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About Carlosm

  • Birthday 10/21/1962

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  1. When i researched this some years ago i found that the best fruit is pomegranate. Wife gets it from the local market. Doesn't taste too good to me so put it in some palin yogart. Also i found, off topic a little, that 100% dark chocolate is really good for diabetics and can be cut up and put into your breakfast bowl. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i5353588475-s22754380953.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1
  2. I hesitate to challenge you but isn't it spelt: Lifecare lap ? 😝
  3. Thats interesting. Did you find it easy to use/set up ?
  4. Near Wichian Buri, Phetchabun.
  5. Yer, everything i've read states that home Hb1ac test kits are unreliable. My local hospital is goverment, though very good do not do the test nor would they draw blood and send it off. They told my that the nearest hospital that would do it is 40 minutes north of me but told me that every day the queue starts at around 4am and by the time it opens at 8.30am there are hundreds waiting and dozens if queue jumpers. TiT.
  6. I am diabetic and go to to hospital to do a fasting blood sugar test once a month (they also check my urine). I dont think its a good way to test as it only checks blood sugar levels for the last 24 hours. So, was wondering if anyone uses a home test kit to check your hemoglobin like this one :- https://shopee.co.th/Accugence-5-in-1-Multi-function-Blood-Glucose-meter-Uric-acid-meter-เลือดคีโตนเมตร-glucometer-ชุดเบาหวาน-Gout-Tester-เลือดคีโตน-Uric-acid-น้ําตาลในเลือด-monitor-พร้อม-Test-Stri-i.364666565.28319890559?sp_atk=7389d809-4867-4b2d-b1bb-21decfc40522&xptdk=7389d809-4867-4b2d-b1bb-21decfc40522 I'm on a low budget unfortunately so this seems to fit my needs. Thanks in advance.
  7. Happened exactly as you said, waited until my next extension of stay and told them about my forgetfulness. They cut me off finishing my well thought out reason and pointed to the 90 day report desk. Went over, said itslate, he pointed to the 2000 fine message and i showed him the money. Did my 90 day report, he asked me about my extension of stay then he printed me 2 copies so i didn't have. Nice guy, no fuss. 😏
  8. This looks like what you are after :- https://www.temu.com/search_result.html?search_key=Ultrasonic Dog Repeller&search_method=user
  9. 20th this month, its a 4 hour drive there and back but i dont want any complications with my ext'n of stay.
  10. My next extension of stay is on the 20th, is that too late ?
  11. Thanks.... feel like such a plank 🤪
  12. Normally i get an email reminding me to do my 90 day report. This time there was no reminder and i've missed it by a month. Tried doing it online but in vain telling me to report to my immigration office in person immediately. So, what can i expect ?, first time in 25 years but that won't help.
  13. Its meant as a joke .....
  14. Got to laugh tho', Chinese online store that doesn't sell mobile phones !
  15. Phetchabun ... pretty close to Issan.
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