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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Wayyy wayyy back in the year of our lord 2000 president Clinton balanced the budget created a surplus and reduced the deficit also we have administrations not regimes here we are a democracy not a dictatorship or communist totalitarian state
  2. Kill the head of the snake the orks will return home .the Ukrainians dident deserve this catastrophe visited on their country and the Russian people themselves deserve better this
  3. It’s allready been a disaster for Russia Putin has set Russia back he’s lost everything gained since the Stalin times got lots of his countrymen killed showed how bad and incompetent his military is exposed the rampant corruption for the world to see he has single-handedly made Russia a pariah nation wrecked his economy his legacy will be that of a butcher and war criminal it’s allready ending badly the russan people deserve better
  4. Over 25,000 dead I’m sure many are entombed in the rubble horrific I can’t imagine how horrible it must be to be there
  5. Not in the least surprised and of course he suppressed it.How else could he grift the rubes also in light of this knowledge obviously trump doesn’t care about America he cares about his grift any rational human being should be able to see it.
  6. Yea right we here in the USA must kowtow to China .nope the speaker of the house was 100% right to travel to Taiwan and show the flag.looks like our guys are getting some free target practice.that’s if they are from china could be from N Korea or perhaps comrade Putin
  7. I’m in agreement with you in hindsight it was a horrible blunder at the time our government thought it was necessary but my point remains giving the Ukrainians aircraft won’t necessarily start ww3 I believe we should help them in anyway possible short of boots on the ground or our military pilots in the air,now volunteer pilots…….also on a further note relations between Vietnam and the United States has greatly improved over the years that’s a good thing in my book
  8. Something is up NAS Miramar and NAS San Diego seem to be humming I’m sure curious as to who’s craft they are not smart to keep poking America in the eye
  9. If it proved to difficult for the Germans graves register teams most likely it would be far more difficult for civilians hopefully a proper monument to the sons and fathers who’s lives were wasted in that horrible war
  10. Thankfully in my life’s experience I haven’t had to cope with this level of horror my heart goes out to those affected and now this added threat that just sucks
  11. I’m not so sure you are correct in the Korean War and in Vietnam Russia supplied fighters and attack aircraft to our foes it didn’t result in ww3 the main difference I see is putin covets Ukraine ???????? the Ukrainians ain’t having it if properly supported they will vanquish the orks and hopefully Putin himself slava Ukraine ????????
  12. I personally think it would be prudent to search every property that slippery grifter owns and or rents he obviously can’t be trusted nor can his lawyers
  13. Now over 25,000 dead and not a peep out of anyone here as near as I can tell that’s effin sad guys and gals sad ????
  14. Firstly congratulations to Mr Pence on the two brand new little scallawags. guys that high on the food chain must be awash in secret docs that’s why they need very qualified highly skilled staff to provide protection of our docs I personally do not believe there was any intent on the part of Mr Pence or president Biden
  15. I do belive pence to be honorable but I don’t believe he will willingly throw trump under the bus ???? I do belive that the special council will ask the correct questions and pence tho (squirming) will when forced will answer everything truthfully
  16. Oh nooo are the maga nutters CANCELING thease kids?how woke is that!
  17. I’ll bet that’s got a lot of connected people really really nervous ???? to say the least it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if that kiddie pimp dident keep evidence on his clients to use as leverage in his business dealings yup the rich are sweating it guaranteed!
  18. That’s been done before heck all the way back to ww1 there were crude examples of remote controlled explosive boats and Japan used to put some poor sap in them I’d sure cheer if the Ukrainians could manage to bring down Putin’s bridge to crimea down permanently
  19. It’s political theater mostly it may be affecting ten or so people in that state it isent hoards of kids by any stretch of imagination it’s (maga virtue signaling) another words just backwards thinking that beeing said it must be devastating for the affected kids I wish people had more compassion and empathy for kids like these
  20. He’s trying to come at pence sideways hinting to stay loyal imo I do believe that Mike pence is honorable. I certainly can’t say that for trump.
  21. Putin won’t stop with Ukraine the world learned that lesson on the last go round it’s not going to be allowed to happen again and another thought a dictator ie Putin having to use criminals out of prison to fight his war is not in a position of strength that’s weak slava Ukraine ????????
  22. Something interesting on this at cnn the military says the object shattered not like a balloon apparently it’s wasn’t a balloon
  23. I’m sure there is a well qualified expert team working on this as I type get her done Joe!
  24. Gee I donno perhaps they were tired of all the comments from the peanut gallery?anyway this one was lower and a hazard to navigation hopefully they can recover enough to identify and suss out its capabilities lmao ????
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