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Everything posted by xylophone

  1. An interesting night out, and info about bars and café's to follow........ I met some friends for dinner in "Blue Beach Café and Restaurant", and it was fairly full, and as always, the hosts were looking after the diners and of course the food was good as it always is. There was a duo playing some music, with one of the guys singing, and the owner of one of the large Sois was also in the restaurant and encouraged me to get up and sing a song, which I did, three or four in fact, which went down well. I was then told that there was a "Princess" (Royal family) dining and that she wanted to get up and sing, which surprised everybody because Thai royalty (she is the daughter of the King's sister) just don't do that sort of thing, but she did, and she was good, as was her English. So I walked across to congratulate her and the staff were incredulous that I was approaching her, because apparently it's just not a done thing here, and whilst there I asked if she would like to join me in a duet, singing Tina Turner's song, "simply the best", but she declined because she said she didn't know the song and paid me a compliment on my singing, so I reciprocated with hers and we did a sort of low high-five, which again left the staff with sagging jaws. I have to say despite all of the misgivings of the staff, this lady was just like an every day Thai and was polite with it, and it was a pleasure meeting her. Up to Bangla after that and a few drinks at the "Black Horse" before my friends decided to make an early exit and leave for home, so I trotted across to the new "Smiley Bar" to talk to the owner/manager, as I've known her for years (the wife of Shaun) and also chatted to a very attractive, almost stunning girl I have seen there a few times, and she spoke very good English and was well educated, so we got chatting and I decided to delve into the reasons she worked in the bar. What was surprising was that she said she would not be bar-fined and earned her money from commission on the drinks, and I believed her because she was a very sincere young woman (actually 30 years old although she looked more like 23). So I asked a very cheeky question along the lines of, "what are you going to do with your life", and the answer was surprising in a way, but then again? She said the main aim at the moment was to earn money to send to her parents, which many Thai girls do, but in the meantime she wanted to find a man who she could love, and who would love her in return and....... get this, was rich! Of course I asked why she hadn't found this already being that she was so attractive (and intelligent) and she said that she had a couple of farang boyfriends, but they were only interested in "short time liaisons" and were only after sex, and love didn't seem to count in the relationship, leaving her despondent. An interesting take and I'm not a gullible person, so I believed her and after a few more interesting topics, I decided to wend my way home. I was tempted to pop into "Red Hot", but I had a fair amount of wine and a couple of rums, but wasn't sure about that until I got to the place and it wasn't that crowded, probably about 40% full, and the band has changed, so I made my mind up not to go in and sought out my usual motorbike taxi driver to take me home. All in all an interesting night. Now for the other topic I mentioned earlier on – – whatever is happening to the previous Italian restaurant, "Loft" has quietened down, although I did spy a large pizza oven being installed, so one can only assume that the previous failed Italian restaurant is going to be............yes, you guessed it, an Italian restaurant! On the subject of restaurants, almost directly opposite that place was a little restaurant called " Dars Burgers" and I suppose the name of it gave the culinary fare away, however I never saw many people in there and it now appears to have been closed for at least a couple of weeks. Almost immediately next to that there is a small restaurant which does have some customers, but never many, so I wonder how long that will survive? In Soi Banzaan, what was once a bar and small guesthouse called "Canada House" which featured in a sad event where the owner's girlfriend decided to hang herself; then changed ownership into a "Gentleman's Club" which had next to no customers whatsoever, and in front of which they had put a large wooden door, to give the impression of an exclusive club, which it wasn't. Anyway that has closed and is now on the market. Opposite that, is a bar at the bottom of a small guesthouse (six rooms perhaps?) which has just been sold to some Russians for a tidy sum, although they have not been seen in attendance, so I suppose the previous management are helping to run it. Could well provide a bolthole for any Russians wanting to escape Russia for obvious reasons. Bangla was reasonably busy as we are getting into the low season, however there was a long queue snaking out from "Illuzion" and blocking the road, with reasonable attendance in some bars and not in others. Slowing down, but still alive!
  2. No apologies needed Tug.....you get your points across well and I concur with them in the main. Keep posting as I enjoy your posts.
  3. Thanks......have got Nord VPN which can access UK sites; will give it a try.
  4. Still looking for the Rolf Harris doco, but cannot find it. Anyone any ideas?
  5. Well United have certainly done much better under ETH and supporters should be thankful for that, considering where they were. United were in the main, outplayed by City, although the match couldn't be described as a classic in any way, shape, or form. Now time for a big clear out and some new players, hopefully better than others we have signed recently. Just a couple of points on yesterday's game – – Rashford was injured for about the last 15 minutes and should have gone off because he could hardly walk let alone run. And it was pleasing to see AW-B in good form, because a while back he looked to be totally lost with his game, so the change has been quite remarkable.
  6. He was the Golfer in Chief. And then when he was supposed to be working he was grifting. A speller there perhaps........didn't you mean gofer and grifter in chief!!!!
  7. No time to waste putting thought into fairy tales I'm afraid.
  8. Well I didn't want to mention the POTUS before Biden cos the thread isn't about him and his lies. Just the better ones!
