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Everything posted by Tug

  1. We can’t help you with your preferences but hey look at it this way a Harris administration won’t be trying to interfere in your sex life.but that’s just one issue I like her ideas on small startup tax breaks tax breaks for kids help buying your first home keep in mind you still have to build your credit so that’s not a freebie but a helping hand.not taxing tips is a good idea im glad she agrees.we haven’t been allowed the auto / credit card deduction since 1986 that would help a lot of people im curious about how big a shortfall that would create.perhaps if the fat cats paid their fair share it would be doable.
  2. Fuel is expensive enough allready perhaps sink their navy and destroy their weapons factories that would be great!👍
  3. 12 dead Americans so far and untold property damage that’s not a lightweight hurricane most folks heeded the warnings thankfully!
  4. Ahhh trump PROMISE that’s worth a fart in the wind…..might get some of the Uber wealthy excited skip on there taxes leaving the burden on regular folks.
  5. How so?we had an agreement with verification there’s several other things to consider,the Iranian population is getting sick and tired of the mullas remember what happened when they murdered that girl for not covering her hair?they remember the way things were before the mullas ruined their country.imagine how much leverage we lost when trump welched on the treaty.Imagine if we could buy their oil.those mullas would be thinking long and hard before screwing that up because their people wouldn't stand for it.personally I wish they would revolt and get their country back they individually are great people with an incredible culture…..if it were allowed to blossom.I certainly don’t condone nor support the present regime they are terrorists.
  6. Obviously you are forgetting her passing the bar her stint as a DA her stint as the AG for the state of California her stint as a United States senator and her stint as vice president……. Whereas Donald trump’s qualifications as a New York trustfund baby who has never suffered consequences of his actions…….She and Joe Biden share many of the same ideals they may differ as to how to achieve them.they are certainly more qualified and principled than the felon.
  7. The difference is with trump (a) you don’t know if he’s just lying to pander votes and something has to be in it for him.With Harris it’s genuinely for the betterment of the countery.
  8. Huh??did the coconut hit you in the head and knock some sense into you?oh I get it you are trying to be sarcastic
  9. It was addressed someone killed it removing any leverage we had.the other wild card player in this dangerous game that (someone) says they fell in love squandering years of sanctions for a photo op,meanwhile little Kim continues to produce nukes.elections have consequences!
  10. WOW!I sincerely hope it’s resolved peacefully!
  11. Smith is operating within the law it’s extra difficult with a crooked judge (cannon) and the supreme courts ruling on immunity+ the wealth and position of trump.In my opinion after he loses he will pay consequences 34 felonies and counting well over 500 million in fines and counting……+ all the cases the traitor is facing that haven’t been to court.it’s inexcusable these cases haven’t been adjucated before the election!
  12. Anyone who believes trump is religious or cares about the American people is a fool trump cares about money trump and power.enough ditch the albatross and lock him up!
  13. Naa more like rebuilding nato stopping the Russians in their tracks getting the Covid vaccine out to the masses rebuilding our economy after Covid/trump + all that meaningful legislation taming inflation….you know stuff like that.putin knows it’s lights out if he goes nuclear he can’t even handle Ukraine
  14. She’s part of this administration that brought us out of the trump disaster you may feel trump was great I disagree obviously Harris will be just fine we have a good team in place.
  15. It’s sad they seemed to be making great progress until Putin went on this ill fated aggressive war on their neighbors.Russia has much to offer the world they deserve better.
  16. Why don’t you give that tired old washed up old man trump the same advice?people leave his ralleys attendance is down he just regurgitates the same old bile gripes and lies.he definitely stinks as well notice he allways has a fly problem?they are attracted to feces and rotting flesh.
  17. She’s allready stated it as I suspect you know
  18. I didn’t have any problem understanding her now trump on the otherhand……which is a moot point anyway because he is a pathological liar 🤥…..naa she will be just fine and keep in mind she will have an excellent team with her.
  19. To some of us men truth is important,not insulting POWs disrespecting our war dead and vets not embezzling from ones charity paying one bills not attacking the weakest amongst us to try to get what you want…….theres lots more it has nothing to do with one’s testosterone levels it’s called truth integrity and accepting responsibility another words leading by example.
  20. I disagree with trump it will be an all out assault on our democracy as he try’s to turn it into a personal piggy bank for him and his pals.with Harris we will continue to make progress on the economy environment labor voting rights and healthcare + lots more
  21. Ahh there never was a border czar that’s a figment of the retrumplican party’s imagination or more truthfully said just another lie
  22. Then pay attention she’s already stated it she supports democracy nato and a free Ukraine she will not negotiate with putin unless Ukrainian representatives are present.unlike trump when he surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban.
  23. Ya think?lol of course in droves and droves + a lot of us guys who love women and don’t appreciate what he’s done to them!trumps dead he just doesn’t know it yet!
  24. Breaking news trump is making sounds out of his mouth again….meh ….
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