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Posts posted by Sutty

  1. How wrong can you be and still breathe? #clueless.

    I do feel sorry for you I wonder if that's why your wife volunteers to work 24/7 I would but hey what do I know your the only expert on here so whatever you say has to be right. After all my business is only 30yr old I'm clueless.

  2. We've had the go home brigade, the stop whining bunch, the newbie gang, the what do you expect nonsense and now, this isn't the west spiel.

    Again, nothing to do with my missus. Just an observation of the employment market.

    If you've any experience of being an employer you'd know good staff are difficult to find. Say it ain't so.

    Have a nice evening.

    I have a small business back in UK small as in 5 staff and my son as manager good staff as you call them are very easy to find in uk. Problem is if you give an inch they want a mile. Now loyal staff is a diffrent thing they will as I have to be flexible last minute changes to fulfill orders are a weekly thing no orders no jobs it's that simple really. All I said in my post before is this is not the west so same work values cannot be used here. Let's face it getting staff per sa in Thailand is easy and maybe your wife's boss knows this. So it's swim in line or sink I'm afraid.
  3. Kind of hard to answer when we are not having such problems. My access is via US IP and nothing slow noted. There seem to be the normal 5 thousand plus uses in the last 60 minutes recorded. Often times when there is a problem it can be do to DNS server not getting updates in a timely manner so you might want to use or use a VPN to see if that helps.

    Cheers is only this forum I have problems with rest of my fave and other forums all good

  4. My Thai wife was asked by her employer to postpone her day off this holiday season because the Billion dollar hotel business she works at is 'busy'.

    Instead of asking what's in it for me? Her and all of her colleagues said ok.

    When will Thai workers stand up for themselves and say no?

    Don't they realise they are being abused? And until they stand up for themselves, pay and working conditions will never change.

    From a western point of view they are fools. They're getting nothing in return and clearly their employer is taking the p***.

    Your four first words in last paragraph should give you a clue this is Thailand not a western country can't apply what does or doesn't happen in West to here. Plus I know there are the same types of employers all over the western front. Was your wife happy to move her holiday???

  5. What's happening to this forum very hit and miss to get into it using a variety of Web browsers. Have to hit the back button several times and re try to load the forum I want tried it on phone/laptop/desk top all the same. Even tried it on brother in laws desk top same results is there a problem with site server ???? Most annoying

  6. As a direct result of this thread and the imminent droght wick I belive will get worse this year it got me thinking about recycling water ect ect as a result I have bought two 3000 ltr water butt's and connected my grey waste showers and bathroom sinks only to them to harvest the water I have then connected them in series with a pump to the toilet systems and outside garden tap. It's amazing how much water is saved by this small measure.both tanks now full and it works a treat

  7. How long have you had the BUPA policy? There is a 6 month waiting period for hernia repair with BUPA and also many other insurance policies. So if you have had the policy for 6 months or less, they are correct in not covering it. (see the section on "waiting period" in your policy document).

    BUPA definitely will cover hernia repairs per se, just not within the first 6 months and also nto if it was pre-existing.

    If you have had the policy for more than 6 months then the only grounds for denying coverage is suspicion it was pre-existing and you can appeal this. Appeal should be to the Office of Insurance Commission. http://www.oic.or.th/en

    Had insurance for 6 months and a few weeks they showed me the relevant clauses as to why they don't cover hernia ops mainly as you said they say it could have been pre existing not my only gripe with BUPA but that's another story. Have details already to appeal will get it sorted first and then appeal.

  8. Laying in hospital bed awaiting hernia op in khon kaen ram hospital.

    Background to this I belive I did hernia in gym about 4 months ago it steadily got worse but I was too busy to get it sorted. Anyway when trying to walk became painful for long peiods decided it was time.

    Called insurance to check all was in order ect ect guess what hernia isn't covered what a waste of space BUPA thailand are they said it could have been caused before I took out insurance so are excluded great!!!!. Went along to goverment hospital in khon kaen was diagnosed with hernia yes we can do it cost 20000bht as it's elective surgery there is a queue no problems I thought !!!! Then told wait for op 12 months. No way of getting that time reduced not even with an offer of tea money (all took in good humour). So priced up this hospital and bangkok price diffrence bangkok hospital KK 130,000bht all inclusive.

