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Posts posted by Sutty

  1. Thai needs to introduce:

    • Demerit points,
    • Fines for offences paid in the bank only,
    • Impounding vehicles with charge per day,
    • Serious offences with fines and/or imprisonment, or both,
    • Taking licence for 3, 6 or 12 month for drunk drivers,
    • Cell phone use in the vehicles prohibition,
    • All drugs offences ending up in the court,
    • Speeding above the posted limits ended with fines, impounded vehicles, fines, and courts,
    • Seat-belts, helmets as a mandatory and offenders loosing demerit point,
    • Mandatory examination for all offenders.
    This could change Thailand "killing roads" to a normality.
    To add--your Number 2. Agree money to government treasury--not to the nearest police station or officer.

    None of which are going to happen anytime soon

  2. Nobody can tell you if it's the right thing for you however a non o visa is 90 days that will give you a good insight then you can get a retirement extension as long as you have all requirements again a simple process cost negligible. This will give you a year to look see properly. Health well who knows what's going to happen writing this in hospital unexpected hernia problem. There are insurances you can get BUPA ect but read the small print pre existing not covered obviously.But price for op for me didn't break the bank. As for living here I personaly love it plenty to do for me during day (have land and growing veg ect ect. It's not for everyone agreed but you have got nothing to lose in the end.

    Now over to the gloom and doom merchants on here. Good luck

  3. Yup know, it's a funny thing, but most of the inhabitants of Leeds, Bradford, Sheffield etc are English just as I am. They may have immigration in their recent history but then if we go back a bit further then so do I and many others. England is not swamped with immigrants but is certainly enriched both culturally and financially by them.

    Anyway, I have lived all my life with God Save the Queen and see no reason to change it.

    Words spring to mind coffee. Bacon. Wake up. Smell.

  4. ^Yeah, I agree that is exhausting. Even if you know the route very well from Phuket to Bangkok (and you're very comfortable with the tollway system etc.), it's still 12 hours (or 10 if you know how) from Phuket to BKK, and then another 6 to KK (unless you get stuck for 3 hours in BKK traffic), so, 18 hours is a killer even if you know every part of the route.

    I agree KK to Pattaya 7.5 hrs on a good day but we split it now we carry a tent yes tent found a place to camp for night safe and secure won't go into details where as it won't be so secure then. But it works for us as we are in no hurry.

    Anyway OP hope you have a safe and good drive.

  5. Did for 56 years seen it go down hill steadily try Bradford/Keighley/oldham/Rochdale spot the white man so please don't try to tell me it's not as bad as people say. Pakistani pedophiles rings all over the north west praying on white girls sharia law openly practised in Bradford so please no lectures. I'm just glad I'm out of it it's only going to get worse

    So you don't live in the UK. Your ignorance is showing; you obviously get your opinions of life in the UK from sites like Gatestone.

    But this is a topic about an English national anthem.

    If you want to air your ignorance on life in the UK further, there's a topic in Outside the box where you can do so.

    Deleted my response not worth it

  6. I guess the OP has good reason to use the car(?), else use one of 11 flights daily from BKK/DMK to KKC.

    Yes I agree but becomes a tad expensive diffrennce is we went on to pattaya so all in all round trip flight taxis both ends there and back 14000 bht or there abouts that's for 4 people verses 700bht deisel money 30 bht toll fare.

  7. Did for 56 years seen it go down hill steadily try Bradford/Keighley/oldham/Rochdale spot the white man so please don't try to tell me it's not as bad as people say. Pakistani pedophiles rings all over the north west praying on white girls sharia law openly practised in Bradford so please no lectures. I'm just glad I'm out of it it's only going to get worse

  8. I remember well in a heart to heart with my old man, the right and wrong way to get into or out of the type of situation the OP was in. First if possible walk away never peruse over a small rattle to head maybe he did think it was you by accident let him jog off situation defused.

    If it's face to face and no prospect of a solution you always but always get the first punch in no arguing no handbags at dawn hard and fast. Then walk away it's worked for me lots of times 99.9% first option. If it's the second option try to do it out of sight.

  9. The thing that most of you seem to miss is that thais are completely at the mercy of theist employers..

    My gf has a qualified position at a huge company. Ones in a while she and her colleagues get "asked" or more along the lines of told to work 36 hours straight doing inventory. I ask her if they pay for OT she says "I hope so".

    Forget about thainess this, service industry that. Its about the people in positions of power having zero regard for human worth.

    Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk

    So you think it's only thailand that exploits workers so so wrong on many levels the UK for instance last person I employed before handingmanagement over to son. Young lady 25 yr old diplomas and and O levels coming out of her ears, way way over qualified but after she told me what she had been doing before and how she was totally at the mercy of her employer whims working 16 sometimes 24 hrs a day for peanuts. She convinced me all she wanted was a steady job 9 to 5 if poss but willing to accommodate other shift needs (by the way I pay the living wage and overtime after 39 hrs) she started next day and has been with my business some 4 years now and an asset she is. By the way her ex employer The NHS trainee doctor go figure that one.

  10. It would not be a national anthem then only a substitute England song with no real meaning I'm happy to have God save the Queen as both national and English anthem.

    I don't think that's fair on the other countries in the UK - why should they have their anthem used to represent England?
    As you said the other kingdoms which make up th UK bar NI have there unofficial anthems already. We as English have used God save the Queen for all our sporting/ceremonies and the like and I can never remember any of the other kingdoms moaning about it or making any official complaints. Leave well alone I say

    At the 2010 Commonwealth Games, "Jerusalem" was used by the English athletes and the England Cricket team always come out in the morning to "Jerusalem" its not like its never been used, so England do not always use GSTQ at all sporting events, we just got stuck with it when the other countries of the UK opted for something far more inspiring that GSTQ which lets face it is a dirge, pesimsitic and dour, if even Prince Philip thinks "Jerusalem" is better what more can one say.

