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Everything posted by Tug

  1. The felon says a lot of (things) personally life in prison + the decapitation of the (little head) would seem appropriate for this particular specimen.
  2. 1500 troops you say……and just how many new border patrol agents + the equipment to indirect fentanyl/drug smuggling + the judges and personnel to adjudicate asylum cases did .so ya lap up the b$ it’s just smoke and mirrors.this issue was addressed within our system of government trump killed it.
  3. I hope the PM succeeds I pay high enough taxes allready us consumers will be footing the bill for the felons tariffs.
  4. 100% agree the oil companies will invest on that infrastructure when it’s profitable for them to do so,the felons words are just flatulence for gullible rubes.he killed Biden’s price cuts on big pharma today effectively shivving each and every senior citizen in the guts + anyone who needs medicine……surprised anyone?
  5. Swish is the sound of you not understanding,he is suggesting that the institutions that have been keeping us safe and btw have made this country the success it is haven’t existed before him it’s hot air or gaslighting if you prefer.
  6. Can anyone even believe this?just what does he think?I guess he thinks the CIA,FBI,department of homeland security the border patrol customs ATF police….us regular citizens haven’t been involved in the slightest ehh?what a load of hot air …..let the constant gas lighting and trolling begin.
  7. Well we do have a felon for president……..so much for rule of law.
  8. More like dressed like the smooth criminal in that m Jackson song.its also ironic the old felon was inaugurated on marten Luther king day….he’s pardoned his criminal co conspirators dropped out of the climate accords wonder how long till he pulls us out of nato?yup he’s just getting started our enemies are rejoicing no doubt about it it’s going to be a long 4 years….
  9. Sooo let’s see,infrastructure,stopped big pharma from ripping us off,domestic mfg of computer chips,stopped Russia (putin in his tracks for less than 5% of our defense budget,revitalized nato adding 2 top tier members,stood with labor,tamed inflation (a world wide problem)avoided a recession,seeded renewable resources supported all Americans in time of need……..not to shabby for a guy without the cognitive ability to reflect on anything ehh?time will tell for the next guy.
  10. I doubt it’s true the adults in the room didn’t want to trigger one of trumps (episodes)so they played along to flatter the old narcissist.im sure they despise him.
  11. We shal see what (your hero) trump does this time,it’s not about being relevant not at all I do strongly feel we have made a grievous mistake putting trump back in time will tell ehh?I remember last time
  12. Then you should understand that you can only do so much especially with 80 mph winds trumps back stabbing is uncalled for it’s just a ploy to rile up folks
  13. Good now start taking his property’s unless he pays up with back interest!
  14. Ahh trump has no ships,that being said if they refuse the United States Navy access then we will take it no doubt about it.also I do not condone trumps bellicose statements in the name of my country.unfortunately we are stuck with him.
  15. You obviously haven’t been close to a big fire I have 80 mph winds there’s f… all you can do,notice most of this is across an urban landscape good luck getting folks to build concrete igloos……all of that being said trumps nasty comments are a cheap shot and unwelcome in the face of this tragedy.
  16. Now that’s funny Trump holding someone (accountable)….. guess we all forgot to rake the forest (floors) ah well what did you expect something constructive?naa just more bile division and rancor it’s what he does
  17. He’s just lying creating rancor and mistrust it’s one of his favorite things to do.its akin to kicking the ant hill……except he is soon to be president ……
  18. That’s right….the dry weather and 100mph gusts couldn’t possibly have anything to do with it… stop whining and bleating it’s a fire.its not someone’s sexual preference and believe me water conservation is a big deal in California I know I pay my water bill every month
  19. Were was the good guy with a machete?just thank your lucky stars that any wacko can get his hands on war grade weapons or as in many states can conceal carry handguns no questions asked like in the states.im glad no one was killed.
  20. Both engines out 500 feet of altitude having allready overflown the runway…….you are going to land no doubt about it.Personally I find it remarkable they got her turned around and made the runway it’s to bad they landed long and floated in ground effect.they had 10s of seconds to set up and land.Its remarkable they made the runway and made a perfect no flaps gear up landing.we Will find out in due time the status of the engines and systems the rest is just speculation.it’s tragic that the instrumentation at the end of the runway was built on such a substantial foundation otherwise I’m sure there would have been more survivors.my condolences to the bereaved oh and they have reported finding bird remains in an engine they didn’t say which one or both.
  21. Agreed it’s good to see this administration doing what it can to protect all of us from trumps spite,it’s moot anyway because it’s a purely economic decision on the part of the oil companies to invest in the infrastructure required to drill new wells anyway.you can be sure that trump will use this sound decision to further divide us and create rancor amongst us,it’s what he does unfortunately…..
  22. Mandatory insurance for your dog,any dog large or small to make it fair.obviously the more dangerous breeds would command a higher premium.any large strong dog is a potential liability no doubt about it.my beloved American bulldog 118 lbs when he died seemed to love humans but would straight up kill other dogs……it was a struggle to keep the other dogs safe.most folks don’t have that commitment.also we NEVER encouraged aggressive behavior towards other kritters he was just dog aggressive since puppy hood.still miss him tho….
  23. I beg to differ on the dems being completely broken they have gotten meaningful legislation accomplished and have stood (and stand) with democracy human rights and labor.the retrumplicans not so much.I think they need to stop trying to get a woman elected president,it’s an unfortunate fact of life in America that misogyny is rampant did Mather broach that fact?.we are going to pay dearly for this mistake im afraid.I hope I’m wrong but I doubt it,time will tell….
  24. As an American I totally agree,unfortunately this mistake will affect us all and not in a good way.I hope I’m wrong but I doubt it.
  25. Yes they will no doubt about it they are more hardy than us humans they don’t need the things nessary to support life.Science is a very factual logical endeavor they are by far and away better suited to gathering the information we need from space.
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