    RAM 50,000bht (maybe less depends on tear inside surgeon thinks less but ceiling limit is 50,000bht) all inclusive not hard to see why I'm here. Came in this AM at 0900 to see doctor (first time no appointment) after all tests ultra sound/xray/normal health checks going down for op at 1330 can't beat that. Oh and final irony surgeon came to see me and is the same man as goverment hospital and he tells me he also does sat and Sunday at Bangkok KK. In for 2 nights a tad expensive but can you put a price on health

  9. Another Thai Fail, Educate then we will be Impressed...

    educate? not in this life time! hell, these people don't even have to have a drivers license to buy a car! and the drivers test? all they do is look at a film, are scolded to drive properly , they do not undergo a street driving test.AND they believe in Karma! plus they have only been driving as a mass for less than forty years, that and their attitude that they are better than the regular folks because they have a "car" or truck fuels the attitude,

    " last year i honked my horn numerous times at a push cart driver to get him over, he jumped off his motorcy, opened my left hand door and when he noticed I was a falang, he apologized! dam fool! almost got out of my truck and back handed his sorry ass!

    The General is on the right track, but it is going to be a very long haul to keep these people from killing each other on the road!

    Not only Thais I know numerous farangs driving and owning vehicles who have no licence thai or own country. But that's they way it is and we Ai t ever going to change it. My Mrs drives car and MC no licences never had then been driving 20 years now asked her why not get Licences answer WHY. Yes she has been stopped paid 200 bht got back in waved at officer and drove off. So WHY indeed

  10. Another survey that will reflect the TVF demographic. An overwhelming Yes vote will continue to feed the self-delusion of a marginal sub-set of society. Thankfully, these people have entirely no influence on policy but just add to the noise and chaos that real decision makers have to deal with in the real world.

    I prefer the position taken by the International Red Cross decades ago in 1958 that every person in enemy hands should be covered by the Geneva Convention. This allows only two options; they are treated as a Prisoner of War under the Third Convention; or, they are a civilian and so covered by the Fourth Convention and are tried under the domestic law of the State detaining them.

    US domestic law has created a legal category of 'non-combatant' which is not mentioned in the Geneva Convention. Such domestic law invests the President with certain power but such powers are not covered by international treaty. Practices such as detention at Guantanamo Bay, Military Trials and drone strikes can be easily interpreted as equally unlawful according to international law.

    Unilateral action by any State can be reciprocated in the future. The world would be far safer if States worked under the provisions of multilateral treaties and comply with the law.

    So what you are saying is we have our hands tied behind our backs and we honour the geniva convention. Whilst the terrorist have there hands free to do as they please and kill whoever they like with no come back on them even though they do not follow the afore mentioned convention. Plus as we have our hand tied already were easy to behead. The Geneva conventions by the way are for wars and conflicts not terrorists in any form.

  11. I think the high percentage of motorbikes impounded correlates closely with the fact that over 80% of all road accidents and fatalities involve motorcycles.

    Uncontrolled, unlicensed and uninsured motorcyclists are the most important problems to resolve in Thailand's endless vehicular carnage.


    The car drivers who keep killing them are!

    Another silly answer the figures back up the fact motorcycles are the cause of most accidents far from car drivers killing them more like motorbike riders comiting suicide.
  12. We took taxis for new year's eve. And good thing. Even in the small back roads of Jomtien, police check points were setup. We went through one, 3 on a scooter taxi, no helmets, etc. Not stopped. Just breezed right past some 20 cops. Makes you wonder what they are really trying to do....

    Probably because they realize taxi driver was probably sober and therefore not worth stopping.

  13. Yeah, think we done all the stuff in town now but thanks anyway. Love the morning markets too. Found a really huge wholesale clothes and everything else market coming south into Khonkaen just before Makro on the left. Looks like all the local markets people buy their stock there.

    You could try Nam Nao N/Park. It's about 130 kms south on the nmb 12 highway. Nice jungle walks to suit all levels. 3kms and up. Museum interesting. A huge collection of home made poachers guns etc. You can stay in a cabin overnight too. Welcome to Khon Kaen.

    Thanks for the tip on Nam Nao. I need to be in Khon Khen for a few days and wondering about other places in the region - particularly nature, animals and hikes within 3-4 hours drive on Khon Khen...any great nature around Nong khai or Udon thani?

    I found getting on push bike and exploring around back streets especially off Highway 2 around tesco lotus was good lots of markets ect and just looking was great. Many small temples around worth a look see

  14. 80000bht for what the only thing I can think of there is back tax previous owners or car dealer didn't tax it yearly.

    We sold one recently same circumstances as op wife was there otherwise she would need to sign to give power of attorney to husband or new buyer. Buyer need passport and all the usual copies and certificate of residence. (He had yellow book so no problem having to wait for certificate.

