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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. The irony being you’re the only one so far to say it. Well done. 

    No the real irony is anyone thinks there’s an equivalency between the victims of:
    “an American fraudster and a former stockbroker, investment advisor, and financier. He is the former non-executive chairman of the NASDAQ stock market,[2] and the admitted operator of a Ponzi scheme that is considered the largest financial fraud in U.S. history.[3] Prosecutors estimated the size of the fraud to be $64.8 billion, based on the amounts in the accounts of Madoff's 4,800 clients as of November 30, 2008.[4]”
    “Madoff was active in the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), a self-regulatory securities-industry organization. He served as chairman of its board of directors, and was a member of its board of governors.”
    and some Thai gold scammers on Facebook.
  2. I must be reading the article incorrectly because it appeared to say that possession of such material on your computer was not a crime but refusal to remove it was. Did I miss something?

    Yes you did,,
    “The revisions to the Computer Act gave the court the authority to order such data destroyed and specified that possession alone was a crime. Previously the court could only rule that posting such data online was a crime.”
  3. IMO they should arrest the photographer as well in that case.
    That said, is it anything to do with disrespecting culture? They are using landmarks to document their little gay global photo-journal that's all.

    Phones and cameras have had a self timer function for a few decades now fwiw. That said maybe the bib incarcerated their iPhone as the primary offender. After all tit.
  4. The rabbit in the headlights reaction is indeed a reality in some cases even when the farang speaks Thai well.But in the vast majority of cases when foreigners who think they speak good Thai fail to be understood the explanation is in fact that they don’t speak Thai as well as they think they do.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

    Yup! When I try only with my wife to speak one or two words I’ve read in English phonetic print see looks bewildered as I repeat many times with slight variations until she asks me to describe what am I trying to say in Thai. When I convey this she says it in Thai with a slight tonal or inflection difference and laughs how bad my attempt was and tells me what I was saying is “not the same honey”.
    No ability to extrapolate my attempt knowing I’m clueless to the nuances of the language. I learned there’s no hope for me speaking Thai when she told me “ba” was the word for jungle and I couldn’t enunciate it properly for her ear despite 10 attempts because there are six variations of the pronunciation that all mean something different.
    Now I stick to learning what a few Thai words mean for common things when she speaks them and teaching her a little more English slowly. Over the years she’s progressed amazingly and picks up books and watches English tutorials with Thai and English speakers on YouTube on her own accord.
  5. So a doctor did a check-up he was not supposed to do included an examination for signs of breast cancer. Big deal . Women are really over reacting since the me-too BS.

    Try working with the facts,,
    It’s not clear he did a proper breast cancer check. It states he opened their shirts and touched their breasts,,and only good lookers,,because less pretties don’t get breast cancer?
    I’m happy for women to disclose real or perceived sexual transgressions. If you’re not guilty you’ve got nothing to worry about.
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