Not a tough call in the slightest stretch of imagination imo I as most would prefer the death penalty if not he will be entombed in prison for the rest of his miserable life soon forgotten at best looking over his shoulder most likely beeing pimped out buy some neonazi all the while being terrified that a person of color or just about anyone else will rip him bodily apart that’s best case for him Imo
It have it did have an intelligence gathering capability also if it was a weather balloon why wouldn’t the Chinese government notify the Canadian and US government about it hummm?that would certainly be the prudent thing to do
Ukraine needs to do is take back Crimea I’d love to see them drive down and recapture maropul then destroy Putin’s bridge of looting thereby trapping the orks starve them a bit then start negotiating the total abject surrender of all Russian forces in Ukraine +reparations let the Russian people take care of mr Putin Mussolini style everyone knows Putin covets Crimea heck he covets all of Ukraine and Eastern Europe remove the head of the snake!
Just put that defective piece of (insert word here) in the general population of just about any penitentiary he will be taken care of in short order im sorry but killing granny as she goes grocery shopping is just as cowardly and despicable as it gets it’s right up there with child rape he’s still facing federal charges maybe they will give the death penalty hope so!
Matty is a rich trust fund baby he has the wealth and connections combined with the sleazy quality of the witnesses the DOJ decided to drop the case he’s a sleaze ball that dodged the bullet due to wealth and connections it helps to be a NEPO baby if he was a regular guy he’d be locked up sleazy dude
Well they are one of the largest donors of military equipment to the Ukrainian military that’s gotta deplete your stock lmao ???? slava Ukraine ????????!
You might have broken through the maga glasses for a second,did he actually comprehend for a fleeting second how utterly ridiculous what DeSantis is doing?anyway kudos to you heybruce I to find it utterly ridiculous
Gee I sure wish old meat face could worry about Florida’s problems instead of hunting the destitute in other states to create more problems in other states at taxpayer expense no less hey meat head how about a little legislation in your own state to help out your own people that’s what you are supposed to be doing what a dirt bag!
Are you quoting hitlers propaganda minister Goebbels sounds just like the tripe he was spreading prior to the invasion of chelsovikia(I know I miss spelled it) to protect the German speaking people no body’s buying it anymore
Uhhhh comrade Snowden is viewed as a traitor by the U.S. government he’d be looking at decades in the penitentiary if we the USA got our hands on him but hey he could be used as fresh meat for Putin’s fiasco
Look who’s escalating look who started it look who is murdering raping look who is looting look who is adding untold misery to the planet the worlds nations aren’t going to let him get away with it
I’ve enjoyed her hehmmm….body of work over the years actually she played some good roles had a good sense of humor from what I understand she was a kind and decent person rip madam you had a good run imo
You do realize the free nations of the world arnt going to be intimidated by Putin I would strongly advise any Russian who has a chance to remove the head of the snake who is threatening the world with nuclear annilation to do so
Oh I just think Putin is upping the the game a bit trying to make nato nervous still the fact remains more warheads in one place that could be taken out easily with conventional means.Also Russia has never won a naval battle that I’m aware of.Russia is the only country rattling the nuclear saber as they invade murder and loot their neighbor slava Ukraine ???????? remove the invader