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Everything posted by Tug

  1. I sincerely hope you are mistaken if true that would be a blatant act of war if done on purpose not only against the USA but the whole planet including china itself that to me doesn’t make sense now if it was an accidental release that’s possible Imo and wrong
  2. What part of crossing state lines and taking it on oneself to act as a vigilante don’t you understand that behavior cannot and shouldn’t be condoned period all stop the VAST majority of Americans feel (he got away with it) this lionization of this dude is wrong some other idiot will try it not good this stuff should be left to professionals.if one is protecting their home or business that’s different this dude crossed state lines looking for trouble
  3. What career ???? personally I always wanted Chuck Norris to just kick the living (&#@$) out of him lol ????
  4. Really comrade?how about all the dead Russians that have been killed in Putin’s war of theft and war crimes not to mention the absolute horror that has been visited on the Ukrainian nation fighting for it’s very existence there is plenty of evidence that the war is real as for Flynn he’s a felon pardon or not a true traitor to his oath nobody buying this bs but the nutters nobody
  5. Now that’s funny ???? that’s gotta sting lmao ????
  6. God I hope those fraudsters have to pay the absolute maximum amount possible and be forced daily to tell how they lied misled undermined our country all in the quest for money and ratings they are a satirical organization not a news organization absolute bottom dwellers of course they don’t want to cover the fraud they are a major propagator of it!
  7. Thanks onthedarkside interesting reading thank god I’m American and have the freedom to sift through the bs and gaslighting I find it incredible that dissent in Putin’s Russia can get you 15 years In the slammer the russan people deserve better hopefully soon Mr Putin can be given flying lessons without benefit of a flying machine if you get my drift kinda depressing and disheartening
  8. Aye it was a good spritzer and a cold one at that all good in my area no problems and the reservoir that my house overlooks is filling nicely!
  9. Nope not a fan of vigilante justice nor am I hoping something happens to the young vigilante Kyle but if something does well in a karmic sense guess he had it coming
  10. DeSantis just chickened out of the cpac conference the not ready for prime time wanna be tucked his tail between his legs and tippeytoed away from the conference in his shiney white rubber booties lmao ????
  11. I agree with you,but that beeing said after it hit the fan both men turned their considerable talents to defeating the fascist forces but yea I agree especially in the case of Ford I don’t know about Lindbergh in later life if he enlightened his views I hope he did and blessings to you and yours
  12. He is what he is karma will catch up with him sooner or later
  13. I disagree with your examples of Ford and Lindbergh both were people of their times and expressed racist attitudes and isolationism but both contributed greatly to the American experience in very positive and creative ways both contributed greatly to the defeat of the fascist regimes.now in the case of marge and tucker both are a very corrosive ignorant backward destructive force in America im hoping and praying that fake Fox News pays a heavy price for the damage they have done and lose their powers to back the worst in American politics
  14. Love it I want an ev for all the local stuff 90% of most folks car use and keep the truck for the long trips and towing the trailer (hopefully not the ev if the wifey screws up)lol
  15. Uhhh major hissey fit coming from Donnie ???? expect new grade school nickname soon that’s gotta raise old Donnie’s blood pressure lol ????
  16. You aren’t American nor do you have kids in what used to be Floridas education system to get dummed down and stunted in their world view willful ignorance is not a good thing nor does it help America grow into a more egalitarian and inclusive society
  17. It’s more like a war crime than an affront in my humble opinion
  18. Wait stop there (I said he got away with it) the majority of Americans agree
  19. Rittenhouse is from Antioch Illinois he murdered the 2 men in Kenosha Wisconsin that’s not even in his home state if this dude was protecting his home or business against a mob threatening them most folks would understand this wasn’t the case he went out of state vigilante style and killed 2 people last I heard being a vigilante is illegal the vast majority of Americans feel he got away with murder or at the least manslaughter bottom line he got away with it
  20. This is the nutter that went to another county to be a vigilante with an illegal weapon and took it on himself to attack Americans exercising their first amendment right in protesting the extrajudicial murder of mr George Floyd rittenhouse wasent protecting his home or even his own town many here feel it was and is a miscarriage of justice
  21. Personally I think China doesent want to kill injure or <deleted> off the golden goose (western markets for their products)at least for the time being definitely perilous times best case in my personal opinion is for the Russians people to take mister Putin flying without the benefit of an airplane if you catch my drift
  22. The peoples of the pacific only have to look to Hong Kong to see what happens under China
  23. In the case of Ronnie DeSantis or (debloatus) given enough rope to hang himsielf comes to mind espousing ignorance is never a good course of action hopefully he’s flushed before he ruins the educational system in Florida
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