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Posts posted by Sutty

  1. But the bottom line is we all know there will be check points we all know sometimes we will be stopped we all know sometimes very rarely according to most posts here we will get a fine. So be it that's life your not being victimised nor persecuted or picked on. If you have everything in order no problem if like me you have everything then don't bother or forget(usaly the first) to place a helmet on then I pay the fine my bad I don't feel picked on. And before the helmet police start my desicion my life my choice thankyou

  2. If OPS license is correct please answer how long have you been using international license in Thailand?

    Thailand only allows you to use international for 90 days after arrival.

    Not true British License and International Driving Permit is valid for one year.

    With this you can apply for a Thai license without taking any Test.

    Just letter from Doctor

    And proof of residency.

    You are permitted to use that IDP in conjunction with your British licence on a Tourist Visa (or Visa exempt stamp) for up to 90 days in that 1 year validity.

    But thats a little beside the point - It does appear that the Op was targeted because he was a foreigner and viewed a weak target.

    The Op knew his paper work was in order and stood his ground. If every foreigner stands their ground when they know they are correct there would be less targeting.

    That said, the reason the BiB target foreigners is because so many flout the law and make themselves easy and rewarding targets !

    OP: Get a Thai Motorcycle licence - it will strengthen your case in any future stops.

    If the op was targeted as you say because he is a foreigner how did the police know he was a foreigner in the first place if he was wearing the correct equipment plus helmet how did they know.

    Surely your taking the pizz!!!

    Why !!! If correct equipment is worn how can the police from a distance spot the farang!!!!!

  3. I see checks virtually every day in BKK, no evidence that foreigners are being targeted. The only complaint I have is that the offenders are being let off with a "fine". Is it so different elsewhere?

    But your not elsewhere this is there rules live with it

  4. If you mean the road tax there is no regulation to have it attached to bike you must have it on you but it does not need to be on bike. Re the fines 200Bht here in Khon Kaen thai or farang been stopped twice both times no helmet both times 200Bht.

    Presumably that's why he let me off. I did explain in Thai a thief had taken the sticker twice, just wonder how prevalent sticker theft ( to save the 450 baht/year ) is.

    It's 500 baht for a falang in CM, bear that in mind if you come here.

    Cheers just silly me both times I've had helmet with me took of for shopping and just hop back on bike and away. I'll learn one day
  5. Theyve also been doing lots of checks on 2nd road and Beach Road in Pattaya lately, road blocks

    Good for them. Tourists on motobikes & some of the more geriatric expats rival motorbike taxi drivers themselves for crazy speed down narrow sois chock-full of pedestrians, vendor carts, and stopped trucks, and for recklessness generally. And can't believe there aren't more bike-on-pedestrian incidents on 2nd Rd. The more checkpoints the better.

    I usualy find its the non native drivers that are the most dangerous on the back Soi's most natives are well used to drunk tourists and silly old men on motorbikes.

  6. If you mean the road tax there is no regulation to have it attached to bike you must have it on you but it does not need to be on bike. Re the fines 200Bht here in Khon Kaen thai or farang been stopped twice both times no helmet both times 200Bht.

  7. It'll be even worse now when the fortuner driver pulls up alongside an everest...they will need to prove something in their fundamentally inferior ride. Lol

    A Fortuner rear ended my Land Rover a couple of years ago in Chiang Mai. I was approaching a crossroad with the lights on orange / yellow, and ...I stopped !!!!. The Fortuner driver taught I would go on like so many do, and was wrong !!!! The damage on he's car was overwhelming. I's all plastic no real reinforcements....he's radiator was burst....and the attachment for my spare tire was bend a little.....he offered me money, so not to call the insurance, and I took only 500 Thb....


    500 bht wait for it !!!!it's coming I promise you
  8. Ours kicks in after 15 or so seconds of turning tap on then remains on till tap is turned off.

    Yeah, that's how I would expect it to work, if you reduce the flow the pump will eventually start cycling, the period being related to the size of the air reservoir.

    Agreed when we use water filter that's what happens it cycles but that's normal and we only use the filter once a day to top up fresh water indoors. Reducing the flow to other outlets isn't a problem showers have a reducer fitted which is never moved up or down once it was set pump stays on constantly when showers used, toilets well it only takes 15 secs to refill so pump very rarely kicks in, sinks in bathroom again have reducers fitted so we get the flow we want again not moved since set and again pump remind on when taps open. Sink in kitchen same type of configuration just enough flow for what is required again pump stays on.

  9. If OPS license is correct please answer how long have you been using international license in Thailand?

    Thailand only allows you to use international for 90 days after arrival.

    Not true British License and International Driving Permit is valid for one year.

    With this you can apply for a Thai license without taking any Test.

    Just letter from Doctor

    And proof of residency.

    You are permitted to use that IDP in conjunction with your British licence on a Tourist Visa (or Visa exempt stamp) for up to 90 days in that 1 year validity.

    But thats a little beside the point - It does appear that the Op was targeted because he was a foreigner and viewed a weak target.

    The Op knew his paper work was in order and stood his ground. If every foreigner stands their ground when they know they are correct there would be less targeting.

    That said, the reason the BiB target foreigners is because so many flout the law and make themselves easy and rewarding targets !

    OP: Get a Thai Motorcycle licence - it will strengthen your case in any future stops.

    If the op was targeted as you say because he is a foreigner how did the police know he was a foreigner in the first place if he was wearing the correct equipment plus helmet how did they know.

