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Posts posted by dageurreotype

  1. Some of the posters sound like they are missing the British nanny state, where every unfortunate incident is someone else's fault and individual stupidity is never a factor.

    I agree, but u wouldn't be a getting way to typical racist anti-Thai TV poster unless you blamed it on a Thai.

    Even in a nanny state like Australia With regulations, punishments, and a lifeguard system second to none, this happens with tourists (and even some non- tourists) regularly

    You are correct, individuals have to take some responsibility for their stupid actions

    I didn't read this as being 'anti Thai'?? Anti stupid, yes. Conversely, if the victim had been Thai, this thread would've barely had more than two comments with the usual RIPs.

  2. To sum up, the secret to having a happy life with a Thai woman is to be extremely lucky.

    For the average, not so lucky among us, the answer is to marry a childless, sterile orphan that has loads of money and a nice house, car etc with a well paying job that lives thousands of miles from the relatives. Hi so Chinese is good too.

    Ah but given the proclivity for the Thai to be somewhat economic with the actualite, could you believe she was an orphan, sterile, the money in her account was truly hers', not to mention the house or that she was walking out of the back door of her high paying office and opening up her beerbar? The thousands of miles away would be down to you moving her back to your home country biggrin.png Also, most hi so Chinese don't date guys in wife beaters and flipflops laugh.png

  3. What planet is this man living on ?

    He takes over a country in a military coup then has the cheek to tell those who will demonstrate their opposition not to tarnish the country's image !

    Maybe he thinks they're infringing on his patent to make a fool of himself and the country.

    Agree, but thing is, most were quite happy to have him intervene to stop the escalating hubris of the latest moves by Taksin via his newest proxy, notably the rice pledging fiasco and the amnesty bill. However, few knew this junta would go so far in the suppression of ever dissenting voices. Prayuth is not Sondhi. Too late now.

  4. I filled in the online application form for the insurance given in the OP - http://www.thaihealth.co.th/2012/product_simply_eng.php Having heard nothing back for several days I gave them a call. I was first told 'there was no one there to deal with my query' (?!) and someone would call back. Someone did saying an SMS had been sent the previous day, it hadn't. I then told them I'd seen their local branch on Phuket and would deal direct. I was told they didn't have an office on Phuket and to send them a copy of my passport and the premium. I sent them a link to Thai Life. The logo is identical, save for the colour, but do take into account that many companies copy each other's names/logos, how many 'Smile' dentists are there for instance?

    Bearing in mind I'd been first ignored then lied to, has anyone actually had any positive experience with this company given in the link? I do note there are only certain hospitals who will deal with these insurance companies and a list is neither given nor 'other exclusions', this whilst they've already had your money ..

  5. I understand is very difficult Livinginkata and according to schlog I have seriously underestimated my costs but thanks anyway

    You've made the same mistake as other potential visitors in assuming prices here will be on a par with India .. because it's in the same general direction haven't you.

  6. "we can take heart in signs that the effort is at least underway"

    Another sycophantic explanation for kissing the juntas bottom by declaring another step in the right direction is being considered for a new committee that will decide if the issue can be resolved by a panel of experts who will vote on a referendum to decide if a feasibility study is in order.

    What do you expect from a newspaper who threw one of it's senior journalists under a bus?

  7. I seem to remember early on Thailand only really did have one international connection by one company and the internet was almost unusable as there was too little international bandwidth.... and this is what they want to move back to? If you are focusing on improving international bandwidth you do not restrict it down to one line/organization - you incentivise and allow competition to increase the bandwidth and you make sure to eliminate and restrict any organization that creates market restrictions and monopolizes the resource. The truth is obvious..... (BTW, the cutting off of facebook which they said was a technical glitch - happened across multiple providers and thus was proof that the government ordered it).

    I recall 2001 when I got a 1 mb attachment and was able to finally download it in Pattaya on my dial-up connection after 16 tries.

    As far as Facebook goes...... I think the world would be a better place without it.

    FB has to be the stupidest concept ever IMHO, yet the masses seem to love it.

    I LOVE it. I can sign up under a false name and then spy on anyone everywhere without them knowing it smile.png

    Before the flames start I was being sarcastic, albeit factual.

  8. Truly horrible news. Makes thailand looked 3rd world.


    It IS Third World huh.png Military junta depriving citizens of right to vote - check, suppression of freedom of speech - check - lack of law enforcement - check - endemic corruption throughout society - check, cherry on top upcoming Firewall limiting access to outside world - check.

    A few shiny SUV's hurtling about and condominiums of dodgy provenance being slung up every damn where does not a first world country make.

  9. He then said a change in old practices is also necessary and local businesses will have to become more involved in critical issues facing the global economy and take into consideration matters such as illegal foreign labor and the environment otherwise Thailand’s goods and services will not be accepted in the world.

    He know Thailand Seafood and Aviation will get post-4641-1156693976.gif from EU and US but now its too late to change that ... Gonna be interesting to read (in foreign media) how PM is gonna act like an elephant in a porcelain shop at UN goof.gif

    If you are still able to access foreign media by then. Otherwise it will be all 'resounding success marred only be a handful of recalcitrant 'red shirts''.

  10. Interesting piece on the junta's current plan to build a firewall here and the absurdity of announcing a 'Digital Hub'. Any implementation of which being hugely detrimental to doing business here. Also mentions VPNs, which would become illegal. Oh, and how neighbouring countries bypassed Thailand owing to CAT's astronomical fees. http://www.telecomasia.net/blog/content/general-happiness-orders-great-firewall-thailand#.VgIQnIbjvOU.twitter

    More where that came from, just google or bing 'Thailand Firewall'.

    You frogs beginning to feel the heat of the boiling water yet?

  11. On the other hand, most outside Thailand don't know or don't care about Thai politics or society.

    I don't know your news source or whether you read anything outside TV, but there is currently a LOT of negative press surrounding Thailand in the WORLD's press. Have a look. Whilst you can ..

  12. No matter how many protesters there may be, no matter how hostile the reception from Western media, this will never be reported back "home".

    In Thailand, the population will be shown a triumphant masterstroke of diplomacy by Prayut, how he was the centre of attention at the UN, cheered on by grateful Thai expats in New York, how Prayut was able to make hundreds of sceptics "understand and support" his regime government.

    Who knows, perhaps Thai TV Channels will even report that Prayut was gracious enough to grant the Pope a private audience.

    Life is good when you control the domestic media .... now to do something about the pesky internet .....

    It was reported just a few days ago that the Thai expats protesting the coup are 'red shirts', so yes, that's exactly how it'll be played out here to the great unwashed and what with the spanky new firewall and all, how would they know any different?

  13. You've just spent two days posting about your stuff on this thread. You'd likely have sold it by bothering to advertise it in Classifieds by now huh.png

    As an aside, I'm rarely in the market for castoffs but do agree a cursory glance at that fb group does rather point up people losing any idea of the true value of their junk. Somewhat akin to the 'second hand junk shops' here. In my home country I'd pick up antques/good quality stuff for a song. No such thing exists here. They've only very recently adopted the concept of 'furniture' over a bamboo mat to serve as bed/dining table/sofa. Better to buy new.

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