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Everything posted by Tug

  1. In the case of Covid are there refer trucks lined up row after row receiving the dead?what was the price of milk and bread in 2020?In our car culture here in the states were we have lousy public transportation and everything is farcical apart fuel prices are critical that’s something I watch every day as most folks do.
  2. Yea it would be the worst thing ever to work across the isle ehh?better to have a New York City trust fund baby that’s a convicted felon mismanaged a pandemic that killed more than a million Americans plays footsies with the worst criminals our planet has to offer cannot tell the truth and on and on and on …..I’d call that STUPID!
  3. I’d be delighted thaipo gee were to start…..humm??perhaps we could start off with both the Dow ans s&p 500 breaking records 2ond day in a row btw…..humm…there’s infrastructure……drug prices……Covid vanquished…..excellent unemployment #s stellar property values…..heck lots of good stuff I can buy gas for less than 3$ a gallon in Tucson……I really don’t get were you come up with your hysterical Marxist / communist ideas im not seeing anything like that must be a magga fever dream.I do find it disturbing that we don’t seem to hear much about all the great things happening here,I find that suspicious to be perfectly honest with you.
  4. What a horrific story I wonder why the Inuit people didn’t help them,perhaps they were insane from the lead poisoning they got from their canned goods and frightened the Inuit people away.
  5. So what,anybody can find fault in someone else how’s about trump now he’s threatening people who don’t vote for him and threatening democratic politicians where’s the outrage ehh?meanwhile the economy continues to improve low unemployment high gdp stellar stock market inflation continues to decline……we’re are those story’s……excuse me why arnt those FACTS being told?kinda skewed in my opinion.
  6. That’s a defensive move not offensive,it’s called standing shoulder to shoulder with an ally.not provocative at all.
  7. Definitely worrisome no doubt about it I hope we aren’t saddled with that disaster again……..
  8. Yes it does we don’t want or need a person who is not capable of being truthful you should know this he has no integrity whatsoever none nada zip.
  9. Lmao 🤣 to Darwin Award trainees!
  10. Aw come on it’s trump every third word out of his mouth is a lie he’s a charlatan what do you expect?remember how he was groveling for a Nobel awhile back?bet he starts claiming he got one 😂
  11. You love Putin almost as much as trump sad 😞
  12. Go for it lol 😂 bet you have second thoughts when you see your comrades maimed burned disemboweled right next to ya or perhaps it is they who will see you maimed or killed!!you can’t fix stupid!
  13. Kudos to the TEAM of folks at space x for their achievement!
  14. What on earth is a (leafy canyon liberal?)
  15. Ahh have you listened to trump?and how’s about that Biden economy hummm the Dow broke another record yesterday along with the s&p 500…….and yup Biden stepped aside county before ambition meanwhile Harris continues to campaign in a normal positive manner
  16. I beg to differ California has the 5th largest economy on the planet wonderful weather beautiful lands the property values are through the roof.that being said it’s over taxed imo and no slackers she will chew you up and spit you out.Its been good to me!On topic many women in my experience keep things close to their chest (no pun intended) my feeling is many to keep peace in the home aren’t giving voice to their feelings.the republicans have set them back 50 years and they are well aware of trump’s threat to our democracy.Ive also found in my experience that women tend to pay attention in school us guys are a bit nutty they see the threat more clearly than many guys all hung up on the bravado.lets turn the page ditch the albatross!
  17. Yes better to believe in the New York City trust fund baby with no qualifications (no school records) and random people on the internet or……..believe qualified scientists who have studied this with the aid of super computers……sorry thaipo but I’m a going with the science.
  18. I agree what we need to do is address what we can,electricity production start using were possible renewable sources of energy some things will have to remain the same.shipping and rail transport are polluters to be sure but they transport lots of weight very efficiently.we need to address what we can…..the big question is was Ronnie prancing around in his white rubber goulashes again lol 😂 remember that photo he he he that was funny 😄
  19. I beg to differ it’s entirely germane to this thread as an example of how NOT to handle a disaster.taylor donates a considerable sum to help out whereas trump spreads lies in the hope of discrediting the people trying to help.in order to fool the gullible into voting for him.
  20. I was running errands with the old lady today this was on the radio there was a woman recounting her experience that day .she was 8 she was trapped under a collapsed wall with her sisters she got out the poor kid tryed to find help she couldn’t got lost and the other survivors were to hurt to help.her sisters were burned alive…..obviously she’s a tortured soul.
  21. That’s part of the problem with trumpers they can never ever admit a mistake or wrong doing they allways double down so be sure to flush twice on Nov 6!!!
  22. Oh I don’t know fellas she seems to be doing just fine it’s wonderful to hear a normal person who’s definitely qualified running for the office.There are 2 reasons it’s close misogyny and her race.Trump is that flawed…..im thinking she’s going to win trump is just to flawed we are sick of him.
  23. What an absolutely decent thing to do wonderful Taylor not only are you decent you are also showing just why decent people look up to you kudos !!well done!!
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