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Everything posted by Tug

  1. Perhaps so in the bs department,I’d be delighted if he gets fact checked real time!
  2. A sign of weakness putin cannot conquer Ukraine so he’s resorting to threatening Europe and the USA he has to know he and the Russian people will be on the losing end of that…..I hope the Russians take care of their (problem) perhaps a flying lesson without benefit of an aircraft.I wish they would Russia seemed to be making progress before putin started this mess!
  3. I hope walz wipes the floor with that lying two faced opertunist get her done coach!
  4. What a list of non problems the election was secure we are producing more oil than ever before we had a border bill he killed it lots of vengeance against all that held the felon to account.to me it seems he wants to defile our democracy and turn it into an oligarchy like Putins Russia.
  5. Bbbbwwaaaaa!!perhaps it’s because he’s such a despicable person he needs to stop blubbering and whining man up trust fund baby man you have earned the bad press!
  6. Strange how it’s always about poor poor Donald he has to be the biggest snowflake ever heres a hint don’t do crime then no one’s coming after you.we need to put this abomination behind us!
  7. Or a dressing room at the department store ehh?
  8. Why on earth or outer space for that matter would you think I wouldn't be delighted this scum bag is dead?
  9. For that kind of money does malinia give it a golden shower?
  10. Back on topic did anyone watch the trump Zelenskyy meeting yesterday?I did with trump blubbering about his (perfect) phone call you know the one that earned the felon his first impeachment……as far as case for celebration after the upcoming election if Harris wins the women folk will be absolutely beside themselves with joy 🤩 as will be many men our fragile democracy will have survived another attack from the inside and I think the republicans will stop being intimidated by their base.if trump wins it will be a dark day indeed for us and the rest of the democratic world.
  11. A bit of good news to start my day!to long in coming though and the collateral damage is horrible it’s a good lesson for the terrorist and the people who harbor them.
  12. Are you frothing at the mouth with your imaginary outrage?I live on the border the fact is it’s not like the trust fund baby states. a solution was proffered by our law makers and trump killed it so he has a problem to get the gullible all worked up over .it is what it is trump is a flimflam man and it appears you are one of his marks.
  13. Ask trump why he killed the border bill ehh as far as the rapists and murders how should I know I just live on the border never see them most likely is because 99% of the asylum seekers arnt criminals like trump.
  14. Well did you watch it?I did concise factual solutions orientated for real solutions.not as exciting as lying about immigrants eating pets or golden sneakers cartoon nfts nope no lies just stating the problems and finding the solutions……..no prisoners sent to invade like trumps hero actually does and trump says its brilliant…..nope she talked about her and our teams experience putting these cartel members behind bars……getting more equipment to indirect the fentanyl smugglers….
  15. Naa dumped on construction sites most likely must be easy soil to tunnel through…
  16. Huh?what are you on about now?
  17. Lie#1 there was never a border czar that’s a magga lie #2 it is leagle to request asylum as the law is written the bipartisan border bill provides for 1500 direct border patrol agents + judges and case workers to clear the backlog of asylum seekers.i am dumbfounded that anyone cannot see what trump is up to and what an abysmal president he was….thaipo presidential scholars folks that study thease things have adjudged trump as the worst president in our history that’s a sad fact.trump killed the bill because he needs something to campaign on no more no less.
  18. I’m sure Israel will figure out how to locate and exterminate any one foolish enough to try to use them.science and the pressing need will find a way to deal with it.
  19. I was thinking of saying something cheeky but sadly the reality is 5 kids were orphaned .my condolences to her family and those poor kids.it’s amazing to me the effort women exert to look sexy,just exercising eating healthy and to me they are just fine no artificial stuff required a sad 😞 story
  20. Well ok make him into a girl then problem solved lady’s you have a razor use it fulfill his dream!…..(just kidding) what a sex pest meh likely some ticktock idiot
  21. Good!get the bipartisan border bill codified and 650 million in more barriers to me the main thing is get the original bill codified and signed!
  22. Yesterday in regards to Harris Kier Starmer who is that?
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