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Everything posted by khunjeff

  1. That just isn't true. Individual countries may have their own idiosyncracies when it comes to divorce and marriage, but for the most part they follow some broad principles. One, called "comity of nations", means that they generally accept civil acts from other countries (unless they violate pubic policy, like a bigamous or incestuous or underage marriage). So, if you get married in one country, you're still married when you go to another country. Without this concept, people would have to keep repeating things like marriage, divorce, and birth registrations every time they moved to another jurisdiction. Another principle is that the authority in the best position - and with the clearest legal authority - to adjudicate civil matters is the authority in the place where the affected parties reside or are physically located. That means that it's perfectly normal and acceptable for a couple to marry in one country, and then divorce in a different country that they happen to be living in years later. This is why we used to see so many "quickie Dominican divorces" for US couples back when divorce in the USA was difficult. The issue for the OP - assuming he's not just trolling - may be that his country requires some kind of paperwork to be filed to officially put them on notice that he's legally divorced. This would be similar to how things are done in Thailand, where you are certainly considered "married" after getting married abroad, but you can't use that marriage for any local legal purpose (like a spouse visa) without depositing the foreign certificate at an amphur and having it recorded locally. This is more typically seen in civil law countries than in countries following the common law.
  2. The new satellite is connected to the main terminal by an automated people mover (shuttle train) that terminates next to immigration, so actually the new gates will probably require less walking than the current distant ones at the ends of the E, F, and G concourses.
  3. Pretty confusing, as press announcements from AOT usually are. - This isn't a "terminal", it's a satellite passenger concourse. It adds two dozen gates, but no additional capacity for check-in, immigration, security, or baggage handling. - I don't understand how this concourse can increase passenger capacity at BKK. Right now, flight numbers are limited by runway capacity, and passenger numbers primarily by the capacity of immigration, security, and baggage systems. The number of gates hasn't been a limiting factor, since bus gates are always available. - Even if the new structure somehow increases passenger capacity to the "staggering" 60 million promised, that's still BELOW the number of flyers that passed through the airport annually in the years just before covid.
  4. Maybe the Tourist Police could just carry out their assigned role of protecting tourists, and leave visa and employment law violations to Immigration and the local police?
  5. Oddly enough, I don't find his promise to stay on as long as possible particularly soothing.
  6. These guys are just determined to trade in their Benzes for tumbrels, aren't they...
  7. International credit cards are fine. Some people occasionally have had trouble registering them, but that seems to be the exception rather than the rule.
  8. Neither capability nor ethics was a consideration when the senators themselves were voted for...oh, my mistake, they weren't voted for at all...
  9. So this operation wasn't aimed at punishing taxis for breaking the law, but at eliminating illegal competition so that the taxis can continue to break the law with impunity. Got it.
  10. These are sidewalk vendors, for god's sake - not Batman supervillains...
  11. Why do so many news articles keep referring to this as an "embezzlement" case, when it's clearly bribery/extortion? Nothing was embezzled - a cash payment was demanded in order to drop a criminal investigation. Or is there some additional case that I'm not aware of, filed at the same police station and involving the exact same amount of money?
  12. Drunk driving is just outrageous behavior. If she stuck to the approved activities of MPs, like heroin trafficking, rape, and murder, she would be good to go.
  13. Why would any parliamentary vote be secret? Aren't the constituents supposed to know how their representatives voted on any issue?
  14. There have certainly been a number of foreign men who have attempted/committed suicide at Suvarnabhumi over the years, usually jumping from the 3rd or 4th floor on the day of their departure flight, but I can't recall any woman doing the same. I hope she's ok.
  15. If you're coming up on the BTS, it's quicker, cheaper, and easier to just get off at Mo Chit and change to the A1 or A2 airport express bus (or go all the way up to Yaek Kor Por Aor and then take a taxi). The SRT Red Line gets you there, but it's a walk of a few hundred meters at each end, and runs less frequently than the bus.
  16. I was sitting on my sofa on the 10th floor near Asoke when I felt the building start to sway. At first I thought I was suffering some kind of strange vertigo attack, so I looked around for physical clues as to what was going on. I saw that the pull-chain on a nearby floor lamp was swinging back and forth, so I decided it was probably an earthquake, but I was still debating whether to evacuate the apartment when the swaying stopped. Very disconcerting...!
  17. Lyft doesn't operate in Thailand, and the Thai language article in Siam Rath doesn't mention "Lyft" at all - it says the conflict was between a Grab driver and an Udon Airport Limousine driver.
  18. How remarkably convenient. I'm not aware of any business that goes to the trouble and expense of installing CCTV, but then erases the records within 24 hours. Electronic storage is cheap.
  19. So they don't normally crack down on these folks? If they know who and where they are, why haven't they already arrested them? And if they don't know, how are they going to find them in a city of ten million people?
  20. How many restaurant owners would really just send out money without even confirming that the order had really been placed? ????
  21. With no pedestrian bridge and no crosswalk or traffic signal, what choice do students have other than to run across the road and hope for the best?
  22. Every article keeps stating this as fact, but it's totally false. The "Revolutionary Decree" was revived around 20 years ago under the puritanical Interior Minister Purachai duringThaksin's administration, and the 2015 regulation just re-codified the same policy.
  23. Bail for murderers, but partyers "constitute a threat to society". Ok...
  24. So the party in Huai Khwang was actually in Bang Kapi? Interesting ????
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