since then it has been Private hospitals, I don't care about the expense or the travel time, still get home before a public hospital Dr would be able to see me, that said, the wait time to see a Dr in a Public hospital from mine, my wife's and kids experiences is less than 10 minutes, half of that time is filling in some paperwork, getting weighed and blood pressures taken. Can't blame the Dr's for walking out, I can imagine having seen 1st hand the volumes of people they have to see in a given day, no doubt for little pay and long hours.
  7. I suppose it all boils down to the dealership. I have had an XLT 2.2 since 2016 and whenever I call them, they are always accommodating me, and always honoured the warranty during the 3 years, just had to pay for the labour. I paid 800k baht for my XLT 2.2L Turbo, 6 speed manual back in 2016, still in love with it today, has never let me down, been all over Thailand with it and have about 235,000 kilometres on it, never had a break change believe it or not. Two sets of tyres, 3rd due shortly, regular oil and oil filter changes at 15,000 kilometre intervals externally after warranty, front wishbone, a pulley, a fan belt and a set of windscreen whippers that I can think of, all done at Ford. I purchase my own oils on Lazada and take them to a local mechanic who does the oil change and puts in a filter, all for 450 baht, Ford of course have big overheads and would charge a he-ck of a lot more for the labour and oils. Was thinking of an upgrade, but why, when it's still driving like new.
  8. I have a suggestion, why don't they look at their own immigration officers who accept bribes from agents on behalf of foreigners to do their extensions, you know the ones that don't have the dosh in the bank to get their extensions. Looking into their own kind would be too much effort, or would it ?
  9. The mother-in-law suggested that, and she wouldn't have it, although she has been feeding the monks every morning since the mother-in-law suggested it and will take something to the Temple on Saturday. She has agreed to see someone to talk to, she know it will be Psychiatrist to see what is causing it, an underlying condition.
  10. No, he is in Oz, they sell them by the dozen there. I also said he was paying 27 baht per dozen which is incorrect, I divided instead of multiplied the exchange rate, should have been 138 baht per dozen or $6.00AUD. So in Oz he pays 8 baht more then we do here, he gets 12 eggs, we get 30 eggs.
  11. My bad, I just had a look at that again, and agree, 27 baht is cheap, that said, it helps if I used the correct method to calculate the rate properly, example, I divided it instead of multiply it, therefore it should be he said he is paying 138 baht per doxen not 27 baht per dozen $6.00 AUD. As for the 30 eggs in the village that we pay 130 baht for, they are a size 2 which I believe is a medium size.
  12. Talking to a mate back home the other day and in the conversation he said everything is just so expensive and continuing to go up. I said what are you paying for a dozen eggs these days, he said the free range ones were 67 baht a dozen, the normal caged ones were 27 baht a dozen. He then asked me what the price of eggs were here, and I said for the free range village ones here I pay 130 baht for 30 eggs, so that would work out to 4.33 baht or 52 baht a dozen, so slightly lower than his 67 baht per dozen or 5.58 baht each. As egg yolk is the only food source that has high amounts of vitamins A, D, E, K, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9 and B12, with the white having high amounts of B2, B3, and B5, but also significant amounts of vitamins B1, B6, B8, B9 and B12, eating two eggs a day covers pretty much 10% to 30% of vitamin intake for us mere human beings. The above said, eggs are still cheaper than a pack of crisps, e.g. 49 to 60 baht per 140 gram packet, and they are bad for you, the crisps that is????
  13. Sixty-six millionaires earning almost a billion dollars put together paid no tax last year, according to new data from the ATO. I would like to think that the ATO would go after the loopholes of millionaires and other large corporations vs going after the little battlers who worked all of their lives. So take a deep breathe and like I said, when they do come after the little battler, then come on down and beat your chest, but until then, ZIP, it ti do dah, Zip it tee day, my oh my have a wonderful day ????
  14. I believe her experience is a little different to yours, as this is what I believe she has below: Formication is a symptom where you hallucinate the feeling of insects crawling in, on or under your skin. This symptom can be very upsetting or disturbing, leading to other issues like self-injury from scratching or trying to get the insects out from under or inside of your skin.Aug 9, 2565 BE She doesn't do drugs or drink alcohol, however was depressed a little back, it appears that she may have some an underlying mental condition, e.g. not one to open up about matters, talk about things etc etc, and of course this has built up over time and her anxiety probably got the better of her ? I managed to dig in a little and she opened up, appears to go back to the family and the x husband so there is a pattern I believe when I connected the dots, that said, I am in no way a professional, so will get her to see one so as to treat her underlying condition IMO. The above said, she has agreed to take some meds from tomorrow that the Dr has prescribed here for a week, Clorazepate 5mg, Generic brand Tranmed 5, which is a sedative so as to relax here. She is not batty, she is aware of what's going on and agrees what everyone is saying, i.e. it is her imagination, however, she is constantly cleaning her body and playing loud music when they start their crawling and she sings away (I told her that I would pay for her singing lessons) to which she laughed, still has her sense of humour, but has started taking 2 Albermed 200mg tablets per day, two days ago (pack of 6) to kill off parasites, deworm etc etc, unbeknown to me which I wasn't happy about. She has also agreed to see someone to discuss any underlying mental health problems, so all I can do from here is keep her close to me and see where we end up and tell her family NOT to buy her over the counter meds without first consulting me as I believe that I need to keep it all together.
