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Everything posted by Chivas

  1. Thanks You can close the thread if you want....thanks for replying
  2. In the past I have never stayed beyond 60 days in one trip....hard up against it many times via SETV etc but not exceeded (I did have one days grace overstay last Xmas day but thats it) Simple question. Firstly I dont want to do it myself for a myriad of reasons. If you walked back Soi 5 immigration as I do often its utter chaos. I read of sitting around for hours and often told come back next day to my mind madness Agents all seems to charge roughly same price (no issue with cost) Question because wasnt convinced the Thai Visa place quite understood my final brief question When is it prudent to take passport and photos etc to them. I explained it didnt expire to early December but she insisted you can come anytime prior to that Is that accurate ?? She seemed switched on to be fair. 5 minutes walk in with me and back out again she said all sorted Does the 30 day extension (if granted) follow on from existing expiry date or from when you actually go in ?
  3. I'll never understand why so many appear to have problems with Wise 7 days a week no matter what if I send monies it lands in SCB before I've even had a chance to click on the Wise icon "I've sent my monies" I wonder if its the method I use. Simple bank transfer from my bank to Wise. No Credit cards debit cards no money sitting in Wise accounts or any variation of it RBS to Wise to SCB......3 seconds all completed
  4. I walk past that place probably 3 or 4 mornings a week it looks an absolute nightmare I dread the the thought of going without having an utter clue as to whats the process I actually only yesterday emailed an agent to sort out my 30 day extension when its due rather just pay the additional
  5. DWP systems were fully interlined with Passport Control in December 2023 DWP with one click can see I departed UK on October 9th (they'd have no reason to enquire) with a final destination of Thailand Until Passport Control notify them its been further activated (if its being requested) then they know exactly where I am (or you) etc If you are on watched list the minute you check in from overseas to return to UK then the moment the passport is scanned at check in then a reception committee is organised at the landing port of call Again I have first hand experience of the latter in 2014 totally unrelated to what I posted earlier The UK government knows exactly what country you are in (but not exact location obviously) 365 days of the years 24 hours a day
  6. Any recommendations ?? Looking really for something older like a Honda Jazz Toyoto Yaris that sort of sized car On a private site they were somewhat lower than I expected and was mentioned elsewhere 2nd hand prices had dropped this last 12 months (I have no idea as not looked previously)
  7. You guys are getting bent out of shape over this and more to the point seem to be oblivious over what our Government and other official bodies know about us routinely I have every reason to know thats accurate.......for reasons I'm not going into but those said officials in the UK even knew what tiny clinic I was born in West Germany island of Sylt (I'm British) despite myself never knowing it or my parents ever mentioning it.....not (obviously) on birth certificates or anywhere.......when for the first time I raised a wry smile and the guy said do you want to know the colour of your first babygro I'm not remotely joking Background checks run on 75% of Brits routinely without us every knowing or any action taken Rest assured if you're in Thailand (or anywhere overseas) it takes the DWP 30 seconds to validate and in which country It all comes down to "resources" and is it worth going after the individual. 99% of the time it isnt
  8. i can assure you that they've always had that "aquiring information" facility and I'll leave it at that lol I suspect with the new act they wont need a magistrates or judges direction as they do currently and thats the difference Should be noted that the DWP are not going to go willy nilly into peoples bank accounts who are not in receipt of "state benefits" per se Pension Credit or Housing Benefit blah blah blah This act is mainly aimed at those on benefits and not entitled to them albeit this frozen pension dedection is a step too far Should also be remembered this frozen pension bit has been like it for 70 years.....i
  9. I dont believe any of the hype that its a staged fight with a staged outcome Quite simply if Tyson catches him in the 1st round then its quite simply lights out
  10. So after the 2nd 3rd 4th time............................why did you continue to use them (I have absolutely no idea what you were actually trying to say anyway)
  11. On an aside Britain currently provide £13.3 Billion annually in overseas aid to countries that even have space programmes Yet lets crucify pensioners living abroad where the "fraud" is estimated at £100 million which is roughly 1/130 of that overseas aid total Not having a pop at Labour or Conservatives per se
  12. I wonder how much I've saved using agents for 164 round trips London Bangkok London ! Only 8 booked direct Never the slightest issue with agents quite the opposite superb service always Unlike 2 of the 8 times I booked direct Probably mimimum of £10.000 I saved and then some
  13. Just go on Skyscanner and use any of the top agemts Travel Trolley Travel Up Mytrip Trip.com Booking.com