    350bht all done in Khon Kaen

  15. Second year in Thailand and have a car and a motorcycle. I have been on the receiving end of road rage in both. Always as a result of using my horn when someone was about to merge into me. I use it to alert them and they go mental. I couldn't stop amd if I did nothing they ould have hit me.

    Today I got an incident on dashcam where the motorbike rider chased me down, cut me off and I had to slam on my brakes to not kill him. Then he picks up a rock and throws it at my car. I have a nixe dent and gashes to the metal now. All on video, his face, license plate... But it seems like there is no point reporting it after reading this and other threads here. It would end up being my fault since I am not Thai or worse this psycho will find out where I live and come after me.

    It is really unsettling because it happened near my home.

    I am developing a strong impression of Thai smiles and friendliness being less than skin deep and a lot of very angry violent people here despite the teachings of the Buddha. It would really suck to have survived combat in the middle east to end up dead here because of some nonce's delicate ego being bruised.

    What is so broken that there is so much anger and hate teeming just below the surface?

    Personaly never seen this anger you write about no sorry I'm wrong I have in the bars of soi 7 pattaya always farang tourist to drunk or to jealous. If indeed you have the footage of this incident I would go to the police. Did you use your horn against the motorcycle for him to display this rage!!! If not how did ir developed. Personaly I never use my horn now just hang back and let them cut in a lot easier and no danger of conflict

    So if somebody is about to hit your car because of inattention, you'd rather have him damage your car than sound your horn?

    Yes I would have dash and side cameras would prove other cars fault and that's why I pay for 1st class insurance. When all said and done a car is plastic and metal you and me are flesh and blood so in answer to your question yes I'd let it hit my car every time

  16. Second year in Thailand and have a car and a motorcycle. I have been on the receiving end of road rage in both. Always as a result of using my horn when someone was about to merge into me. I use it to alert them and they go mental. I couldn't stop amd if I did nothing they ould have hit me.

    Today I got an incident on dashcam where the motorbike rider chased me down, cut me off and I had to slam on my brakes to not kill him. Then he picks up a rock and throws it at my car. I have a nixe dent and gashes to the metal now. All on video, his face, license plate... But it seems like there is no point reporting it after reading this and other threads here. It would end up being my fault since I am not Thai or worse this psycho will find out where I live and come after me.

    It is really unsettling because it happened near my home.

    I am developing a strong impression of Thai smiles and friendliness being less than skin deep and a lot of very angry violent people here despite the teachings of the Buddha. It would really suck to have survived combat in the middle east to end up dead here because of some nonce's delicate ego being bruised.

    What is so broken that there is so much anger and hate teeming just below the surface?

    Personaly never seen this anger you write about no sorry I'm wrong I have in the bars of soi 7 pattaya always farang tourist to drunk or to jealous. If indeed you have the footage of this incident I would go to the police. Did you use your horn against the motorcycle for him to display this rage!!! If not how did ir developed. Personaly I never use my horn now just hang back and let them cut in a lot easier and no danger of conflict

  17. All this about driving and how bad!!!!! Thais drive so do farangs diffrence is Thais grow up driving the way they do us farangs come over, drive like in our own country because we're far superior aren't we!!!!!!!. Then after we get cut up a few times we suddenly become raving lunatics honking horns (not a thai thing) giving the finger (not a thai thing) oh yes mouthing two little words which would only be deleted if I spelt them out. I just sit and laugh can usualy tell when a farang is driving. I like to sit two or three cars back and watch better than a good pint amusement factor 9. Am I ever wrong yes once or twice it was thai when I assumed farang but not often. Don't belive me!!! Try it and see

    Never seen it yet. See plenty of Thai road rage on TV news every day though, attacking each other with knives, sticks or guns over the slightest perceived insult.

    As you never seen Thais having a go at each other ever not even on the news

  18. All this about driving and how bad!!!!! Thais drive so do farangs diffrence is Thais grow up driving the way they do us farangs come over, drive like in our own country because we're far superior aren't we!!!!!!!. Then after we get cut up a few times we suddenly become raving lunatics honking horns (not a thai thing) giving the finger (not a thai thing) oh yes mouthing two little words which would only be deleted if I spelt them out. I just sit and laugh can usualy tell when a farang is driving. I like to sit two or three cars back and watch better than a good pint amusement factor 9. Am I ever wrong yes once or twice it was thai when I assumed farang but not often. Don't belive me!!! Try it and see

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