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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. I wouldn't be too quick sign up for Muslim membership on account of the "76 virgins" reward in your afterlife, because as one witty poster has previously said, "it has been discovered that there was a typo in the original text, and it should have read, 76 Vegans".????
  2. Miss out "the hunk" bit and I would believe it! And as for being cantankerous, surely not you......????
  3. Hope so❗???????????? Ah, a post that echoes my sentiments entirely. No civil war if the crooked narcissist isn't around to incite one. If that does happen, I wonder what the trumpy halfwits will do then as regards a leader, because there doesn't appear to be anybody else in the wings that really deserves to be president of the USA and who has half a brain.
  4. Just send me the bill, was the cry from the Chinese!!
  5. I just love your reply, it is absolutely marvellous, but have you ever thought that it could prompt members of the GOP to report sightings of Bilbo and Gandalf to the FBI?? That would be about their IQ level.
  6. And if Biden hasn't been arrested yet, ever thought that it could well be that there is no evidence to support what you suggest?? Strange that.
  7. You are pretty much on the mark with this comment, and the reason no clampdown comes is because the authorities and the taxidrivers and their "union" are integrated with regards to money and fees. It is all controlled and the only way to break it would be to clear out the local BIB as well as the tuk tuk and taxidriver consortiums and start again.........but there is money involved so that's not likely to happen. Corruption rules here, we shouldn't forget that.
  8. The old saying, "clutching at straws" seems to fit the bill with your post. – These audio recordings released by a right-wing senator and propagated by a right-wing disgraced news station need to be heard, and of course you haven't heard them. – As has been explained many times here, the bank records are no more than what is required by US law with regards to larger sums of money being transferred, so this can apply to anyone. – Shell companies – – – many people and companies have them for one reason or another and that's not a sign of anything untoward. When you have some concrete proof/evidence, then why not try again to post it rather than what you think you would like to see.
  9. Watched it a short while ago after a post pointing towards iTV, thanks Will27.
  10. Just watched this and thought it was very good, and often wondered what happened to the Blackberry!
  11. I had another thought on that and maybe there is another reason, inasmuch as he thinks because he has been POTUS he can do anything he wants, coupled with the fact that he doesn't believe he's done anything wrong and neither can he because of his position and "perceived standing" (in his tiny mind) in the US. Therefore thinks he is above the rules/laws which govern others and US society.
  12. Unfortunately Tug, the diehard trumpers are not bright enough to understand that something similar could happen to them should they decide to try some sort of insurrection. Very hard to understand what drives these idiots, but then some cults seem to have this hold on people, and the majority of them are average to poorly educated, so that could explain it.
  13. You could try the one recommended by Marty Feldman, "Anthony the Aardvark goes Quantity Surveying"............ On a serious note, several times I have started, "Sapiens, a brief history of Humankind" by Yuval Noah Harari and never got to finish it, but will get round to it one day! Not into fiction at all, and not really into reading books, other than articles on the Internet.
  14. Or maybe he is just too dumb/stupid to understand the potential ramifications if he is found guilty! That seems to fit the bill.
  15. I stayed at the Royal Stuart many times with a bunch of drunken Scots guys, when we were on our way to the rigs offshore Norway...................but wouldn't consider myself lucky!!
  16. Judging by the responses I've seen on here I will go with the, "maybe not" part of your post. There are none so blind as those who will not see, is an old saying which seems to fit the bill here.
  17. Let me correct you.........he is a lying crook. Now that is a better description.
  18. It absolutely astounds me that with all of the information about this probe and indictment that has been posted on this thread, as well as in the MSM, that there are some poor deluded people out there who believe that trump can do no wrong, is an honourable person and that he "wants to make the US better" – – I fear for the future of the US if there are too many of these people who have drunk the Kool-Aid and gone down the rabbit hole. Absolutely unbelievable......and the sad thing is that they believe what they post; or perhaps they do it just to antagonise the straight thinking intelligent folk amongst us?
  19. You cannot seriously believe this..........or can you???? LOL.
  20. You bring it on yourself with your one-eyed view of the situation.....then admitting you haven't been up to speed with the news on this. Unbelievable.
  21. Dug an old movie up from 1970, starring Patrick McGoohan, Alan Alda and Richard Widmark, called "The Moonshine War" and it was pretty good. Always liked Patrick McGoohan and wasn't disappointed.
  22. You have to be joking or seriously deficient in the grey matter department to post this, especially after all of the pro trump nonsense you have been posting...........get real and try to understand what is going on, but then again maybe too difficult for you. Get a life.
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