  14. I'm astonished of the interest this thread generated and thank you for all responses Someone mentioned (I wont quote) that in 60 years he'd never had a soi dog get fruity and that he considered the fear of dogs pathetic Whilst I was a lot younger I managed to get bitten four times (twice by my nans dog lol) and the 4th time I was about 30 and a long haired Collie Dog in the UK went for me at 7am on way to work around 1990 Bitten badly and I reacted and the dog was put down because it had been jumping at my neck and face and bearing in mind I'm 1.90m what could have happened to a child For a long time before we got our own Chow (in the uk) I considered dogs should be wiped from the face of the earth bar Police Customs and guide dogs for the blind I'm not remotely joking. When you have been chomped on 4 times you develop a healthy fear of the mutts lol
  15. I put in random dates for you on Cebu Pacific of 21st November to 28th November £216 up to about £247 via regular agents via Skyscanner Bookable online obviously
  16. Go into a physical travel agent and get them to do it.....probably cost 200 Baht over and above the fare
  17. Whats wrong with your brain fella lol Firstly 5 weeks ago wasnt the 30th and 31st October was it,,,,, I also acknowledged it was Pattaya rather than Bangkok and I also made the point in light of the thread that yesterday and todays price was 740 I have no idea what JHC stands for fella but back in yer box boy....xx
  18. I had deluxe room in my regular hotel last 2 days in October was paid in Sterling but worked out at 780 Baht Playing around on Agoda couple days ago Monday and Tuesday this week were 740 Baht this is Pattaya not Bangkok
  19. I find it utterly incomprehensible that 50% of the voters in that election are completely insane What is it they dont grasp over that maniac Trump......we Brits who had to suffer the evil corrupt charalatan mini Trump aka the Johnson are well versed in political loons but you yanks take idiocy to a whole new level Too utterly stupid to understand that criminals in the USA will imitate the tango man in thinking that guy has become President with 33 convictions and counting so I can get away with anything myself as well I hope the Judge actually locks him up next month and shows the world how stupid America is once he immediately pardons himself Brain dead every single person who voted for the uber nutter
  20. Absolute utter rubbish lol !! 33 years of experience London Bangkok says the complete and absolute opposite
  21. Yep agreed.....once 6 character reference is issued plus Eticket is issued all good I have never had an issue with agents London Bangkok not one single one I have though when booking twice directly with Eva and Etihad fairly minor but had to be sorted My agent TT who I use virtually exclusively bent over backwards on 2 occasions when I wanted to change "unchangeable" flights including one which was the outbound sector normally rarely changeable What does annoy me is that people think they cant approach the airline if you've booked via an agent. It is absolute bollacks with bells on One of those internet myths that somehow has become an internet fact these last 25 years Agents provide massive revenue for airlines which would collapse without their input. Can you imagine how much say Emirates generates via agents on a daily basis..... If you do have an issue you now have a two pronged attack on the airline either via agent or direct with airline Book directly and you're on your own with the airline Finally with an agent fares are 99% always cheaper
  22. Am I living in a parallel universe here lol I'm going out for a night of action with Girls but I supposed to take along Pepper sprays Bear Sprays and collapsible batons I can just see getting randomly stopped by plod and explaining that lot away as I'm languishing in Soi 9 App App App lol was the original question Thanks for responding nonetheless
  23. I had intended to go Vietnam when my 90 days were up (60+30) but bit of an issue back in the UK over tax which it needs my intervention (only said different thread about a week ago about how slow HMRC is via Government Gateway)......I'm going need to do letters and see accountant so bite the bullet Anyway. Last Christmas day I flew Singapore back to London really cheap obviously because Xmas day Checked out prices with my favourite agent Travel Trolley and one way back to Gatwick (normal transit) on China Southern was just on 25th December.......£182 !! Eticketed with an hour as always by TT so thought lets have look at buying round ticket back out to Thailand 10th January to end of March (should give me enough time to sort HMRC) Up comes China Eastern.....China Southern will be my 31st different airline too or from Thailand but China Eastern I had been with before (trip report in this sub forum from around last March) £404 !! Standard transits again yes slightly longer routing that the ME carriers but doesnt bother me Several agents had it at £392 to £398 but my trust in Travel Trolley as always gets the vote (I am wondering if I will need that onward ticket because the overall trip length will exceed the 60 days covered by Visa Exempt entry) Edited in....seeing as onward ticket is only $7 be daft not to get it Theres value out there for sure
  24. I'm just going to post new thread in this sub forum up over agent fares and some very nice prices
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