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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Thaipo rite now they are discussing trump telling pence BEFORE j6 that if he doesn’t back the coup he’s going to throw him (pence) under the bus by doing his tweet that Mike let America down,this is after he knows he lost the election and before the riot .at a bare minimum it’s being derelict,I’m a lay person but from what I’ve heard it doesn’t meet the legal definition of treason but it’s rite up there.they have proof thaipo this isn’t picking on trump this is what happened.its sad it’s derelict it’s unlawful it’s treasonous trump at the bare minimum belongs in prison.
  2. Quell surprise let the bleating begin here comes the usual witch hunt victim poor me spiel……enough!get the traitor in court he says he’s innocent let him prove it this should have been in court months ago except for judge cannon throwing shade…..she has some explaining to do in my opinion.the dudes an albatross don’t saddle us with this loser!
  3. Huh???what are you trying to conflate now?
  4. I agree the republicans are terrified of their electorate no doubt about it.my impression of the debate is waltz won hands down on substance facts policy and truth +character.vance did well on appearance artfully dodging questions attempting to smear Harris outright lies and not doing harm to the orange albatross,that’s a tall order indeed and he acquitted himself well.Waltz reinforced the case that Harris is by far the better candidate for the American people good job 👏
  5. You are funny!
  6. That’s not the issue to think trump stands for democracy is ridiculous in the extreme he doesn’t have the talent for democracy only the talent to dictate he is what he is
  7. I disagree Vance is more glib and is better looking but waltz is doing just fine what’s going to be interesting is the fact checks.vance appears to me to be telling lots of porkers with a straight face.
  8. My heart is broken I’m sorry kids 😞
  9. I doubt he will force them back,I hope it’s settled soon and in the workers favor especially about the automation concerns.
  10. I enjoyed this bit of truth as well im sure trump gave his diaper a squirt and I’m sure threats and tweets are in the offing.The truth about his verbal vomit hurts I guess.for the life of me I cannot understand how people don’t see him for what he is.
  11. Awww do ya feel better now man baby hummm??lol dumb a$$
  12. Naa you got caught out exposing secrets and putting lives at risk
  13. To me it’s possibly an excuse to go in and wipe out Irans nuclear program…ether way it’s an unwelcome escalation.
  14. The truth is Biden didn’t want to create a distraction with a political dog and pony show as the important work of saving lives and mitigating the damage continues president Biden as backed up by the governors in the affected states as they have confirmed.your straight up lie in this time of tragedy in MY country is a cheep low shot.
  15. Trump surrendered whenever possible rember his bestie little Kim?still cranking out those nukes then there’s his other pal putin giving them the tec to deliver them….trump doesn’t fool me and I suspect you either.he gave us the greatest debt incurred during any presidency in 4 horrific years he presided over the largest jobs loss in our history he was utterly derelict in preparing for the pandemic costing tens of thousands of American lives.no sir he is an albatross and I question why you as a foreigner seem to be such a cheerleader for him
  16. I’m not sure what your trying to conflate if you’re more specific I might bite
  17. Ahhh we all saw that fiasco remember?do you remember general Kelley’s face plant?the palm to the forehead when trump uttered that vomit?or how’s about when he threw us under the bus in helinsky??there are many more examples.look having a disagreement about policy is healthy harboring the idea that trump is a good candidate for potus isn't it’s straight up dangerous.
  18. Go trump go be yourself trump don’t listen to the haters you know best!! Heck you are a New York City trust fund baby!!heck Harris qualifications are nothing…..growing up in a single parent household working her way through college passing the bar became the DA then the Attorney General senator then vice president na Donald your experience of having everything served to you far outweighs any qualifications poor Harris has ehh obvious sarcasm alert time to flush the stench is unbearable!
  19. Fine slap big mouth with a gag order till the cases are adjucated or better yet throw the fraud in prison for his 34 felony convictions…….no more tolerance for his lies!
  20. More like her absence from the campaign heck they had to pay her 200k + just to talk small talk …..meh who cares do you?I certainly don’t.
  21. Quell surprise….heck didn’t that reptile putin kill a plane load of people just to kill his old pal the rouge general?
  22. Unfortunately this one lived up to the hype my heart goes out to those affected batten down the hatches I fear it’s going to get worse not better.
  23. It’s trumps stupid tariffs idea to start his proven history of lies + his managing to bankrupt a casino……..don’t help his image.Harris has real plans and will assemble the team to make it happen,plans that help workers not billionaires…..it’s time dump the albatross!
  24. Trump outright lied 22 times during the debate he was called out twice once for the lie of murdering full term infants and the second for his frothing at the mouth level racist lie about the legal immigrants eating pets.harris during the debate got one factual thing wrong about the # unemployed during the Covid scourge.those are the facts not that it matters to trump supporters.
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