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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Verbatim the same bs excuse Hitler used when he forced his way into the Sudetenland my government called him on it along with the rest of the world’s democratic nations followed suit.mr putin is the one that ignited this heinous war.
  2. Totally agree he puts the s in sleaze ball absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever
  3. Straight out of the putin playbook……..
  4. Now there’s the mother of all porkeys!!!
  5. 30,573 lies during his administration found guilty of embezzling from HIS charity found guilty of sexual assault found guilty of paying off a sex worker then trying to hide the FACT twice impeached once for trying to strong arm another nation for lies to attack his political opponent the second time for an attempted coup( lots of countries he would allready be in prison or worse….the bankruptcy’s the scandals jippytum those aren’t dirty tricks by opponents those are things he DID we all see it there were no dirty tricks only one very corrupt mentality ill man who has never faced consequences for his deeds.
  6. Personally I think it’s Putin that’s doing the prodding every one else is reacting.if he keeps it up we just may shall we say …..take the initiative……(not nuclear)…. And run him back to his borders.
  7. Its also against our constitution.FYI yes there are homeless yes there are druggies but it’s not nearly as bad as some would have you believe.
  8. It’s certainly a tool used to grift no doubt about it I wholeheartedly agree with bradiston.
  9. I’m sure the administration is fully aware no doubt about it they just aren’t broadcasting it.
  10. There’s certainly a possibility but the response is a certainty and that knowledge keeps him in check.
  11. Heck yea just surrender to putin ehh?strange how you allways find a way to try to undermine my country and put a plug in for our enemies.trump is lying and trying to sow discord and division to enhance his chances in our upcoming election.no more no less he is what he is
  12. Naa just give him a big fat tax cut and possibly put him in charge of the department of labor.The guy was lying through his teeth and jumping around like a clown…wow!
  13. CNN asked for an interview she demanded a 250k (fee) cnn declined meh….🫤
  14. But but my commissar said it was fool proof lol 😆
  15. Oh dear I’ve been found out lol 😂 naa just another dumb American that doesn’t fall for trumps gaslighting lies and can see him for what he is.
  16. Trump does bigley lol oh the humiliation lol worst yet that raging bull of a stockmarket thriving economy low unemployment…..all he can do is rage ……
  17. Sure did!!unemployment at 4.1% stockmarket booming inflation almost to the 2% target wages outpacing inflation by 2% things are indeed looking up.I know that disappoints many posters who are hoping we fail…….oh well guess we will just keep chugging along!
  18. I strongly doubt they will get off Scot free there are still many serious charges to be adjudicated
  19. I’m glad she’s home poor thing I sincerely hope she and her family can put their lives back together.
  20. It’s inexcusable trump hasent been held to account before the election unfortunately this is the best that can be done for now exposing some of the PROVABLE FACTS in trumps attempted COUP I wish the trump supporters would see him for what he is.I also want to apologize for a term that I used and was rightfully called out for it by the mods my apologies I know the definition now.
  21. Opra Taylor Springsteen………4.1% unemployment booming economy an ex AG running =for real law and order……building our alliances defending democracy……thanks for the boost boss!!
  22. Of course it wasn’t first there’s partisanship but a very real terrifying 2ond theres trumps absolute willingness to send his most deranged supporters after you and your family as proven by Mike pences testimony.Kudos Mike Pence for having the strength of character and courage to honor your oath of office.
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