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Posts posted by KMartinHandyman

  1. Yeah, we have a 10 and 11 year old, but they have a tablet for that stuff. Her phone is strictly business and family calls.
    On the way outside chance something like that happened.....100 Million Baht?. That is roughly 30 Million US dollars. That would have to be the best game ever.

    $3 million or so but still high! Time to get this on Facebook as Thais Love a good laugh about these kind of stories.
  2. They described the incident as a “stupid story”.
        Special thanks to these idiots! Thais do seem to think that we are all a bunch of thieves. 
        Just recently, when I sat at the local hospital waiting for my OPD card when a woman in front of me all in a sudden grabbed her bag and put it on her lap, right after she saw me sitting behind her.
         It didn't make me feel good and it's only because of some trashy foreigners who give all of us a bad name. 

    Maybe but my tw does that with everyone in any country.
  3. I haven’t experienced it personally in my one trip to the local government hospital to get a physical for the vehicle license certificate but my wife says the whole place shuts down for lunch and she comes home if still on the cue and goes back after one o’clock. It’s kind of quant and puts the place in perspective as this is normal for life in our little city.

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