    And don't we always listen to what Phil the Greek says!!!!!!!

  11. It would not be a national anthem then only a substitute England song with no real meaning I'm happy to have God save the Queen as both national and English anthem.

    I don't think that's fair on the other countries in the UK - why should they have their anthem used to represent England?

    As you said the other kingdoms which make up th UK bar NI have there unofficial anthems already. We as English have used God save the Queen for all our sporting/ceremonies and the like and I can never remember any of the other kingdoms moaning about it or making any official complaints. Leave well alone I say

  12. I suggest a medlay of every other countries national anthem very few English in England nowadays. But on a serious note why bother changing it isn't Jerusalem a German song!!!!!! Or German music at least.

    The music was composed by Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry, who was very much an Englishman.
    If you say so I thought it was German but still don't se the need to change the one we have
    It's not about 'changing the one we have'. England doesn't have one.

    God save the queen is our national anthem has been since before I was born I'm happy with that don't need some bible thumping school song to replace it. The Queen is real unlike the mythical JC

  13. I suggest a medlay of every other countries national anthem very few English in England nowadays. But on a serious note why bother changing it isn't Jerusalem a German song!!!!!! Or German music at least.

    The music was composed by Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry, who was very much an Englishman.

    If you say so I thought it was German but still don't se the need to change the one we have

  14. It is a nice picture. But one could be critical.

    Hope Orlando realizes that through his picture he has shown a police officer helping foreigners commit an illegal act as these have been banned.

    If one was really critical, attention should be on the unsupervised little girl in the snap who could easily duck under the float and set fire to her head. Only takes a second or two.

    Not trying to be a killjoy, but there you go..............................sad.png

    Pictures can tell different stories.

    Ha ha

  15. This forum has thrived for years off massive amounts of stories of personal misery.

    It is very rare to read a happy or successful story that is truthful and full of verifiable facts. (not counting all the unverified, self-proclaimed keyboard millionaires)

    With the last regime change, VISA requirements are getting tougher for many.

    Divorce is rife.

    Many school teachers finding out they cannot financial make ends meet or are not happy with what little they have.

    Many have become professional bar stool sitters.

    Many have told so many stories, their own mothers do not believe them.

    So why are all the thousand's of "sad sacks" that write 10,000 posts a week of their extreme trials still doing in Thailand?

    We have all heard all the stories. "Yeh, I came to Thailand from the UK because I love Asia" when you probably had no idea where on the map Asia is but in fact probably came because you heard a story how easy Thai girls were to get for the old, poor, ugly, you name it types.

    So talked yourself into coming to Thailand with a few bucks in your pocket, thinking if the case runs out you can always getting a job teaching English, even though you may not have even finished high school in your own country and have no bonafide education or skills to legally exist in Thailand.

    So the dream of the beautiful Thai girl landed you in Thailand and yes, even you were able to find one.

    Even with that many have already been divorced from the "easy" Thai girls once or twice or more.

    Many have a wife and kids. Kids that will grow up in Thailand with a piss poor education and no possible way to get out of the standard Thai poverty lifestyle (Knowing that Thai graduates from Uni make 15,000 baht a month which will never be enough for a house or car)

    Medical insurance? Many have none and will eventually die leaving a financial burden on their poor family left behind.

    So what is keeping you in Thailand?

    Some strong souls have admitted they have no where to go back to, no education, no job skills in their own country. They probably do not have a choice and you have to respect those that tell the truth.

    Others retirees living on a meek pension think they have it made compared to their own country? One really has to question when you compare exact apples to apples whether this is true or not. A 1 room flat is cheap in Thailand but probably can find a 1 room cheap anywhere in the world if you wanted to.

    Reading the Thai news, the economy, the politics, the language, the VISA's, not being able to own land, succumbing to lowering yourself to teach English to survive, all the trash, pollution, scams, crime. Then add in no insurance, no SSN, many probably not keeping up with taxes, etc.

    With all that going against you, what exactly is going for you after you get the girl and family?

    I would be ashamed to admit to anyone if I moved 10,000 miles away and could only make $1,000 a month. Not quite the same as an oil workers salary.

    I have a couple of friends that moved to Thailand, married now, have kid/kids. Want to go back to their home countries but have no money and no home to go back to.

    Illegal VISA options all but run out. Stressed out knowing their Thai world is closing in on them.

    The older you get, the harder it gets

    So why are you still in Thailand?

    My Situation:

    Lived in Thailand for over 10 straight years

    Found the Thai wife, have a kid

    Moved back to Florida USA - Back to Corporate America, near the beach, climate same although cooler than Thailand, lots of Thai people, numerous Thai restaurants, Thai grocery stores to buy anything Thai and cook your own.

    So basically everything is the same as in Thailand except it is much safer and cleaner where I live.

    What is not the same:

    Have huge income

    Nicer house and vehicles

    Nicer places to visit on weekends, holidays, cruises, etc. It's Florida!

    Kid is in an excellent school, will be able to go on to Uni and actually have a future when he graduates

    We even have a Thai temple

    As is in Thailand, we have Thai's here working at Walmart just getting by but most appear to prefer it to Thailand

    And your point is !!!!

    Personaly I am fine here in Thailand away from the rat race. Each to his/her own enjoy the rat race cut throat people.

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