  15. Talk to your landlord to accept that you only want 3 month contract at a time, but immigration want a year contract for you to renew your extension. I don't think he will decline your request to insert a clause in the contract that states that either party can give xyz days, weeks notice for the occupant to move out and the contract becomes null and void, on that day.
  16. Thanks for your kind words. I have asked her if she wants me to reach out to Sheryl, but has declined for now, so I will work on her gently and see if she agrees later on, and then we can see if Sheryl can ster me in the right direction. This morning she has agreed that she will need to see someone as her sister came over today (my calling on the quiet), and she asked her sister if she could see anything, to which she answered, no sister, but think your self lucky you don't actually have any, your stressed, your tired, your anxious, just chill, sleep, eat well and see someone to sort it. She trusts her sister, so hopefully we can move to the next state, I really feel for her because she is a beautiful creature, never done drugs or alcohol, as for those throwing in the odd jokes, water off of a ducks back, doesn't bother me, I weigh up the positives here than the jokes, but without a laugh here and there, I would probably end up seeing bugs and worms crawling up my skin as well. All I can say is I wouldn't want to be in her situation at all.
  17. Thanks for that Sandyf, and yes, won't be taking the sedatives far to strong and addictive for my liking, but will monitor her and see what may have be the cause of this, menopause, well she is approaching 42 and I know her family members had theirs early. Pesticides, hmmm, she just sprayed for termites about a week ago and complained about her eyes hurting a little, I did tell her to wear eye glasses and a mask. At the moment, she is ok, a lot calmer than she was earlier today, she can feel "them" walking all over her she says, but is applying baby oil and is trying not to pay attention to "them". I wouldn't want to be in her shoes, 16 years married and never seen this side to her, not a drinker or drug user, straight Ace, but something has brought this on, could be phycological, I don't know, just hope it goes away because one can't but think, you know what.
  18. I use a small back pack with loads of pockets, always wear it on my back, that way I can't leave it lying around. When I sit down to have a meal, I put it either over my shoulder or wear it at the front, as I do on my back. Out of site and sporty looking, suites me down to the ground.
  19. I took her to Bangkok Private today, the Dr was thorough, and said, he also couldn't see what I couldn't see and believes it to be a Phycological condition and prescribed Clorazepate 5mg, wife doesn't want it, ok, he also suggested if she didn't improve to perhaps see a Physiatrist, yeh, ah thanks Doc, I hear yah. The tablets when read on Google appear to be quite addictive, so will monitor the situation and see if these "invisible" worms to my and others eyes disappear over the next day or so.
  20. No spraying of pesticides or other chemicals in the fields around our house, as for around the water tower or drinking water source, or cleaning of the new tower, that is something she can raise with the Mayor. There are 4 of us in this household, none of us seem to have what she believes she has/had, I think once a certain person finds something crawling on their skin, then they will start investigating their entire body, how many pieces of tissue paper did I look at, her telling me that they were worms, to my eyes, they were tissue paper, I don't take these matters lightly, and told her that I will take her to a dermatologist at the Private hospital to inspect her skin if she likes and she agreed, only to bail out of it today. Phobia in my opinion as mentioned. Hoe weather, prickly skin + 100,000 mites living on our body living off of our skins cells, water off a ducks back IMO.
  21. I call it phobia, she is over it now thank Buddha, I watched a video that 1FinickyOne posted above and got her to watch it, she said she was aware of that. She said she spoke to her Dad about what was going on, and he said that the village Mayor didn't put Chlorine in the water as of about a month now, as the village can't afford to put Chlorine in the water because when they had to build a new water tower a month ago, no one wants to pay more for the water so no Chlorine. I don't believe this stuff as Thai's tend to make a lot of stuff up for the sake of it, that said, I got her a couple of Chlorine tablets and put them into our 2 x 2,000 litre tanks yesterday afternoon, she now says she feels better after showering and that the bugs aren't bugging her anymore apparently ???? The girl is going troppo as I mentioned earlier, what next....LOL
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