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Everything posted by Tug

  1. What took so long to start this dog and pony show doubt anything will come of it McCarthy needs every vote
  2. Meh so what so some rich pos kills his old lady and kid no different than some regular guy doing the same thing except this dude is white and had money lock the dud up and throw away the key my condolences to the family of the victims
  3. I read this a bit differently to me the FBI were also worried about tarnishing their image by serving the ex president a search warrant furthermore all the enuendo aside the search was incredibly fruitful he was caught dead to rights hoarding and hiding top secret documents.I also think some of the FBI agents were concerned for their families and their personal safety we all know Donnie is a very vindictive nasty individual who has a sizable cult following
  4. That’s not a bad way to go union plumbers and electricians make excellent money and benefits if the individual has a strong work ethic they are in incredibly high demand.an additional bonus imo is you leave the job at work and can pursue other interests when not on the (clock) Naa old Donnie donating money from his many grifts is a much more lucrative source lmao ????
  5. That’s what will sway chinas decision imo is purely monetary rite now it’s a sweet spot for them cheep energy and selling goods to g7 nations don’t think they want to mess that up
  6. Uhhh oookkkkaaaa I guess that was a deep fake speech on j6 you rember that one don’t you you know the one we’re all the Trump supporters trashed the capitol all sent by trump based on a lie all fake ehh remember what he said about pence?I do
  7. Absolutely I’m sure they were deeply concerned for their safety heck trump sent a lynch mob after pence when he finally stood up and refused to be a party to treason they are rightfully concerned Imo
  8. Go for it Rick it will hasten your exit from the political stage and good riddance!
  9. As a person who has paid all of my student debt I’m absolutely delighted that students of today won’t have such a crushing burden when they are just starting their careers student debt or the fear of it are holding back many students and our country imo
  10. Guess there went the ev tax credit for buying an ev it stipulates made in the USA guess when the time comes for an ev it won’t be a Tesla
  11. Haaa no you seem to have forgotten when old Donnie shut down the government when he was told no on money for his wall the majority of the American people said no I sure remember that’s when chuck and Nancy baited him into a toddlers tantrum on national television how could one forget that lmao ????
  12. Ronnie ain’t so popular outside of Florida and the Republican Party is losing more voters every day the Republicans need to speak up and offer alternatives to issues and stop this cancel culture against the tiniest of sub groups in America as far as their attempts to cancel the civil rights movement that’s doa allready
  13. Good move on their part obviously they see the threat Russia poses thankfully nato withstood the attempted destruction by Putin and his sympathizers
  14. it’s of no concern to you now as for myself as an American I’ve always thought it is way to expensive to get an advanced degree I also feel it’s an impediment for our country to compete on the world stage many many brilliant people are priced out of a higher education it’s a shame and a failing in our system in my humble opinion
  15. No it won’t work to keep determend people out but it would serve as a line of demarcation and as a tripwire for defense if needed
  16. Yup she’s got experience in the field only the best people for real this time not just empty promises like the former guy ( I do realize that many tryed to do there best under trump but Trump didn’t have the sense to get out of there way)or perhaps his mental illness prevented him from shutting up
  17. To bad it didn’t reach its target oh well next time
  18. Good for you Finland and I’m sure that if push comes to shove they will back up their border with more than just a fence as the Russians have found out in the past
  19. She sounds to be extremely well qualified just as I would expect from TEAM Biden get her done Joe!
  20. Good! The longer the russan people are exposed to democracy the sooner they will make it happen in their own country they certainly deserve better than what they have now!and Ukraine ???????? is a sovereign nation and deserves to be left in peace!
  21. Keep it up Joe hold their feet to the fire!
  22. Let’s see the Iranian government allready have killed a girl for not covering her hair have slaughtered many of the people protesting that fact and now they are going to investigate this you have to be kidding me
  23. Poor guy my condolences to his family and friends the soup fin sharks arnt known to be aggressive in my experience I’ve found them rather timid the guy was probably dead allready from the atv accident sad again condolences to the bereaved
  24. Did Rupert just throw his (News) anchors under the bus by acknowledging that they made false statements?( I put news in parentheses because I don’t believe they are a legitimate news organization)perhaps as a strategy to save his company?
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