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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Watch without your trump glasses
  2. Trump is reaping exactly what he’s sown both foreign and domestic personally I’d prefer to let the courts deal with him or perhaps his health choices.
  3. Pay attention tonight when Harris lays out her economic policies.I’ve seen some snippets of it allready concise backed by facts and experts I know that frightens some of you but give it a go and compare.i know some of you give more weight to batteries and sharks……tariffs that we pay not the foreign governments…….windmills causeing cancer and killing whales (remember that gem?) the immigrants eating the cats and dogs…..anyway to me I like plans backed up by facts and experts….oh well enough of this you all can get back to your circle *erk.
  4. The BIPARTISAN IMMIGRATION BILL that was designed to deal with the present situation was KILLED AT THE BEHEST OF DONALD JHON TRUMP our system worked the way it should except for trump because it’s not to HIS advantage he is what he is
  5. Whistle whistle come here little doggie…….yea a dog whistle 😗
  6. Trump’s comments are a straight up racist dog whistle Claiming asylum is legal thats the way the law is written we were given the tools to deal with it and trump killed it he needs the issue to scare monger on.he is what he is,he’s certainly not a patriot nor a competent leader.i live south of the 94 worked out of national city for years I’ve known my share of gangbangers over the years.
  7. Tryed pay wall regardless im out in the in town every day for our daily 3 mile hike running errands and active with my neighbors my head is definitely not in the sand.our government was given the tools to deal with the matter and trump killed it no more no less it is what it is.when we put trump behind us we will deal with it.
  8. So the freedom to spread pestilence supersedes the common good to protect public health?
  9. Again what have you done to help the less fortunate?
  10. Why on earth would I do that?im definitely feeling patriotic in voting for democracy and against a fraud/ wannabe ditctator.the old lady and I did a Costco run today I always buy a fryer to give to the homeless that’s one way I give back how about you?
  11. Rite now I’m registered in ca but usually I vote in Arizona .not this time though I certainly can vote blue on any down ballot here in ca,unfortunately all the Republican candidates have a trump stain or were to spineless to stand up for our country and constitution I doubt I will ever be able to vote for a republican again .Trump defiled the party so much I don’t know if it’s salvageable……sad because we need the counter balance
  12. We best keep our guard up until trump is defeated and imprisoned he’s still a threat,I do feel the tide is turning against him but let’s not be complacent he can still win.my biggest fear on this issue is misogyny rearing its ugly head!
  13. Are you Native American?heck are you even American?I live in a border city I have other properties along our border it’s hot air and if trump was so concerned why did he kill the border bill?we all know why he needs something to scare monger about.flush the orange abomination let’s keep adults in the Oval Office get the border bill codified and get to work!
  14. Are these religious bigots and racist doofuses projecting again?as far as the Biden administration insisting people who work amongst others be vaxed absolutely 👍 you are free to be unemployed just not free to endanger others…….
  15. I’m living in my San Diego home out and about every day in my border town……just not seeing it sure it’s present just not to the degree trumps lies and fear mongering would have you believe.don’t be so gullible
  16. We have legislation on the books to handle it as soon as the republicans are freed of the terror trump holds over them or better yet when the dems have control of all 3 branches it will become law and will help alleviate the problem.
  17. Yup what a fiasco that was XI handed trump his fanney on that one and we the tax payers and the farmers footed the bill.i just looked it up trumps tariff fiasco cost the US taxpayer a cool 28 billion dollars in farm subsidies to bail them out for their lost markets.thats from Forbes wow!!
  18. Murdoc is a (news) organization that slants hard right and they have serious problems with facts.please be more specific about what president Biden has done that’s so obscene……booming stock market inflation is being tamed infrastructure done seeded renewable resources domestic mfg of computer chips lowered drug prices…..stands with labor…..supports our allies stands tall for democracy….the obscenity is what trump did to that bipartisan border bill among a host of other failures.
  19. I think we are still paying farmers subsidies from when he ruined their soybean market last time when trump tryed his tariffs with XI……
  20. He’s so concerned then why did he kill the bipartisan border bill?the strongest reform in decades…became needs something to conn the gullible people with.again he wants to deport all migrants legal or not it’s a moot point anyway .thaipo the wall is a stupid idea easily breached and messes with the natural migration of the critters.
  21. The dude is toast pelican bay bound I suspect oh well guess he’s opted for the grey bar hotel retirement plan….
  22. Most folks myself included agree the problem trump has is he wants to deport all migrants legal or not you know like the Haitians he’s lying about in Springfield Ohio they are legal they aren’t breaking the law…..there just the wrong color …..
  23. Funny he’s not hasn’t mentioned the Saudis they are big players especially in pumping down our aquifers in our southwest.
  24. Let’s hope bankruptcy and shutdown!
  25. It’s most likely a moot point trump is trending towards an epic shellacking and the dustbin of history.
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