  10. When Oil price drops other things ie goods don't genrally prop in line with oil it may be low today and tomorrow due to Iran influence at the moment but it will go up in the next week if prices where to move on oil prices it would be a constant re pricing effort which just isn't feasible. As for the price of butter it's bad for you anyway

  11. Or maybe they are just doing there job and the op did something he's not telling us !!! Or is this just another Thais get away with everything thread.

  12. Just words on a page/screen and like any newspaper or book is easily put down/discarded if you dont wish to read it.

    If its particular contributions that bother you, use the "ignore" function and you wont see them.

    All you need is a little self discipline, obey the forum rules and there are no issues.

    Best of all, its totally free, 24 / 7.

    But thr rules are not set in stone and are used in a variety of diffrent ways for diffrent people IMHO. Free 24/7!!!! think not the word free is defo wrong
  13. Come to the conclusion that it is not worth putting finger to key pad any more seems to me if something you write is not liked by one person then you have just wasted your time as it won't be read.

    There is more freedom in China !!!! Think it's time to leave and find a friendlier platform which listens to everyone not just the cliques.

  14. So according to your OP there is no vet within 300km now it's 50km and you know all the vets in the area anyone of which could have put the dog to sleep.

    Should I be 'lawyering up' here, officer? smile.png

    To give you an idea of my thinking on this issue, the most sophisticated vet I have used is Saraburi Veterinarian Hospital.

    As an example, they have equipment to measure a dog's kidney function. After accidentally drinking some fertilizer laced water, my dog had off-the-graph kidney failure. The topic of euthanizing Deedo was discussed with the vet. The vet basically refused to provide this service. While I have not had occasion to specifically discuss euthanasia with any of the other five vets I have used in my area, I would be very surprised if any of them would be willing to provide such services. If you or anyone else is aware of a vet who provides this service, would be grateful if you or they would pass the name along for future reference.

    Hey I'm not judging at all would maybe have done the same who knows, was just pointing out the inconsistencies from your OP that's all. Any qualified vet worth his/her salt would put a distressed and dying animal to sleep.
  15. Maybe I should have crept up on the dog, grabbed it, swung it around by its hind legs, and smashed its skull against the nearest cement post. Never mind that I would likely have been viciously bitten by the terrified animal in the process. I'm sure the guard, the three or four customers sitting outside, and the counter girls and mechanics who stopped working and wandered over or looked out the window to see what all the commotion was about would all have been saying, "Wow, that farang, what a compassionate, caring and loving man he is!' You ever have the experience where you think you're talking to a total stranger, and it turns out they know exactly who you are? That happens to me a lot. I always assume that word will get around. If I had put the dog out of its misery, I'm sure I would be branded as a monster who murdered a dog in cold blood for the fun of it. The next time I came for an oil change, I doubt the counter girls would be flirting with me. There's no way that would have been seen as a good thing. What we might universally think of as an act of compassion, wouldn't necessarily be viewed the same way by Thais.

    Or maybe I should have gotten on the phone, called Bumrungrad Hospital's vet unit, and told them to send a medivac chopper STAT. Emptied my retirement accounts to pay for whatever care the dog required. No wait, doesn't Abu Dhabi have a world renowned vet hospital? Didn't the Shah of Iran sent one of his poodles there for cancer treatment? Microscopic nerve surgery, electric pulse therapy, leg casts, physical therapy, rehabilitation strength training. I should have called Kyoto University or MIT and gotten them started working on some doggie robotic legs. Spare no expense. I don't care what it takes. It's probably too late for the mutt I hit, but the next dog I hit is going to get the royal treatment. Promise. I just imagine presenting the rehabilitated dog to it's owners, subtly letting it be known that I had spent 2MM baht ensuring the dog's recovery, only to meet the owner's emaciated daughter dressed in threadbare rags, confused why I had wasted so much money on a dog that they didn't really even think of as belonging to them.

    Also, as another poster mentioned, these dogs are quite resilient and you can't always tell how lasting the injury is going to be. I can't tell you how many times I've either seen or heard doggie collisions, thinking there's no way the dog could have survived, only to find out the dog survived just fine. Even though I'll be the first to admit it didn't look too good for the dog, I can't say for sure it wouldn't have survived.

    I live in what's considered rural Thailand. The Isuzu dealership is about 50 km away from my house. I have owned various dogs over the past 7 years, and know all the vets in my area and what limits each has to the sophistication of the care they can provide.

    So according to your OP there is no vet within 300km now it's 50km and you know all the vets in the area anyone of which could have put the dog to sleep.
  16. Just one question it states ran over a dog near IZUZU dealership am I correct!!!! ! then two post down it says vets in the country side (can I ask where it was) never seen an IZUZU dealership in country side??? I live in a small village in the country side we have a vet in village and so does the neighbouring village they not that rare. Now in not saying you should have done this or that it happens. But I would have questioned the security guard or indeed the dealership as to the nearest vet.

  17. If you are driving at the legal speed on a 3 lane road then the middle lane is ideal, as the left lane is for exit and entry and the right left for passing of the impatient.

    This is called common sense.

    Right hand drive countries, before you try to argue against this statement.

    Funny that isn't thailand right hand drive oh and the UK your so called common sense is wrong call them middle lane hogged. Always if possible move to the left is the rule
  18. my tablet say I have another 36 days before my permit of stay expires. no problem here, I set an alarm 7 days before that send me an email plus alarm.

    to make respect the law, they need to punish people. if you are not punished, why make immigration laws? I paid hundred Thousand baht to remain legal while some guys here didn't pay one baht. do you think it was fair?

    Do tell one hundred thousand bhat to stay leagal spent in what may I ask visa companies!!!
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