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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. I get criticised for having 2 Tags (which I hardly wear and never in Thailand) but those prices take it to another level
  2. Yes you've jabbed the keyboard without reading what I wrote lol I've not even crunched the numbers as I didnt doubt that was what you actually received but just offered an explanation for it
  3. God alone knows how you got that rate. Interbank has not been higher than 46.94 in recent days Could be one of those fat fingers moments from traders whereby wrong information gets inputted and it spikes up (or down) for a few seconds. Happens on stocks (more than it should as well) No other explanation
  4. What ?? Malicious utter nonsense....Libellous as well
  5. What about plugging firestick into back of Smart TV ?? I genuinely dont know too much about this subject as literally in UK tend to only watch Sky News and couple soaps (dont ask lol) ....Not a TV person at all per se Though on the assumption of having dropped anchor in Thailand doubtless I'd need more
  6. I see so many different options over firesticks and multiple other options that I simply get lost at times I think well that sounds ideal and then see another and think the same I'm looking for this To watch a reasonable amount of channels (I dont need 1300 as one advert stated !) bit of sport on occasion (say for example that Champions Final last night) Unbelievably despite having Sky Package here in UK that was broadcast on TNT which wasnt included I'm talking about availabilty in a Condo. I want to do it myself rather than bothering about perhaps having existing connections in Condo block which may or may not be available anyway You can assume that the Wifi connection will be fast enough Assume that it would be a Smart TV as even if existing one wasnt I'd buy one anyway What do you guys use or recommend ? Thanks
  7. Indeed I always send to Wise myself using saved "payee" bank transfer My one of this current week a relatively low amount (which normally lands in seconds) was delayed being sent out and also delayed credited to the Thai account by few hours Unusual but no reason to throw toys out of the pram Wise has always worked superbly for me. When you can sit on the beach receive work generated "income" from investments and literally in 2 minutes send to Wise and onwards to Thai account it doesnt get much better By the time you've finished your Coolie on the beach you've reloaded your account lol
  8. I was just going to add similar type of comment but yours was spot on lol I think it comes back to "face" in places like banks. The bank teller rather than admitting she doesnt know the answer to a question and having to ask a colleague will instead say the first thing that comes into their head
  9. Yeah best you go home. You clearly dont like sun sea swimming whatsoever so on that basis I wouldnt drop anchor in Pattaya either if I didnt As it is I love it and after 32 years havent caught any diseases or skin cancer just yet You clearly want to find fault so why stay. Am sure the Maldives will welcome you with open arms
  10. I'd imagine that will only be viewable when you have a live booking Bear in mind my comments in OP over using an agent or direct with airline beause only the direct airline reservation allows you to check in online One of the rare occasions where airline booking is better than using an agent
  11. As per my OP not China Eastern over seats 33" seat pitch on main leg and none of those infernal AVOD boxes or footrests Very comfortable
  12. No idea lol but anyone who claims to be bored in Pattaya has a screw loose I cannot imagine another place in the world where everything is on tap starting (not with the obvious) but sun sea swmming cheap accomodation whether hotels or condos golf shopping Gyms galore malls galore and every other type of activity thats humanly possible and yet I can stilll end with the obvious one as well ! .....and if you dont indulge too much all the rest above are dirt cheap in comparison How can anyone young or old be bored !
  13. Opening Post must be AI generated No human could possibly come out with that without being an epic didlow.....
  14. People totally overlooking the fact that this clown influenced the American public to vote for him in 2016 without remotely knowing what he was covering up 12 Jurors voted lock stock and barrel to convict. No dissent. Seriously lock him up for 1 year which is just one quarter of the maximum sentence he can be served with
  15. You're correct albeit I had to actually check that as wasn't sure "Modern Mutual" owned by members not shareholders
  16. I sent a relatively small amount yesterday and instead of it being instant as always it reverted 4 times to extended periods Finally it appeared as"sent" so logged into SCB but not there Then app showed finally "please note local bank can take 2 working days to credit" It actually credited about 6 hours after initial process activated. Unusual but hardly a deal breaker
  17. Should be the end of the utterly odious character but I very much doubt it will be
  18. Strangely enough there have been multiple accounts today of monies sent via Wise but not landing in Thai accounts Wise made it clear they have been sent as well to everyone who wanted clarafication Almost certainly a coincidence I acknowledge but nonetheless Sterling as well which normally below £1000 equivalent lands instrantly
  19. He simply will be no matter how many will sneer and say otherwise TAT need to be seen to being overseeing this prosecution and than reporting the verdict widely They must be having kittens over this especially as it was on Sky news in the UK
  20. The layover was much shorter on mine as connection was to Gatwick rather than Heathrow
  21. Yes read the thread I started that Richard has kindly linked in...it was on March 17th so pretty recent Any questions just ask
  22. Believe me @josephbloggs those type of people are worlwide on every single subject imaginable Twitter is literally unusable any more for my work because timelines are filled with these utter whackjobs 24/7
  23. I havent a clue if my name is registered against my long standing Sim or not...pretty sure Sim was obtained long before it was a requirement to do so Would be a pain in the arse if online services were cancelled until arrival in Thailand to update them to say the least
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