  9. I partly agree with that, although I would say that it is a man-made "construct" to try and look for answers as to how we got here and who we are, so fairy stories are made up to appease those searchers......then they believe the stories because it appears that they have found what they're looking for! Something to consider...... Quote: "Jesus didn't exist until 100 years after he died? Not a single reference, anywhere? How is that possible? The guy was supposedly out there performing miracles, rising from the dead, and nothing? How is that possible? Maybe all that Jesus stuff is BS?"
  10. I do like cheese and my favourite at the moment is Mainland Vintage Cheddar Cheese, however at times it is in short supply. A short while ago I saw some blocks of Californian (vintage?) Cheddar on sale in Big C, which had some sort of writing on the label which denoted it was a strong flavoured cheese, so I thought I'd give it a try, and it was bloody awful (not strong, but tasted a little sweet?), so much so that I gave it away to a poor Thai guy who caretakes an empty building near me, as I often make too much food for myself and give him some for his dinner – – no idea what he thought of it.
  11. If you haven't already seen it, then it is a MUST SEE movie IMO. Good viewing (and not on commission, LOL).
  12. I have just watched this and found it to be rather enjoyable for something you didn't really have to think about, but what struck me were the similarities between this movie and some of Tarantino's movies, and especially the music in it which could well have been stolen from a Sergio Leone spaghetti western movie, right down to the harmonica and string plucking! Not to mention a priest, a church and a hanging. In fact some of the music soundtrack was so close, I thought it may well have been borrowed! The movie I downloaded was dubbed in English, but it was quite skilfully done and didn't detract from the actual movie itself.
  13. "describing biden's pay for play in detail" Unfortunately for you, there is absolutely no evidence of "Biden's pay for play" and if there was, I'm sure it would be seized upon and used to its fullest to denigrate a president who supposedly "stole the election", but nothing is forthcoming, other than you saying that "a document exists"........ well so does the Magna Carta. As others have said and I tried to convey in my previous post, you've got nothing (again).
  14. Yep......bull dropping and some. It would appear from the posts of SunnyinBangrak that he is a severely disgruntled trumpie and would dearly love to find some evidence to back up all of the rubbish he posts, but up until now, he has none, so all we're going to get is more rubbish and nonsense. I hear that Putin is looking for a new PR person – – perhaps he should apply, as truth and facts are not a priority for that position.
  15. I needed to test some new settings on my Sony TV, especially in relation to playing downloaded movies, so I watched one that I have already watched three times, called, "The Life and Death of Peter Sellers" and this time round I came to a conclusion which I hadn't in previous viewings........ Although Peter Sellers was a talented actor, he was also a spoilt childlike person, who described himself as, "an empty shell with no personality, so he can fit anyone into it that he wants", or words that affect. The conclusion I came to was that he was a spoilt, selfish, arrogant yet insecure person, and he was also an r...sole of gigantic proportions. For anyone who hasn't seen it, Geoffrey Rush who plays Peter Sellers and several other roles, is magnificent.
  16. So true Patong2, so very true!
  17. I agree with most of what you say HP, although it's not that I can't live life in Patong to its/my fullest, is just that I don't want to! The days of barhopping and drinking to excess, which was most evenings unfortunately, as well as talking nonsense to bar girls and listening to the same, if indeed they could speak English, coupled with staying out till 2 or 3 am are just things I don't want to do these days, even though I could if I wanted to (I think)! My needs and wants have changed and I only drink wine these days, with just the occasional beer, and I'm more than happy sitting in and watching a movie. What I'm trying to say is I could go on the rampage in Patong if I wanted to, but I don't want to!!!!! Hence agreeing with your comment about "changing needs and wants".
  18. @MajesticZebra I think Sheryls answer is the one you should follow.
  19. On the website at the top it has links you can click on to get more info/contact them......I have found them very helpful, so ask for more details there.
  20. Well it's already been proven that there were documents from the WH, in Mar-a-lago, so I don't know where you're coming from with your comment about a "continual witchhunt", because it is a fact, and hopefully trump will be punished accordingly. Of course the trumpies and Maga-nuts will continue with their comments about a "witchhunt" and "nonsense" even if trump is found guilty, or even better, jailed.
  21. I'm quite partial to quail eggs when they are featured in the salad bars at supermarkets, but can't really understand why they are killed for their meat – – I remember eating in a French style restaurant in London and thought I would try quail as an entrée, and by the time they had skinned it and deboned it then cooked it, there wasn't really much to eat, and I could have almost put it on a desert spoon to eat it. Made me wonder why go through the trouble to cook it?
  22. I agree with you because I thought it was a very good series, and Ben Whishaw was excellent, just as he was in the TV series starring Hugh Grant, called, "a Very English Scandal", where he was able to play the gay role well, although not outwardly so, with a sort of innocence/naïveté mixed in (although he is in fact gay). A very talented actor.
  23. Did you get the private message I sent you......it has a Thai/English Will form attached??
  24. Stewart Rhodes should be locked up for life because he is a danger to civilised society..........but then again this is the USA!
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